Zone1 No Christian can vote for Kamala

I won't be voting for her, Christian or otherwise.

Her entire history has been one of opportunism and entitlement. Her entire life has been one of picking easy cases or charging people for minor offenses, guilty or not, because they were easy wins to add to her CV, while ignoring more important, more serious crimes, just to bloat her "success" record as a prosecutor.

That included convicting people of minor marijuana offenses while SHE HERSELF SMOKED POT.

On top of that, she worked to KEEP people in prison who were otherwise innocent and should have been let out.

The rest of her career has been based on blow jobs and black entitlement, while running from the slightest actual responsibility that incurred any risk as VP.

Now, the least popular candidate in the 2020 primaries, she is being handed a shot at the presidency, yet NO ONE HAS ACTUALLY VOTED FOR HER. Meantime, the woman is a marxist idiot who has never uttered a single halfway intelligent thing in her life.
Yeh, I know. But hopefully the uninformed read these comments here because no way can we have this airhead running the country. She's done enough damage. She was border "czar" and didn't do a damn thing.. now the leftists media.. What else? Want to take back that Czar title and say she was never assigned to be in charge of the border. What a bunch of weasels. Our country will not survive w/ those people in charge..
are you voting for donny?

try a little matthew 6: 5-13.
Oh, look, a clueless dim (redundancy alert) who advocates murdering unborn children (another redundancy) is telling me to read the Bible!

Here, kitty, kitty

You know what that means..?

Rightwinger said those who put others on Ignore are pussies..

Here kitty...

No true Christian condones abortion at any age (gestation).

We have to live w/ the laws we have, but the laws don't make a lot of sense.. (these age cut offs). A child is not a child at 20 weeks but not at 10
Oh, look, a clueless dim (redundancy alert)

so witty yet factually untrue.

who advocates murdering unborn children (another redundancy) is telling me to read the Bible!

pointing out what the good book says is always a matter of inconvenience to those who pick & choose. kinda like using the sodom & gomorrah passages to advocate homgay fear & loathing but forget the rest of the story..............

Here, kitty, kitty

You know what that means..?

Rightwinger said those who put others on Ignore are pussies..

he's right. you think you're on iggy from me?


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