A good bit of black america does NOT support Kamala Harris

Yes, Years ago the (D) started the KKK.
I said current.
You bringing up Byrd and marvin martian posting that stupid pick he has posted 100's of times proves NOTHING about todays racists.

This happens too often.
View attachment 984095
If you are to be believed, Democrats rebelled against their own party which was proud of slaves. Who was the leader of Democrats who decided Slavery was wrong?

As recently as FDR Democrats accept as fact on their say so that Blacks were inferior and not worth being in combat in the Army forces in Europe. I don't recall blacks in combat against Japan either. It would have made a movie were they fighting the Japanese.

Did it occur to you that the Movies ignored blacks as combat troops? Even in Korea after the Truman doctrine I can't think of any movie made talking up blacks as combat troops.
The democrat party has historically been the "Party of Slavery". Biden was an associate of Robert Byrd. You claiming someone is a "racist" means only that you heard or read something you nelieve is clever to repeat.
Maybe he thinks he is attacking democrats by leaping all over Republicans. When he talks of Slavery, he focuses not on Democrats but just on Republicans.
Yes, Years ago the (D) started the KKK.
I said current.
You bringing up Byrd and marvin martian posting that stupid pick he has posted 100's of times proves NOTHING about todays racists.

This happens too often.
View attachment 984095
No. Itt doesn't happen often. It is by far, the exception. Lecture us about the shootings that cut down blacks and are a fixture in large, DEM/Socialist run cities.
You do not follow even processes that are in law, such as a trial of a party. What you say about Trump is a stinking opinion on your part but you were not a witness to things you claim about Trump. You tell us he is a con man. But you do not support him such as showing us where a Trial says this about him. As it is, Trump has been drug into courts far more than is reasonable or understandable. I have long believed Obama got this ball rolling when he was in his last month as president when he issued a paper talking of the Russians and Trump. Trump is lied about so much one can count those lies in the thousands of them. You speak of Trump and adultery but never mention you never at any point saw this done by Trump. You seem to take stories by others as facts until you learn they are Republicans telling you facts. Those you deny.
You tell us he is a con man. But you do not support him such as showing us where a Trial says this about him.

Trump University.

Taken to Court, trump Settled.
Trump CONNED 100's of Students, but you will claim that since there was no final verdict, trump is innocent. That's NOT how it works pal.

You speak of Trump and adultery but never mention you never at any point saw this done by Trump.

True, I never set eyes on a trump affair, and you never saw Kamala give a single Blow Job nor Joe Biden Shower with his daughter.

Trump has factually cheated, by his own admission, on ALL of his wives. That is adultery.
You tell us he is a con man. But you do not support him such as showing us where a Trial says this about him.

Trump University.

Taken to Court, trump Settled.
Trump CONNED 100's of Students, but you will claim that since there was no final verdict, trump is innocent. That's NOT how it works pal.

You speak of Trump and adultery but never mention you never at any point saw this done by Trump.

True, I never set eyes on a trump affair, and you never saw Kamala give a single Blow Job nor Joe Biden Shower with his daughter.

Trump has factually cheated, by his own admission, on ALL of his wives. That is adultery.
With all of those riots, African Americans in the inner cities were conned by their Prog Socialist Party. The damages were immense and the people living in them are still feeling the effects and will for a long time. I am hoping the Pro Socialist Party elites do not push and start more riots if Trump wins. They will never make the losses up then from the previous riots.
With all of those riots, African Americans in the inner cities were conned by their Prog Socialist Party. The damages were immense and the people living in them are still feeling the effects and will for a long time. I am hoping the Pro Socialist Party elites do not push and start more riots if Trump wins. They will never make the losses up then from the previous riots.
Nice deflection from the discussion of trump being a con man.
Denial is strong.

No way you can admit that trump is a life long lying con man.......can ya?
You tell us he is a con man. But you do not support him such as showing us where a Trial says this about him.

Trump University.

Taken to Court, trump Settled.
Trump CONNED 100's of Students, but you will claim that since there was no final verdict, trump is innocent. That's NOT how it works pal.

You speak of Trump and adultery but never mention you never at any point saw this done by Trump.

True, I never set eyes on a trump affair, and you never saw Kamala give a single Blow Job nor Joe Biden Shower with his daughter.

Trump has factually cheated, by his own admission, on ALL of his wives. That is adultery.
Trump was busy with buildings and Golf Courses. You do know Trump was conned into putting money into Trump university don't you?
A few minutes later, the real estate developer and former reality TV star wrote another post, saying, “The ONLY bad thing about winning the Presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!” Shortly after being President this came out.

It wasn’t that long ago that Trump vowed to not back down against the three civil fraud lawsuits. In February, he wrote on Twitter, “Trump University has a 98% approval rating. I could have settled but won’t out of principle!”

Lawyers for Trump announced Friday that all three lawsuits against the now-defunct Trump University were settled with no admission of wrongdoing.

"We can all put the history behind us and move forward. That is certainly the view of President-elect Trump who looks forward to tackling the problems of our country,” Daniel Petrocelli, Trump's lead attorney on the case, told reporters.

Biden's own daughter told this story in her own made public diary. She put the blame on showers with daddy for her super interest in having sex.

Notice my claims about you. You will raise holy hell about Trump and lift the blame off of Biden even when his daughter claims he took showers with her. This at least is strange as fathers are not generally known for this.

Can you name other presidents who also committed adultery? What about Biden with Jill?

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