500,000 Condoms distributed to Paris Olympic Athletes: Beyond Despicable.

No, it's not. Bad consequences don't care what you think it is immoral or not.
The consequence of sex is usually orgasm. Have you had one? Not a bad outcome if you're asking me. Hence the subjectivity. Maybe you don't like orgasms? :dunno:
The consequence of sex is usually orgasm. Have you had one? Not a bad outcome if you're asking me. Hence the subjectivity. Maybe you don't like orgasms? :dunno:
Sex outside marriage damages the participants emotionally. Often people don't realize it unless they're pretty damaged. Some don't ever realize it's why they're messed up.
So is being Uber wealthy. N
Not sure that's always true, but usually it is. The problem is even philanthropists can think they know more than God, and donate to immoral causes that actually hurt people instead of help them. The Gates' are an example of that.
Sex outside marriage damages the participants emotionally. Often people don't realize it unless they're pretty damaged. Some don't ever realize it's why they're messed up.
If a tree never falls in the woods did it really even fall? :dunno:
Sadly, there are those who never learn why they are messed up. Perhaps you're one of them.
Again, if a person never learns they're messed up.... were they? Cause honestly I feel fine. Blessed even. See that little guy in my avatar? I don't give a shit what's going anywhere else outside that smile and the embrace of my loved ones. Which are many. I have four very large families.
Again, if a person never learns they're messed up.... were they? Cause honestly I feel fine. Blessed even. See that little guy in my avatar? I don't give a shit what's going anywhere else outside that smile and the embrace of my loved ones. Which are many. I have four very large families.
Four large families. Hmm. Sounds like a bunch of step kids.
Why would the organizers take it up on themselves to do this? If the athletes want to engage in reproductive behavior, it is assumed that they are too irresponsible to take precautions against procreation or the spread of disease.

Are they trying to guard against these fukkers impregnating French women? I can think of no other reason.

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