A good bit of black america does NOT support Kamala Harris

Grow up OLD man.
You say I won't attack (D), but in reality you refuse to attack (R).
So there is that. ^^^^^^^

I have started threads on Biden needing to drop out, "Who Replaces Biden" because Biden was getting worse. And you dismiss this. WHY.

Trump is mentally unstable, you won't acknowledge that FACT.

I do Despise TRUMP.
It's easy, he's a total POS, lying Con Man.
I dare you to say ......

"Yes, trump has committed adultery". but you're OK with that FACT.
"Trump LIES constantly." and I won't deflect to (D) to defend trumps LIES.
You have a point that I support Republicans. But what is left? I can't support the Democrats as you do. Sure you talked a game about Biden leaving. Then what is next? You here supporting the next Democrat, Harris. I have commented on how Trump talks. I have said he annoys me. But him trying to keep America safe is what he should do. And he does. Buddy, if adultery bugs you, many presidents have done the same thing. And who a man pokes his dick into is not the problem first on my mind. It is yours. Biden has lied for his entire career. Either you like lying or you ignore his lies.
Funny though. When you were a Dem there was a strong element of SOUTHERN racism in the party. That’s gone from the Dem party and strangely… so are you
Exactly. Robert W can factually claim that (D) started the KKK, and he would be correct.

What Robert won't acknowledge is that those Southern Confederate Racists are todays Southern Racist (and Idaho) who are NOW voting (R).

Inconvenient FACT, huh Robert W
Horse shit

That’s not why bugs you since you ARE a racist yourself and Dems aren’t racist.

Funny though. When you were a Dem there was a strong element of SOUTHERN racism in the party. That’s gone from the Dem party and strangely… so are you
Democrats used blacks as slaves, today they use blacks as supporters. Blacks who are smart are bailing out. I am not part of the South you bring up. Where I was raised I do not recall any blacks in any school prior to high school where we had a student body of many thousands of whites and a smattering of blacks who were no problem whatsoever to any of us. I was not aware of racism in high school.
Democrats used blacks as slaves, today they use blacks as supporters. Blacks who are smart are bailing out. I am not part of the South you bring up. Where I was raised I do not recall any blacks in any school prior to high school where we had a student body of many thousands of whites and a smattering of blacks who were no problem whatsoever to any of us. I was not aware of racism in high school.
Again. When part of the Dem party was racist (mostly the southern part) YOU were a Dem.

You left the Dem party right when the racism was leaving it

Funny how those two things happened at about the same time
Exactly. Robert W can factually claim that (D) started the KKK, and he would be correct.

What Robert won't acknowledge is that those Southern Confederate Racists are todays Southern Racist (and Idaho) who are NOW voting (R).

Inconvenient FACT, huh Robert W
Where are the blacks you believe bother me? I don't travel to the South since maybe 15 years back. I saw racism there in 1962 but not a lot more recently. I have not had those living in the South talk as you talk. Not talking to me when right in front of one of them. Slavery to them is a pet issue they love to use. While crying they quit having them as slaves.
Again. When part of the Dem party was racist (mostly the southern part) YOU were a Dem.

You left the Dem party right when the racism was leaving it

Funny how those two things happened at about the same time
Carter is why I left. Nothing was about Race. You talk of Blacks leaving Republicans in the 1930s when it was the money from FDR that bought off blacks.
Name the LIES that Biden has told.

Just your top 3.

Just as I expected. You rushed to defend Democrats again.

Here are seven:
Where are the blacks you believe bother me?
When did I ever suggest anything remotely close to your claim?
Did I say Black bother you? NO

Am I claiming that today (R) party has more racists than todays (D)'s.


Prove me wrong by pointing out a NOTED (D) supporter that is currently tabbed as a racist?
The democrat party. The Party of Slavery.
Oh Hollie.
Can you back that up with ANY current (D) that has shown to be racist.
Whereas, Nick Fuentes is clearly a (R) and Clearly a Racist.

Who you got to back up your claim.
When did I ever suggest anything remotely close to your claim?
Did I say Black bother you? NO

Am I claiming that today (R) party has more racists than todays (D)'s.


Prove me wrong by pointing out a NOTED (D) supporter that is currently tabbed as a racist?

Oh Hollie.
Can you back that up with ANY current (D) that has shown to be racist.
Whereas, Nick Fuentes is clearly a (R) and Clearly a Racist.

Who you got to back up your claim.
No you did not. Why are you discussing this? I did not say blacks bother me. I did not claim to be racist. Why are you telling a tall tale about Republicans supposedly being Racists? You want proof Democrats are racists? One of their favorite topics is what race is so and so. I don't worry about Democrats being racist until a Democrat brings it up.
I do not know Nick Fuentes. I don't tend to judge others by claims made here by Democrats.

Here is what bugs me this moment.
Why do you defend Biden? When will you defend Trump?
I will NEVER defend trump. Nothing to defend. Lying POS con man.
Haven't I made that clear to you yet?

I said Biden should drop out, why do I need to defend biden when I acknowledge that he is currently NOT the same as he once was?
I advocated for Biden dropping out.
Why do you KEEP saying I won't attack biden?
I will NEVER defend trump. Nothing to defend. Lying POS con man.
Haven't I made that clear to you yet?

I said Biden should drop out, why do I need to defend biden when I acknowledge that he is currently NOT the same as he once was?
I advocated for Biden dropping out.
Why do you KEEP saying I won't attack biden?
Frankly what you claim about Trump proves just how bigoted you really admit to being. You don't need to defend Biden. You tell us you want him gone. I agree.
When did I ever suggest anything remotely close to your claim?
Did I say Black bother you? NO

Am I claiming that today (R) party has more racists than todays (D)'s.


Prove me wrong by pointing out a NOTED (D) supporter that is currently tabbed as a racist?

Oh Hollie.
Can you back that up with ANY current (D) that has shown to be racist.
Whereas, Nick Fuentes is clearly a (R) and Clearly a Racist.

Who you got to back up your claim.
The democrat party has historically been the "Party of Slavery". Biden was an associate of Robert Byrd. You claiming someone is a "racist" means only that you heard or read something you nelieve is clever to repeat.
Southerners, yes (D) at the time, started the KKK.
These Southerners are Conservative Confederates and support todays Right Wing.
Parties changed, people didn't.
The ONES fighting FOR slavery were right wing Southern Confederates.

So you can take your fake rage that todays (D) are racist.
The support of the KKK is a right wing thing Robert.

See trump and Nick Fuentes.

Yeah, no.

The democrat party has historically been the "Party of Slavery". Biden was an associate of Robert Byrd. You claiming someone is a "racist" means only that you heard or read something you nelieve is clever to repeat.
Yes, Years ago the (D) started the KKK.
I said current.
You bringing up Byrd and marvin martian posting that stupid pick he has posted 100's of times proves NOTHING about todays racists.

This happens too often.
mcmichael mug shot.jpeg
Please explain.
You make no sense.
You do not follow even processes that are in law, such as a trial of a party. What you say about Trump is a stinking opinion on your part but you were not a witness to things you claim about Trump. You tell us he is a con man. But you do not support him such as showing us where a Trial says this about him. As it is, Trump has been drug into courts far more than is reasonable or understandable. I have long believed Obama got this ball rolling when he was in his last month as president when he issued a paper talking of the Russians and Trump. Trump is lied about so much one can count those lies in the thousands of them. You speak of Trump and adultery but never mention you never at any point saw this done by Trump. You seem to take stories by others as facts until you learn they are Republicans telling you facts. Those you deny.

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