‘I think she’s an idiot’: MSNBC’s female focus group is devastating for Kamala Harris

Obamas endorse Harris' presidential bid​

Fri, July 26, 2024, 3:00 AM MDT·2 min read

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh::laughing0301::laughing0301: a 3:00am middle of the night endorsement -tackly and unheard of:abgg2q.jpg:
He must've been REALLY high.
MSNBC conducted a focus group of female voters and it didn’t go well for Vice President Kamala Harris.

With Harris gaining massive popularity practically overnight, it’s important to know if the enthusiasm shared on social media is reflected by people planning to hit the polls in November. If MSNBC’s focus group is anything to go by, the vice-president-turn-presumptive-nominee has a lot to fear.

Political analyst Elise Jordan asked the women how Harris compares to President Joe Biden, who was encouraged to drop out of the race by his own party.

“How do you perceive VP Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience?”

“I think she’s worse,” one of the women said. “She doesn’t even know what’s going on at the border. That’s what she was supposed to be doing and in charge of. I mean as a school teacher if I did not do what I was supposed to be doing, you better believe my job would be in jeopardy. Well, it isn’t. Not only was her job not in jeopardy, she was just handed a promotion.”

“I would never consider voting for her,” another voter responded as the rest of the panel murmured similar sentiments.

“I would consider RFK Jr. way before voting for her,” a third voter added.

Jordan then noted that Harris isn’t the first female to run for the Oval Office, so her gender likely wouldn’t sway the group to vote for her based on the historical implications of the first woman president.

“When do you think America will have a female president?” she wondered.

“When there is a competent one,” one lady said.

“I don’t get a good feel for her,” another mentioned.

“I think she’s an idiot,” piped up a third.

“Why do you think she’s not that bright?” Jordan grilled.

“Because she hasn’t done anything in the time that she’s had,” the voter responded. “We don’t know anything about her, as far as her three years so far in the White House. She’s not real smart.”

BJ -

wow and that is MSNBC people.

Dems are going to cry so hard

The media is remaking her as fast as they can, but -

She's so terribly inauthentic, and it shows here most of all. Kids--and I don't mean this in any demeaning way--are like dogs in that they can sense peoples intentions and authenticity. They know if you're talking down to them. She's so fake here with these kids and so cringey.

I don't think that slut shaming is the answer -

More meaningful was that Brown financed her run into government where she could then dismiss all the charges against Brown and his associates.

Just like the lawfare used against President Trump, only in reverse.
right people change - you get to do one slut shame then move on no more
One also said they were afraid of her because of the enthusiasm around her. Good. They should be. :lol:
She'd better HOPE there's enthusiasm around her now, because this is the honeymoon phase when people are excited about a new face after the wrinkled visage of Quid Pro Joe filled their screens. That won't last too long, however, as people get a better idea of her competence (not great), policy proposals (scary as carp), and general demeanor (not very pleasant). Then, of course, there's the TRUMP! buzz saw. The real race will start after the convention, where she should get another bump as long as the DNC brownshirts keep the democrat protestors ticked off at being disenfranchised again out of the arena and cameras don't pick up on the violence outside.
She'd better HOPE there's enthusiasm around her now, because this is the honeymoon phase when people are excited about a new face after the wrinkled visage of Quid Pro Joe filled their screens. That won't last too long, however, as people get a better idea of her competence (not great), policy proposals (scary as carp), and general demeanor (not very pleasant). Then, of course, there's the TRUMP! buzz saw. The real race will start after the convention, where she should get another bump as long as the DNC brownshirts keep the democrat protestors ticked off at being disenfranchised again out of the arena and cameras don't pick up on the violence outside.
The honey moon phase will come after the convention and she's actually nominated. This is just foreplay.
Right wing media has powerful propaganda and has already worked hard to misinform people like in the OP. It’s always an uphill battle to combat their lies.
The honey moon phase will come after the convention and she's actually nominated. This is just foreplay.
the honeymoon will be delayed...

voting starts six weeks after the democrats convention ends. It will be all business setting up the apparatus.
The honey moon phase will come after the convention and she's actually nominated. This is just foreplay.
Actually, no. It's now, while she's put out no policy proposals, not been grilled on how she will deal with the problems of the day, not had her legislative past (such as it is) exposed and picked over, not had her actions in California laid open, not had some of the men she tried to keep in prison after they were supposed to be released on camera accusing her of such, etc. Once the TRUMP! buzzsaw puts that stuff front and center and the media is subsequently forced to talk about it (because they can't help but talk about everything he says), and endless loops of her laughing as well as the word salads she served up are seen in ad after ad, the shine will wear off and we'll be back to reality. There's only so far that NOT being Quid Pro Joe can carry her.

Parenthetically, has everyone noticed how VERY quickly they dropped him off the radar screen?
Wow, this drive by post sounds legit. Wonder which poster this is. :rolleyes:
The person in the focus group notes the right wing talking point claiming that Harris was somehow in charge of the border which is untrue.

Doesn’t matter which election we are dealing with, we always have to combat these lies among the right wing media.
The person in the focus group notes the right wing talking point claiming that Harris was somehow in charge of the border which is untrue.

Doesn’t matter which election we are dealing with, we always have to combat these lies among the right wing media.
Oh, okay, 🧦.
I saw a poll last night that showed COLLEGE-EDUCATED women were pulling strongly for Trump over Harris. So much for the demeaning remarks by libs that it’s the smart women who vote for Dems!
The MSM propaganda about Harris popularity is laughable, she barely garnered 5% from her own party in the primary. She's far less likeable than Hillary...and what's with the big hairspray frozen hair?
The person in the focus group notes the right wing talking point claiming that Harris was somehow in charge of the border which is untrue.

Doesn’t matter which election we are dealing with, we always have to combat these lies among the right wing media.

Biden put her in charge of the border.

Your echo chamber was giddy about her having real responsibility.

Now since the border polls the worst issue for Biden - they are frantically erasing all of that.

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