The Truth About Project 2025 | The Culture War with Tim Pool

why not read it yourself instead of letting others tell you what it is
It is a hell of a screed. But there are policy proposals within, but it is like finding a needle in a haystack of nothing but platitudes. For example,

Some are obvious and long-standing goals like eliminating marriage penalties in federal welfare programs and the tax code and installing work requirements for food stamps. But we must go further. It’s time for policymakers to elevate family authority, formation, and cohesion as their top priority and even use government power, including through the tax code, to restore the American family

Democrats should seize on such quotes. Eliminating marriage penalties in federal welfare programs--just exactly what does that mean? Well, Sally is a single mother, she has two kids from a former boyfriend, she collects food stamps, Medicaid covered her pregnancy and the children until they are five. She works, waits tables at the local diner. And she lives with Richard. He is a stand-up dude. Busts his ass at the regional Amazon hub, unloading trucks and sorting, on the night shift. He would like to marry Sally. They are both born again Evangelical Christians. But what happens if they do get married.

Sally loses the food stamps. The kids lose Medicare, and if they want to have children after getting married, well Richard is going to have to cover Sally and the kids through his group health insurance. I mean talk about a marriage penalty, the loss in benefits amounts to thousands of dollars. You can crow till the cows come home about personal responsibility and marriage and the family till the cows come home. Until you change the very structure of the programs you are screaming into a void.
And the above should be shouted from every rooftop by Democrats along with the question, why was the expanded Child Tax Credit eliminated by Republicans. Lifted more children out of poverty than any program in history. In my house, we have a saying, actions speak louder than words.

Finally, want to fix the problem. Look at Denmark, consistently ranked as one of the best places to live in the world as well as continually represented as the top, or one of the top, most innovative countries in the world. There, every parent of children under 18 get a tax-free cash benefit paid to them every single month, regardless of income. It is called the child and youth credit. Force the Republicans to action, actions speak louder than words.
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instead of hearing what project 2025 is or isnt from people that have nothing to do with it how about we hear about it right from the horses mouth,,

it is live so I am still watching and cant really give a solid opinion yet

I do have to note how cobert openly lies several times in the opening minutes,,

You have a bunch of right wing talking heads telling you about Project 2025. Why don't you just READ IT??????

Instead of letting others tell you what to think, read it for yourself and form your OWN opinion.


This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.


It is a hell of a screed. But there are policy proposals within, but it is like finding a needle in a haystack of nothing but platitudes. For example,

Some are obvious and long-standing goals like eliminating marriage penalties in federal welfare programs and the tax code and installing work requirements for food stamps. But we must go further. It’s time for policymakers to elevate family authority, formation, and cohesion as their top priority and even use government power, including through the tax code, to restore the American family

Democrats should seize on such quotes. Eliminating marriage penalties in federal welfare programs--just exactly what does that mean? Well, Sally is a single mother, she has two kids from a former boyfriend, she collects food stamps, Medicaid covered her pregnancy and the children until they are five. She works, waits tables at the local diner. And she lives with Richard. He is a stand-up dude. Busts his ass at the regional Amazon hub, unloading trucks and sorting, on the night shift. He would like to marry Sally. They are both born again Evangelical Christians. But what happens if they do get married.

Sally loses the food stamps. The kids lose Medicare, and if they want to have children after getting married, well Richard is going to have to cover Sally and the kids through his group health insurance. I mean talk about a marriage penalty, the loss in benefits amounts to thousands of dollars. You can crow till the cows come home about personal responsibility and marriage and the family till the cows come home. Until you change the very structure of
maybe sally should stop spreading her legs for men that arent her husband and she wouldnt be in the situation shes in,,
I've found that Trump has several tells when he is lying. One of those tells is when he repeats something three times. If Trump says something three times in rapid succession, you can go to Vegas and bet he is lying.

Remember how Trump was constantly ragging about Obama golfing?

It turns out Trump spent one third of his term golfing.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me. Bleev me. Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

is that what they told you to say??

So you have nothing but middle school taunts. Tell us what you use to "hunt" progressives".

The Republicans held a convention that was a total sausage fest, featured multiple convicted felons, a self admitted serial sex predator as candidate, introduced by a man who's main claim to fame is he was caught slapping his wife around on camera.

I guess you're relying on your ability to discern facts from bullshit.
I can 100 percent guarantee you Trump has never read it. Not even a paragraph.

As soon as he saw how many pages it was, he passed on it.

Trump is not going to change his spots. A second term will be identical to his first, but worse.

Chaos, lies, criminality, ineptitude, and retardation.

God help us if another crisis on the level of the pandemic comes along!

And Putin will be in Kyiv by next summer.
The Republicans held a convention that was a total sausage fest, featured multiple convicted felons, a self admitted serial sex predator as candidate, introduced by a man who's main claim to fame is he was caught slapping his wife around on camera.
It wasn't a total sausage fest. There was a female porn star, too, who received enthusiastic applause from even MAGA Christian Mike Johnson.

A really classy bunch.

This is not your father's Republican Party.
maybe sally should stop spreading her legs for men that arent her husband and she wouldnt be in the situation shes in,,

May Republicans should stop slut shaming women for having sex. Maybe Republicans should start holding the MEN who are having unprotected sex with women and then abandoning the children they produce, accountable for their actions.

Maybe any man who gets a woman pregnant and then doesn't financial support her should be charged and jailed. And all of his world goods are to be forfeited to the family he created.

We have DNA tests to determine exactly who fathered the child. We just take down the names of any man she has sex with and test them all.
And if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass every time he hopped. What a useless, stupid thing to say.
beings that frogs have never and could never have wings and if sally kept her legs closed she wouldnt be in the situation shes in makes your comment useless and stupid and mine an absolute fact,,

have a nice day,,
May Republicans should stop slut shaming women for having sex. Maybe Republicans should start holding the MEN who are having unprotected sex with women and then abandoning the children they produce, accountable for their actions.

Maybe any man who gets a woman pregnant and then doR

May Republicans should stop slut shaming women for having sex. Maybe Republicans should start holding the MEN who are having unprotected sex with women and then abandoning the children they produce, accountable for their actions.

Maybe any man who gets a woman pregnant and then doesn't financial support her should be charged and jailed. And all of his world goods are to be forfeited to the family he created.

We have DNA tests to determine exactly who fathered the child. We just take down the names of any man she has sex with and test them all.
Republicans talk a lot about the founders. They talk a lot about those scrappy, hard working, ethical people that colonized this country. You know what those people did to men that didn't support their children and their mother? They tarred and feathered them, and then rode them out of town on a rail. Many of those that went through that didn't survive. First act of Congress, two months behind on child support, tarred and feathered, and then rode out to the closet penitentiary, about a mile away. They can walk that mile, or die in the process.
beings that frogs have never and could never have wings and if sally kept her legs closed she wouldnt be in the situation shes in makes your comment useless and stupid and mine an absolute fact,,

have a nice day,,
If a frog had wings.

If Sally would have kept her legs crossed.

Is it really that hard to understand you stupid ass shit.

Mom always said, "IF" is the biggest word in the dictionary.
If a frog had wings.

If Sally would have kept her legs crossed.

Is it really that hard to understand you stupid ass shit.

Mom always said, "IF" is the biggest word in the dictionary.
frogs cant have wings,,

but if sally kept her legs closed she wouldnt be in the situation shes in,,

is it really that hard to understand you stupid ass shit??
beings that frogs have never and could never have wings and if sally kept her legs closed she wouldnt be in the situation shes in makes your comment useless and stupid and mine an absolute fact,,

have a nice day,,
You make a statement, or create a post, and either includes the word, "could", "should", or "would", you are wasting my time.
Despots use their control over the judicial system to insulate themselves from prosecution for breaking the law.

That’s Trump for you.
right now thats biden and democrats beings trumps got several court cases across the country,,

thanks for the reality check,,
didnt all the other despots in history jail their political opponents too??

history always repeats itself,,
Is that what they told you to say?


Yes, it is.

That talking point has been echoed all over this forum, parrot.

Do any of you ever have an original thought?!?

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