"Closing the border even dumber than building a wall

What kind of idiots are these fence builders? They missed the river. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

This photo is obviously NOT taken in the Rio Grande river you dumb-fuck.
Perhaps you can provide some REAL context as to where it really is?
No...you can't can you?
Know why?
Because you have NO fucking idea what you are trying to talk about.
But try again. I'll wait.
It's in Texas, Chowderhead.

Got any pics of the fence in the middle of the river?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
There is no simple answer or solution to our southern border humanitarian crisis.
Any politician who tries to tell you there is is lying to you. The issue is just too complex for political soundbytes.
When Trump speaks about stupid (non) solutions like building his ridiculous "wall" or "closing the border" he's just pandering to his clueless fan base spread out around the country, many of whom live nowhere near the southern border and don't really understand how it works.
It becomes a tribal thing for these people, often racial, and it just adds to the non-productive noise.
There MAY yet be a working solution to this issue. Some thoughtful, insigtful method of making our southern border more secure and stemming the flow of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. from the south, but it is PROBABLY not going to come from a bellicose, loud-mouthed, hatred-stoking, non-thinker like Donald Trump.

López Obrador’s letter emphasised the economic integration between the two countries and the damage to “people, industry and commerce” that closing the border would bring.

California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, together with the six border states in Mexico, “represent the fourth biggest economy in the world”, while 1 million people and 300,000 vehicles cross the border every day, wrote the Mexican leader popularly known as Amlo.

Many of those vehicles carry cargo as part of the USMCA free trade agreement among the US, Mexico and Canada, which López Obrador defended as making goods cheaper for US consumers and being “the only way to successfully confront the competition brought by the economic and commercial advance of China”.
López Obrador also asked Trump to bear in mind that almost 40 million Mexicans live in the US, that seven of every 10 agricultural workers in the US are Mexican, and that Mexicans contributed $325bn to the US economy last year.
But, he added: “I understand that you are campaigning and that you are not – as some believe – obstinate”.

Tell the major cities in the north that are spending billions on illegals they have no dog in this fight. They've all been begging uncle sugar for money to support the illegals. The country as a whole is spending a lot more than 325 billion supporting, processing and transporting illegals.

What kind of idiots are these fence builders? They missed the river. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

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Looks like they gave Mexico the entire Rio Grande huh?
Nice job!
I wonder how many total acres of U.S. soil along Texas' 1,254 mile border we are ceding back to Mexico with this wall?
Hell, let's just give ALL of Texas back to Mexico now that we've started!
Looks like they gave Mexico the entire Rio Grande huh?
Nice job!
I wonder how many total acres of U.S. soil along Texas' 1,254 mile border we are ceding back to Mexico with this wall?
Hell, let's just give ALL of Texas back to Mexico now that we've started!
More dumbassery. We didn't give Mexico anything, Stupid.
Then why is Mexico so opposed to it, Moron?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Got any pics of the fence in the middle of the river yet?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
No. As I have told you putting a fence on that international boundary is impossible.
It's really a shame you are so ignorant you support this though.
The biggest shame is that you are SO FUCKING STUPID you've pulled up and posted an old, outdated photo of an experimental wall put up before Trump was even in office....thinking you were posting an actual pic of Trump's stupid "wall."

Most of the seized land ran along the Rio Grande, which forms the border between Texas and Mexico. All told, the agency paid $18.2 million to accumulate a ribbon of land occupying almost half the length of the 120 miles of the Rio Grande Valley in southernmost Texas.

Years before President Donald Trump promised to build his wall, Homeland Security erected an 18-foot-high fence here in a botched land grab that serves as a warning for the future.

An investigation by ProPublica and The Texas Tribune shows that Homeland Security cut unfair real estate deals, secretly waived legal safeguards for property owners, and ultimately abused the government’s extraordinary power to take land from private citizens.

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Well our border czar and current Democrat nominee had four years to get to root cause of all the illegals flooding across the southern border I don’t recall seeing any solutions. Try coming up with an idea yourself before telling someone else how dumb there’s is.
Dimocrats do not want a wall, do not want border security, because they don't believe in borders or the sovereignty of America.

They would simply allow ANYONE from ANYWHERE to flood in as they please.

The evidence is right in front of you with the sanctuary cities, which are 100% created by Dimocrats!

In addition, any time a bill has been offered up to ensure that ONLY citizens be counted in a census, in order to ensure only citizen's are voting, and so new Congressional districts are not created DUE to non-citizens being counted, Dimocrats will ALWAYS vote against such efforts.

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