Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

Facts are hard to dismiss
Irrelevant. I don't dismiss them. I am just not stupid enough to think Biden caused global inflation.

And taking that stupidity to new heights by voting for the guy proposing hyperinflationary domestic policy is all you.
Irrelevant. I don't dismiss them. I am just not stupid enough to think Biden caused global inflation.

And taking that stupidity to new heights by voting for the guy proposing hyperinflationary domestic policy is all you.
You're stupid enough to believe that $Trillions of spending for the "Green New Boondoggle" and dumping more debt with student debt transfer to taxpayers didn't cause Biden's hyperinflation.
Hmm, no, it's rape.

If it were daughter -- and the perpetual was not your mangod -- you would immediately agree.

Trumpism has destroyed your ethics and morality.
Your pointless, "because I say so", babbling doesn't change the facts of the case one of which is the jury returned no judgement of liability for rape. Joy Reid has poisoned your feeble mind
Facts are hard to dismiss, huh.
Inflation under Trump <2%, inflation under Biden ~6% on average.
Voters will blame Biden for the unaffordability of groceries and their reduced standard of living.
You gotta let go.
Biden isn't running.

COVID in (R) view......

1) Jobs lost are the fault of (D), even though trump was POTUS.
2) Inflation caused by COVID is the Fault of Biden, even though trump COVID response was pathetic....."No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." djt
3) Gas Prices rose because of OPEC+ deal signed by trump....(R)...Let's blame Biden.
Of course that's nonsense. I posted the judge's decision and referenced state law.

Remember? You had a 4 page tantrum over it, haha
You cut and pasted what you didn't bother to read. It was a jury decision.

Remember? You were directed to the document you cut and pasted so you could actually read it. Obviously your reading skills are as stunted as your feeble comprehension skills, lack of.

Irrelevant. I don't dismiss them. I am just not stupid enough to think Biden caused global inflation.

And taking that stupidity to new heights by voting for the guy proposing hyperinflationary domestic policy is all you.
When Trump was president groceries were affordable and prices were not rising every trip.
You can put up all the bullshit you want, but voters know how much it costs under Biden to put food on the table.
You gotta let go. Biden isn't running.

COVID in (R) view......

1) Jobs lost are the fault of (D), even though trump was POTUS.
2) Inflation caused by COVID is the Fault of Biden, even though trump COVID response was pathetic....."No, I don't take ANY responsibility at ALL." djt
3) Gas Prices rose because of OPEC+ deal signed by trump....(R)...Let's blame Biden.
1. Biden is president, and his policies are causing runaway inflation
2. The price of groceries is becoming unaffordable, bread lines are forming
3. Your excuses are total bullshit. Biden is president almost FOUR FUCKING YEARS.
4. The only ones getting ahead are the 12,000,000 illegals getting free government credit cards.
5. Supply & Demand, 12,000,000 more people getting food, no more being supplied due to the price of fuel.
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When Trump was president groceries were affordable and prices were not rising every trip.
There it is again.

Very dumb.

Biden didn't cause global inflation.

But Trump's domestic policy proposals are hyperinflationary.

So this is all just a bad act by you.
1. Biden is president, and his policies are causing runaway inflation
2. The price of groceries is becoming unaffordable, bread lines are forming
3. Your excuses are total bullshit Biden is president almost FOUR FUCKING YEARS.
4. The only ones getting ahead are the 12,000,000 illegals getting free government credit cards.
5. Supply & Demand, 12,000,000 more people getting food, no more being supplied due to the price of fuel.

1). Which Policy was that? It was COVID, under trump, that caused World Wide Inflation.
2). It's coming down, it was at it's high, because of OPEC+ deal, signed by trump.
3). Thank goodness, now ZERO more years for POS trump.
4). I'm not an illegal, and neither are my friends or family and general acquaintances, and these people are doing well. This fake info you supply is baseless.
5). This fake claim doesn't even make sense.
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There it is again. Very dumb.
Biden didn't cause global inflation.
But Trump's domestic policy proposals are hyperinflationary.
So this is all just a bad act by you.
Biden is president almost 4-years. He can't blame anyone else for the price rise of groceries.

Biden's overspending and open borders caused inflation here in the USA. (12,000,000 more mouths to feed)

True, 16 Nobel Laureates say Trump's proposed policies are inflationary, but Trump is not president, is he?
Biden is president almost 4-years. He can't blame anyone else for the price rise of groceries.
Of course any halfway intelligent person who understands what caused inflation can and should blame other factors.

That's why you can't name a single policy of Biden's that caused global inflation
It's just politics for dumb people.
1). Which Policy was that? It was COVID, under trump, that caused World Wide Inflation.
2). It's coming down, it was at it's high, because of OPEC+ deal, signed by trump.
3). Thank goodness, now ZERO more years for POS trump.
4). I'm not an illegal, and neither are my friends or family and general acquaintances, and these people are doing well. This fake info you supply is baseless.
5). This fake claim doesn't even make sense.
0. The CBO "projection" is over the next 10-years. Today those 12,000,000 illegals are causing inflation
1. Biden is president 4-years, Covid is long gone, Biden's "War on Energy" and "Open Borders" is causing runaway inflation, the price of fuel affects everything, and 12,000,000 more mouths to feed with the same food supply causes hyper-inflation of groceries from simple "supply & demand", duh.
2. Trump's fuel prices were at an all-time low, dumbass. Biden's war on energy keeps prices high.
3. Inflation is Biden's fault, no one elses.
4. I'm glad you and your friends don't notice how groceries are becoming unaffordable. Most of us do.
5. That Biden let 12,000,000 illegals into the US is well documented. That those 12,000,000 eat US food does affect the price of food via the LAW of "supply & demand" DUMBASS.

1. Biden is president 4-years, Covid is long gone, Biden's "War on Energy" and "Open Borders" is causing runaway inflation, the price of fuel affects everything, and 12,000,000 more mouths to feed with the same food supply causes hyper-inflation of groceries from simple "supply & demand", duh.
2. Trump's fuel prices were at an all-time low, dumbass. Biden's war on energy keeps prices high.
3. Inflation is Biden's fault, no one elses.
There is NO "War on Energy" dumbass. USA is drilling oil at record highs, while responsibly looking into alternative energy solutions. That is progress.

trump had ZERO policies that lowered gas prices.......if you believe otherwise, then NAME that specific Policy.
trump signed OPEC+, which lowered oil production and supply, because of COVID. After COVID and demand went back up, this OPEC+ deal still limited supply. You apparently don't understand "Supply and demand.' duh.
Inflation is World Wide.
Of course any halfway intelligent person who understands what caused inflation can and should blame other factors.

That's why you can't name a single policy of Biden's that caused global inflation
It's just politics for dumb people.
Stop with the "global inflation" bullshit.
I'm only concerned with inflation here in the USA.

You want causes of inflation under Biden, ok:
1. War on energy, killing ANWR, KeystoneXL, LNG terminals, over regulation, pulling drilling permits all over the country
2. Over-spending Trump's Budgets were about $4T, Biden's Budgets are about $7.3T
3. Biden's fucked up "green" policies
4. The American Rescue Plan
5. Read this "Economist" article
6. Biden's Open Borders policy letting 12,000,000 illegals into the US is a major cause of inflation. That's 12,000,000 more mouths to feed for free, from the same food supply. The Law of Supply & Demand says that causes inflation.
The most idiotic lie you have told yet.


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