Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

C'mon man..has it occurred to you that most of this has jack to do with Democrats or Republicans alone..but all of them together?

Our Inflation was a direct consequence of the massive influx of money via the COVID stimulus packages. Everyone knew it was going to happen, some even railed against it. But the people wanted some bucks..and the politicians wanted to be the good guys--both parties. Trump was totally onboard with it..as long as he could see a benefit for himself--and he was against it..when it suited his mood. Everyone else..save a handful...piled on the bandwagon.
So, a few years later..we have to pay for our play.
You want someone to blame...might have to give the people of this country their fair share.

I might mention that times like these are golden to many business people, you see, once people are accustomed to higher prices...they can ratchet up everything..under the guise of, 'it's that damn inflation'!
Totally agree that BOTH parties are culpable for inflation.
Republicans cut taxes and borrow more. Trump's Budget was $4T.
Democrats spend way too much, enabled by Republicans.
Biden's $7.30T 2024 Budget was approved by Republicans.

Biden’s 2024 Budget was $7.30T with a $2.0T deficit
Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Biden's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit
Trump's 2019 Budget was $4.40T with a $0.9T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit
Trump's 2017 Budget was $4.00T with a $0.5T deficit
Now, those are all facts in the public record. I'm not interested in taking a trip to Trumplandia fantasyland. Go whine to someone else.
You are a liar, never found guilty of rape in that fake accusation case. Conviction is being appealed so not true again and it will be dismissed on appeal!
HikerGuy83 said:
"(going down so suites her)."

Hiker Guy says: "You really can't change anything about that or paint it a different color."

What hasn't changed is the endemic.....indeed, the defining ...... character of the Trump Squeaky Frommes, the Trump Duped & Snookered.

And that is their fear of strong adult women of accomplishment. Their misogyny. Witness their screechiness over Harris, before that it was Mrs. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hilary Clinton, any of the women Supreme Court justices.

The MAGA's seemingly believe that their juvenile obsession with fellatio, coitus, penises and such is an acceptable substitute for responsible adult discourse.
HikerGuy83 said:
"(going down so suites her)."

Hiker Guy says: "You really can't change anything about that or paint it a different color."

What hasn't changed is the endemic.....indeed, the defining ...... character of the Trump Squeaky Frommes, the Trump Duped & Snookered.

And that is their fear of strong adult women of accomplishment. Their misogyny. Witness their screechiness over Harris, before that it was Mrs. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hilary Clinton, any of the women Supreme Court justices.

The MAGA's seemingly believe that their juvenile obsession with fellatio, coitus, penises and such is an acceptable substitute for responsible adult discourse.
Bring in Kamala Harris to lecture others about " the passage of time" before you lecture others about "responsible adult discourse".
HikerGuy83 said:
"(going down so suites her)."

Hiker Guy says: "You really can't change anything about that or paint it a different color."

What hasn't changed is the endemic.....indeed, the defining ...... character of the Trump Squeaky Frommes, the Trump Duped & Snookered.

And that is their fear of strong adult women of accomplishment. Their misogyny. Witness their screechiness over Harris, before that it was Mrs. Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Hilary Clinton, any of the women Supreme Court justices.

The MAGA's seemingly believe that their juvenile obsession with fellatio, coitus, penises and such is an acceptable substitute for responsible adult discourse.
Again this is what I predicted, the steady drumbeat of the misogynist and race card. It's all you have you have, no policy to speak of.
You are a liar, never found guilty of rape in that fake accusation case. Conviction is being appealed so not true again and it will be dismissed on appeal!

They'll never (pick one)


He is guilty as charged. He's just trying a avoid the prison sentence of the heavy fines. He's a convicted Felon Convict.
If Harris is leading Trump, more people need to pay attention to their grocery bills.

Prices are still going up, and up, and up. Election Day will show how smart or how stupid voters are.
How ironic. Since Trump is proposing hyperinflatiionary policies, voting for him to curb inflation would instead show how stupid those voters are.
They'll never (pick one)


He is guilty as charged. He's just trying a avoid the prison sentence of the heavy fines. He's a convicted Felon Convict.
Nope but congratulations on being part of the dumbest set of voters ever! You are radical fascists who project your own policy onto others. Your party is the party of radical feminists radical Islamists and radical communist what a great thing you have going for yourself you vote with the party who supports those who chant death to America, who turn their backs on the Jewish people, and want them dead, but want a Jewish man to be vice President only to secure a voting block, you are the worst kind of people alive, repent and be saved there is still time to right yourselves.
Because the racists and misogynists in your party are very predictable.

Notice how the party leadership had to send out a memo to tell THEM to stop their racial attacks.

So you don't win a cookie for your prediction, sorry.
Racial attacks, give me an example everything I have seen is truthful examination of her lack of qualifications.
What was inflation under Trump? Hint: <2% dumbass
That's correlation. Not causation. This is the stupidity I am talking about. Thanks for the assist

Now run along and vote for the guy proposing inflationary policies like tariffs, influencing the fed to keep rates too low, and mass deportation.
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That's correlation. Not causation. This is the stupidity I am talking about. Thanks for the assist
Facts are hard to dismiss, huh.
Inflation under Trump <2%, inflation under Biden ~6% on average.
Voters will blame Biden for the unaffordability of groceries and their reduced standard of living.

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