Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

  • Knee-Pads Kamala is another.
  • with Kamal Toe
  • And Kamlatoe,
Can't be MAGA without misogyny, eh poster Edgetho?
Strong accomplished women seem to scare the bejesus outta the incel faction of this chatroom.
No disrespect intended to those poor sad ne'er-do-wells.


"...criticism of Kamalla will automatically be interpreted as 'misogyny'."
Ummm, noper.
Rather, it is the shrill and pejorative postings about fellatio, penises, coitus, etc. that are defining the misogyny of the MAGA groupies on this venue.
I was mildly confident you would have recognized that by now poster DD.


(going down so suites her).
See, DD?.....And along comes poster 'Hikerguy' to validate the observations about the shrill misogynism coming from Trump's Squeaky Frommes.

It's sad.
Do you really think we're this fucking stupid?

We've been watching this worthless bitch do nothing for almost 4 years and you think that a lot of gushing sycophantic leftist talking-heads are going to erase our memories.
We've been watching that worthless POS Dickhead (djt) do nothing but Con People, like you, for 50 years.
You've been conned, and just like 2020, the vote will be stronger in 2024.
CRY all you want. :CryingCow:😭:crybaby:We know you will.
We've been watching that worthless POS Dickhead (djt) do nothing but Con People, like you, for 50 years.
You've been conned, and just like 2020, the vote will be stronger in 2024.
CRY all you want. :CryingCow:😭:crybaby:We know you will.
You mean the fraud will be stronger.
We've been watching that worthless POS Dickhead (djt) do nothing but Con People, like you, for 50 years.
You've been conned, and just like 2020, the vote will be stronger in 2024.
CRY all you want. :CryingCow:😭:crybaby:We know you will.
Have they really convinced you that Kamala is your savior?

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