Florida Dem. likens calling Vice President Kamala Harris a 'DEI hire' to using the n-word

Ironic isn’t it? The left pushed DEI, a.k.a, prioritizing race in making decisions, and they never once thought that someone would bring up the fact that Biden projected that he would only select a black woman as his VP, and the left has made their entire platform based around this kind of thing, now they are pushing back when repubs are mentioning it.

Look, as far as qualifications go, let’s be honest, Harris is more qualified than Trump was when he ran for president, given her background compared to his, but, let’s also be honest and say that Biden hung the “DEI hire” plaque around her neck by telling everyone his VP pick would be a black woman.

This is Bidens fault…but really, the fault of the left in general.
Your dipshit party can't be intellectually honest. They want to pretend DEI means unqualified and they aren't going to be able to stop themselves from coming off as incredibly racist and sexist in their attempts to make that argument.
1. Just stop the victim bullshit. She is a handmaiden in the catholic faith. You should explain that.
2. She has earned her success based on results and work. Twice elected AG in CA and then Senator.
3. One test doesn’t determine success in life.
1. No clue what a handmaiden is, Amy is a Catholic, much better than a deviant.
2. Kamala is a lower tier lawyer promoted via DEI and sexual favors over more talented lawyers.
3. The most important test proved she is a lower tier lawyer.
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Yup, Barrett's the status quo - WHITE.
If Harris did not pass the bar how did she become a California prosecutor and ultimately Vice President of the United States? You couldn't become an attorney back when she did without passing the bar. So how'd she do it?
She flunked the 1st time and passed the second time.
So she is in the lower 50% of her lawyer cohort.
She is obviously a DEI hire, a token who passed over more talented lawyers via DEI and sexual favors.
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EVERYONE knows that passing the bar, which VP Harris obviously has done, is more difficult than taking a law school examination.

Not discounting Barrett's accomplishments, but your argument is flawed because you're comparing two things that are not the same.
1. Graduating 1st in your class is much more difficult than passing the Bar, which 50% pass routinely.
2. Comparing two different things with different degrees of difficulty is a reasonable comparison.
Biden said he was going to pick a black women.

So she’s DEI.

Just like his Supreme Court selection.


The over use of racist, nazi, homophobe, as epithets to silence critics has so watered down the effect they had that nobody much gives it much credence anymore.
One was a handmaiden the other wasn’t.

See the difference.

Also, the California bar exams is more difficult than the Norte dame one.
The bar is administered state by state and not by colleges though Notre Dame is one of the toughest and most prestigious.
The bar is purposely much more difficult, regardless of state, than graduating law school. Kinda weeds out the diploma mill grads, though she slipped through the second time.
She was offered an opportunity, that's all anyone is promised. The pursuit of liberty and happiness, not guaranteed success, you are granted possibilities. She was given a task, go to the border and see what the problem is, and she ignored it, for reasons you will have to determine. She failed the country them and she'll continue to fail if she is elected. She has bad intentions for this nation and is a willing tool for those who want to roll back freedoms here.
Did the felon cast all Federalist approved judges that he nominated into doubt because he stated that he would only pick them?

Also, was that not pandering before an election to the white far-right crowd?

Did the felon cast all Federalist approved judges that he nominated into doubt because he stated that he would only pick them?

No, but the left certainly made mention of it.

Also, was that not pandering before an election to the white far-right crowd?

Sure, he said he was going to pick justices that come from an organization that practice adherence to the cotus…if you want to compare that to saying that someone will be picked because of their race and gender, then so be it.

So if you recognize what trump did was wrong, then why can’t you recognize what Biden did was wrong?
When Biden went looking for a VP candidate, he preemptively disqualified 94% of the American population when he decided to choose a "Black" woman, then he didn't even look for the most qualified Black woman; he chose someone with name recognition who was pleasing to the eye. While the expression, "DEI Hire" is offensive to some, everybody knows what it means, and it applies in this case in spades (play on words intended).

Among lawyers, failing the bar on your first try is generally accepted as a sign of a sub-par intellect. The CA Bar is more difficult than most because CA has several mediocre law schools and they want to ensure a good standard. Still, like Biden, she is in the bottom half of the class, something that should DQ her from higher office for life.

But seriously, folks, even a dimwit can be a good President if s/he surrounds herself with good people. HER PROBEM is not intellect, it is policy. She is an out-of-touch, never-gainfully-employed Leftist.
Your dipshit party can't be intellectually honest. They want to pretend DEI means unqualified and they aren't going to be able to stop themselves from coming off as incredibly racist and sexist in their attempts to make that argument.

Did I say she was unqualified? No, in fact I said she was qualified. You seem to not understand that my issue here is not with Jackson or Harris, but with Biden…
Biden said he was going to pick a black women.

So she’s DEI.

Just like his Supreme Court selection.


There's a lot of indignation going around conservative circles these days. A lot of resentment over the accusation the opposition to Harris heading up the Dem ticket is race or gender based.

Then there's your post. Based on the premise a black woman couldn't possibly have risen to the position she holds based on her qualities, accomplishments, and the positions she holds. Based on the premise being a black woman makes her unqualified since she could not possibly deserve her status as the Dem's presumptive nominee for prez based on merit.

Kamala Harris is the former DA of Los Angeles, the twice elected former AG of CA, a former senator from the most highly populated state in the country, and the current VP. She is intelligent, well spoken, attractive, and believes in issues the majority of the country believes in. Her credentials are impeccable. Which leads me to ask, what in your head makes her a DEI candidate?

I'm not saying you are a racist misogynist, I'm saying at first blush you sure do come across as one.

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