Florida Dem. likens calling Vice President Kamala Harris a 'DEI hire' to using the n-word

I am sure Jackson appreciates knowing she'll be remembered as being picked for her skin color as opposed to her qualifications (which she had more than enough).

I imagine so. Once again, I’m sure she is just as qualified as any other justice on that court, but the reasons given for Biden appointing her was a mistake in his part. Biden just had to virtue signal, so people would “ooh and ahhh” at what a wonderful thing he did, not realizing that those things would be brought up later.

Biden should have just appointed her and not tried to take the glory for his “virtuous” appointment, then nobody would have said anything.
Wildly as it was a packed house!!!

Capacity 3,800.
1/3 was draped off.

I imagine so. Once again, I’m sure she is just as qualified as any other justice on that court, but the reasons given for Biden appointing her was a mistake in his part. Biden just had to virtue signal, so people would “ooh and ahhh” at what a wonderful thing he did, not realizing that those things would be brought up later.

Biden should have just appointed her and not tried to take the glory for his “virtuous” appointment, then nobody would have said anything.

Totally agreed.

A shame for her. It will always be with her.
LOL. I bet Kamala can describe Willie Brown's.

Talk about anything but the rising cost of groceries.

Every trip the prices go up, and up, and up.
Right down to how many inches she could swallow to get the job.
I imagine so. Once again, I’m sure she is just as qualified as any other justice on that court, but the reasons given for Biden appointing her was a mistake in his part. Biden just had to virtue signal, so people would “ooh and ahhh” at what a wonderful thing he did, not realizing that those things would be brought up later.

Biden should have just appointed her and not tried to take the glory for his “virtuous” appointment, then nobody would have said anything.
She was picked as a political statement that well qualified black deserve the same opportunities as white guys drinking with squee.
1. Just stop the victim bullshit. She is a handmaiden in the catholic faith. You should explain that.

2. She has earned her success based on results and work. Twice elected AG in CA and then Senator.

3. One test doesn’t determine success in life.
In California.
She was picked as a political statement that well qualified black deserve the same opportunities as white guys drinking with squee.
then Biden got the messaging all wrong, because he didn’t say any of that. He just said he was going to pick the first black woman to be on the scotus, the same way he said he was going to pick a black woman to be VP.

The only statement Biden was trying to make was a virtue signal to the left. The best thing he could have done is made his picks and not even mentioned anything about their race. Trust me, he would have still gotten credit for it, but you let others bestow those accolades onto you, not try to solicit them yourself. The first black woman would still be on the Supreme Court, the first black woman would still be VP, and he could have avoided any appearance that he picked them solely because of their skin color, hence the “DEI pick” allegations.
then Biden got the messaging all wrong, because he didn’t say any of that. He just said he was going to pick the first black woman to be on the scotus, the same way he said he was going to pick a black woman to be VP.

The only statement Biden was trying to make was a virtue signal to the left. The best thing he could have done is made his picks and not even mentioned anything about their race. Trust me, he would have still gotten credit for it, but you let others bestow those accolades onto you, not try to solicit them yourself. The first black woman would still be on the Supreme Court, the first black woman would still be VP, and he could have avoided any appearance that he picked them solely because of their skin color, hence the “DEI pick” allegations.
Biden didn’t get the messaging wrong at all. You need to set aside your white privilege when discussing this.

What Biden did was not different than the felon’s pledge to only nominate judges from the Federalist Society as a signal that he wanted the far-right conservative vote. Or Reagan’s pledge to put a women on the Supreme Court which resulted in Sandra Day O’Conner.
Biden didn’t get the messaging wrong at all. You need to set aside your white privilege when discussing this.

What Biden did was not different than the felon’s pledge to only nominate judges from the Federalist Society as a signal that he wanted the far-right conservative vote. Or Reagan’s pledge to put a women on the Supreme Court which resulted in Sandra Day O’Conner.

Biden didn’t get the messaging wrong at all. You need to set aside your white privilege when discussing this.

Oh goodness gracious…first, you have no clue what ethnicity I am. You liberals all do this, you assign a color to someone to fit your narrative based upon their arguments, which have nothing to do with their skin color.

Beyond that, what would “white privileged” have to do with any of it? Did Biden..in 2020, not say he would put a black woman on the Supreme Court? Jackson wasn’t nominated until 2 years later.

So Biden made that statement with one thing in mind…race and gender.

What Biden did was not different than the felon’s pledge to only nominate judges from the Federalist Society as a signal that he wanted the far-right conservative vote. Or Reagan’s pledge to put a women on the Supreme Court which resulted in Sandra Day O’Conner.

Sure, and you never let us forget about Trump nominating people from the federalist society either..right?

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