Dem Rep. Maxwell Frost Says Calling Kamala Harris a DEI Hire Like Using The N-Word

What do YOU think Republicans calling her a DEI presidential candidate or vice president means?

Are they complimenting her?
It means she was picked for the wrong reasons. Conservatives are pointing out that she isnt there based on merit, and we think your racist hiring system is a disaster. Any other questions? :dunno:
Y'all seem to think that means a non qualified candidate is picked....which is far from reality...
If American dems disqualified FKH in 2019 in such huge numbers (she was down to 2.7% when she dropped out) and then FJB hired her what would you call it?

I call that a DEI hire prue and simple.....The dem elite disregarded what their voters thought of her and installed her anyway. Does that remind you of anything?

In fact I would go so far as saying that whoever orgistrated the hiring of FKH was the first knife in Joe's back and he should have seen the writing on the wall as to what was going to happen to him.

The dem party elites don't want a qualified POTUS.....They want a puppet that does what it is told.....Obama did not leave DC for a reason you know.

I mean anyone that takes the time to see things for what they are would see it as it is not like they tried to hide it.
Mr Biden preemptively disqualified 94% of the U.S. population when he announced that his VP would be a Black woman. Then he didn't even seek out the best Black woman for the job; he chose someone whom he considered photogenic.

These are facts. Facts cannot be racist or sexist. They just are.

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