Elon backs off on the Trump love: "Cult of Personality"

Usually, it's trump who refuses to pay what he agreed to pay. Is this the first recorded time of someone stiffing him? Elon might not be so bad after all.
It appears that Elon's eyes have opened.

It really would be better if he just stuck to being a tech/engineering visionary. We need those. This foray into the ugly, nasty world of politics has not been good for him.

“I don’t prescribe to [a] cult of personality,” Musk said.
You link says he’s donating to a PAC to support trump not directly to the campaign, which anyone with a basic grasp of understanding of civics understood already

This thread just shows how dumb dembots are
Here's what happened OP, Republicans nationwide were sharpening their knives and getting ready to walk into the White House with a landslide win.

Trump even went full-blown hard rightwinger by adding that doormat, JD Vance, as his running mate. Oooops!

Now Kamala entered the fray and put all that to a screeching HALT!

Now we have the fallout on the rightwing side.

Here's what happened OP, Republicans nationwide were sharpening their knives and getting ready to walk into the White House with a landslide win.

Trump even went full-blown hard rightwinger by adding that doormat, JD Vance, as his running mate. Oooops!

Now Kamala entered the fray and put all that to a screeching HALT!

Now we have the fallout on the rightwing side.

Why didn’t y’all just nominate Harris to begin with? Heck why not already elected her?
It appears that Elon's eyes have opened.

It really would be better if he just stuck to being a tech/engineering visionary. We need those. This foray into the ugly, nasty world of politics has not been good for him.

“I don’t prescribe to [a] cult of personality,” Musk said.
This thread is illegal and should be deleted since the topic already existed here:

From your link;

View attachment 982983

Full interview;

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson ✮⋆˙ "My Conversation With Elon Musk" ✮⋆˙​

13 hours ago

The goal is to make everything illegal.

That way, when they want rid of you, they just enforce the laws they want to enforce on their political opponents or those who are just troublesome to them for one reason or another.
You link says he’s donating to a PAC to support trump not directly to the campaign, which anyone with a basic grasp of understanding of civics understood already

This thread just shows how dumb dembots are
Which, of course, has nothing to do with the title of the thread.

Great job, Einstein.
The goal is to make everything illegal.

That way, when they want rid of you, they just enforce the laws they want to enforce on their political opponents or those who are just troublesome to them for one reason or another.
Actually, I would say that in liberal/progressive la la land everything is either mandatory or against the law
It appears that Elon's eyes have opened.

It really would be better if he just stuck to being a tech/engineering visionary. We need those. This foray into the ugly, nasty world of politics has not been good for him.

“I don’t prescribe to [a] cult of personality,” Musk said.
Lol. Oh it’s been very good for him. His corporations have multiple government contracts that have made him a billionaire. How do you think he got those government contracts? It’s pay for play baby.
Exactly, but dumb Americans will never get this. Politicians spend our tax dollars on all sorts of shit that benefits their billionaire donors.

The MIC for one example, is nothing but a racket. They spend our money profusely on military shit that enriches a few big war contractors, who then send kick backs to the two crime families in the Imperial Capital on the Potomac.
Lol. Oh it’s been very good for him. His corporations have multiple government contracts that have made him a billionaire. How do you think he got those government contracts? It’s pay for play baby.
Absolutely. He was a big dem donor during the Obama admin. Worked out well for him
Hopefully he keeps that X company in California. Texas does NOT want it. We will turn it into something much more Biblical with our Texas legislation, so don't bring it here.
Haha he just started donating to the gop
No way. He like all his wealthy buddies, play both sides. Though there are factions among the billionaire class who favor one side of the duopoly over the other, but only because the side they favor will make them even more wealthy using the American people’s tax dollars.

It’s a racket the Mafia can only dream of.

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