Elon backs off on the Trump love: "Cult of Personality"

It appears that Elon's eyes have opened.

It really would be better if he just stuck to being a tech/engineering visionary. We need those. This foray into the ugly, nasty world of politics has not been good for him.

“I don’t prescribe to [a] cult of personality,” Musk said.
There is room for only one cult leader in a cult. Elon wants to be one desperately and would trade his wealth for it if he could.
No way. He like all his wealthy buddies, play both sides. Though there are factions among the billionaire class who favor one side of the duopoly over the other, but only because the side they favor will make them even more wealthy using the American people’s tax dollars.

It’s a racket the Mafia can only dream of.
sure, there are likely some capitalist that want to make America great....and donate to the GOP...but by in large the demafascsit are the party of the wealtiest, Buffet, Epstein, Weinstein, other Hollywood and Wall Street types, like Bernie Madoff, and who can forget Sam Bankman-Fried....
I imagine the sudden prospect of a nonMAGA administration that can cut your contracts, and Tessla stock dropping 12% in 24 hours may have sobered him up.

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