The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think

IT is, and has always been that way. Funny thing is, Trump is removing the EV mandates and Elon is still giving him the cash. In fact on Twitter, Elon said he want's them gone as well......And you lefties can't figure out why? That's the funny part.
When you realize there is little difference between the two criminal political gangs and both are controlled and funded by billionaires and their corporations, you’ll see the light that is blinding those of us with understanding.
Neat narrative. Care to outline just how Trump will do what you PROJECT?
Using the "Pay-Pal Mafia," to fight the globalists, is mostly akin to a fight at the O.K. Coral, in the end, it really doesn't matter who wins, the whole town is fucked.

If You Think BlackRock Plans Are SHOCKING, Wait Til You See What's Coming Next | Whitney Webb​



Why Trump Suddenly Thinks Picking J.D. Vance Was a Mistake​

July 22, 2024



July 22, 2024
It’s exactly what he did in his first term. You know this right?

The Vance pick is proof Trump is of the 1% establishment. If he gets re-elected, his cabinet will consist of establishment swamp creatures just like in his first term.

Nothing significant will change. I guarantee it.
Well, there is a slight difference.

Biden packed his cabinet with government toadies. Long time folks that had been in government forever, with a few exceptions here and there.

OTH, Trump will tap lobbyists and corporate exec. after corporate exec., the precise thing RFKjr. has been saying is the problem. . . regulatory capture.

I had even heard someone on the news today rumors that Trump is going to put Larry Fink, directly in charge of one of the administrative agencies.


We are going to go from BlackRock running things behind the scenes, to actually, officially - running things?

I honestly don't know which is worse, Fink or Mayorkas. fml

Trump is NOT part of the duopoly!!!!!!!
They tried to KILL HIM you fucking retarded asshole!.

. . . they gots to make the show believable for the normies at this point, it is just getting too far gone for most.

If we had as much investigation into this whole shit show as we did into the Jan. 6th, or, as Tucker's latest show interviewee pointed out, the Rittenhouse scandal, I might agree. . . but the whole thing is a farce, clearly.

And no one, even Trump, will say boo.

Your problem is Trump isn’t going to make things better for 90% of Americans. He will merely continue the status quo, which is greatly beneficial for the 1%.
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Threads like this usually get bumped to the Conspiracy Forum?

Which part of the OP is. . in your opinion a, "conspiracy?"

Or is that you don't like the facts pointed out in the OP, and you just want to silence those facts?

What facts? That all this is nothing but loopy minds trying to out loopy each other? :)
When you realize there is little difference between the two criminal political gangs and both are controlled and funded by billionaires and their corporations, you’ll see the light that is blinding those of us with understanding.

It's a vicious circle, even if you elect someone supposedly not controlled by the money, they will be eventually. There's no way to stop it. Money has ruled since the dawn of man, and it always will. Until Christ comes, there is no other way.
Then you offer no solution.
It’s not hard. Only public money for campaigns. Most of Western Europe does this. No more money allowed from big corporations or billionaires or anyone. Harsh penalties if politicians accept money from them.

Think better old lady.
It’s not hard. Only public money for campaigns. Most of Western Europe does this. No more money allowed from big corporations or billionaires or anyone. Harsh penalties if politicians accept money from them.

Think better old lady.

Right, let me know when you convince them to pass something like that. And you're completely naive if you think money isn't getting into the game in some other way where you say that's already policy today.

What makes you think I'm 'old'? It's a fairly relative term, and bet I'm not 'old' compared to you. :rofl:
IT is, and has always been that way. Funny thing is, Trump is removing the EV mandates and Elon is still giving him the cash. In fact on Twitter, Elon said he want's them gone as well......And you lefties can't figure out why? That's the funny part.

She’s right!
Right, let me know when you convince them to pass something like that. And you're completely naive if you think money isn't getting into the game in some other way where you say that's already policy today.

What makes you think I'm 'old'? It's a fairly relative term, and bet I'm not 'old' compared to you. :rofl:
You asked for a solution and I gave it to to you. Now you digress.

Age certainly hasn’t resulted in any wisdom.
You asked for a solution and I gave it to to you. Now you digress.

Age certainly hasn’t resulted in any wisdom.

That's not a solution that would work. Why don't you start the campaign to make that happen here, let's see how far you get. Even with most Americans agreeing with you, you won't get far.

That's certainly true in your case. :dunno:
That's not a solution that would work. Why don't you start the campaign to make that happen here, let's see how far you get. Even with most Americans agreeing with you, you won't get far.

That's certainly true in your case. :dunno:
Okay. Thanks.

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