The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think

Already poved it before the stolen 2020 election . As we see

IN his first term, he did the same shit as he is set to do now. He is the direct cause of that whole scamdemic. He was there, and knew about why, and was fully aware that they were running Event 201. The entire scamdemic was set up for the multinational billionaires to rob the poor and middle classes blind. You really are a sucker.



"His answers on how he handled COVID were unacceptable. I wanted him to be shown that RFKjr video, the interview with Theo Von, and this information. . . and. . .


(posted previously)

That interview that Theo Von did with RFKjr., which either exposes Trump's "corruption," or his complicity with the Deep State for favors from BIG Pharma. . that has necessarily put us all at risk, and taken economic advantage of the nation. For some of us, that disqualifies him for another term. A lot of people don't like to read that. It also, necessarily makes me wonder, why the left doesn't use that information against him. . .

No one wants to know about the corruption of our establishment, it is too uncomfortable. If you are actually IN the media establishment, it takes a lot of bravery to report on this, especially if it is on institutions, political parties, people, etc. and things you admire. I have often been confronted with this conundrum myself. If I find something out about someone or something I don't like or don't want to be true? But if the information comes from a reasonably reliable source? Is it not contingent upon my integrity and critical the the health of our republic, to share it far and wide, regardless of my political agenda?

(Posted previously. . .)

The short of it, Trump took a million dollars from Pfizer for his inauguration, and hired BIG PHARMA industry insiders, "the SWAMP," for his administration, after running on the promise to drain it. . .

He hired Azar, president of president of Eli Lilly and Company to become the 24th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Trump hired Johnson & Johnson paid lecturer, and Pfizer lobbyist, Scott Gottlieb to be the 23rd Commissioner of Food and Drugs.

Covid dystopia: RFK Jr tells about his 2016 interview with President-elect Donald Trump​

deeper dive at the link.

# Trump # Technocracy


IN his first term, he did the same shit as he is set to do now. He is the direct cause of that whole scamdemic. He was there, and knew about why, and was fully aware that they were running Event 201. The entire scamdemic was set up for the multinational billionaires to rob the poor and middle classes blind. You really are a sucker.



"His answers on how he handled COVID were unacceptable. I wanted him to be shown that RFKjr video, the interview with Theo Von, and this information. . . and. . .


(posted previously)

That interview that Theo Von did with RFKjr., which either exposes Trump's "corruption," or his complicity with the Deep State for favors from BIG Pharma. . that has necessarily put us all at risk, and taken economic advantage of the nation. For some of us, that disqualifies him for another term. A lot of people don't like to read that. It also, necessarily makes me wonder, why the left doesn't use that information against him. . .

No one wants to know about the corruption of our establishment, it is too uncomfortable. If you are actually IN the media establishment, it takes a lot of bravery to report on this, especially if it is on institutions, political parties, people, etc. and things you admire. I have often been confronted with this conundrum myself. If I find something out about someone or something I don't like or don't want to be true? But if the information comes from a reasonably reliable source? Is it not contingent upon my integrity and critical the the health of our republic, to share it far and wide, regardless of my political agenda?

(Posted previously. . .)

The short of it, Trump took a million dollars from Pfizer for his inauguration, and hired BIG PHARMA industry insiders, "the SWAMP," for his administration, after running on the promise to drain it. . .

He hired Azar, president of president of Eli Lilly and Company to become the 24th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Trump hired Johnson & Johnson paid lecturer, and Pfizer lobbyist, Scott Gottlieb to be the 23rd Commissioner of Food and Drugs.

Covid dystopia: RFK Jr tells about his 2016 interview with President-elect Donald Trump​

deeper dive at the link.

# Trump # Technocracy

I agree with you on pretty much everything, but posting about it on a message board does nothing.. If you think you're going to stop those with power and money from having the upper hand in just about every situation, you're living a pipe dream. :dunno:
posting about it on a message board does nothing
I already have.

I remember over a decade ago when I first started posting, hardly anyone would read or believe the things I posted.

Now, most of the stuff I post is easy to verify, and you have only to wait a year, two or five, and a good portion of it will come to pass if we don't do something about it.

If just one person or two, stops their addiction to Hopium, and I get to help them off it? I have achieved a great victory.

SO no, you are wrong. It does achieve something.

OTH? Your demoralized and despairing attitude, is just the type of attitude those in control love. Take the propaganda, bleev it, accept it, vote for one side or the other, and shut the hell up.


I already have.

I remember over a decade ago when I first started posting, hardly anyone would read or believe the things I posted.

Now, most of the stuff I post is easy to verify, and you have only to wait a year, two or five, and a good portion of it will come to pass if we don't do something about it.

If just one person or two, stops their addiction to Hopium, and I get to help them off it? I have achieved a great victory.

SO no, you are wrong. It does achieve something.

OTH? Your demoralized and despairing attitude, is just the type of attitude those in control love. Take the propaganda, bleev it, accept it, vote for one side or the other, and shut the hell up.


I'm not saying no one believes what you post, I'm saying your average person has a snowball's chance in hell of stopping those with all the money from winning the game. I guess if it makes you feel better, have at it, but it's not going to change anything. Put your trust and faith in God, live your life, and let God deal with those who do evil. There is no other solution.

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