The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think

I’m a useful idiot??? Lol. Yet you believe in fairy tales.

You’re not thinking right. There is very little difference between Joe and Don on nearly every major issue. This is as it’s been with all duopoly candidates for potus for decades. It’s by design!

Shut off the TV.

You believe in fairy tales, just different ones. 'Shutting off the tv' doesn't do a damn thing, it's hilarious that you think your 'sources' are somehow 'different'. :cuckoo:
Funny coming from a party (the dems) funded by the likes of Soros. LOL
Soros giving to Democratic candidates is nil....

Soros donating to Democratic leaning causes is where his money goes, and that donation to causes is not enough to be even noticeable in the overall total donation picture....imo.
Trump is NOT part of the duopoly!!!!!!!
They tried to KILL HIM you fucking retarded asshole!.

He absolutely is part of it. I say that for numerous reasons. But suffice it to say, NO one is allowed to the highest level of power without already being "in the club."

If the Powers-that-shouldn't-be wanted to kill him, they would've done it already, a long time ago.
He absolutely is part of it. I say that for numerous reasons. But suffice it to say, NO one is allowed to the highest level of power without already being "in the club."

If the Powers-that-shouldn't-be wanted to kill him, they would've done it already, a long time ago.
Right, the massive NINE YEAR temper tantrum and LAWFARE from the demented LEFT is all a show.
Where did he say he put his trust in politics? Where are your solutions and alternatives?

I agree with what Whitney Webb said toward the end of the second video in the OP. Don't comply! Don't go along with all the stuff they're using to ultimately control all of us. (You have to watch the video to understand what in particular she's talking about) I no longer vote in presidential elections because to me it's so clear it's a sham. The PTSB control both sides, so what we have is a Uniparty. The only One I trust is God.
I agree with what Whitney Webb said toward the end of the second video in the OP. Don't comply! Don't go along with all the stuff they're using to ultimately control all of us. (You have to watch the video to understand what in particular she's talking about) I personally no longer vote in presidential elections because to me it's so clear it's a sham. The PTSB control both sides, so what we have is a Uniparty. The only One I trust is God.
I suspect many here will never accept this truth. They are stuck in the uniparty matrix and can’t get out.
I agree with what Whitney Webb said toward the end of the second video in the OP. Don't comply! Don't go along with all the stuff they're using to ultimately control all of us. (You have to watch the video to understand what in particular she's talking about) I no longer vote in presidential elections because to me it's so clear it's a sham. The PTSB control both sides, so what we have is a Uniparty. The only One I trust is God.

Well, at least you got one thing right. Do you think they care that you don't participate, they don't need you to. :dunno:
I suspect many here will never accept this truth. They are stuck in the uniparty matrix and can’t get out.

Let's say a good majority 'get out' as you put it, what then? What changes? What's your next move? Another party that will be corrupted?
Well, at least you got one thing right. Do you think they care that you don't participate, they don't need you to. :dunno:

I think they do need our consent to do a lot of the things they want to do. That's why they manufacture consent through deceptive tactics like "Problem - Reaction - Solution." Yes, I'm just one person, but if more and more people stop participating and stop complying, they won't have that consent to go forward with all their authoritarian agendas. I was just about to sign off, but I wanted to write a quick reply. I'm glad we at least agree on that one thing.

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