The new talking point.

It's something along the lines of how Biden withdrawing is anti-democratic because the candidate Dem primary voters voted for won't be on the ballot. Oh....wait....because as the talking point goes the scoundrels pulling the strings are the evil DNC, the evil elites, and the evil big donors who are usurping the will of the people. No, seriously.

As is the case with quite a few talking points it is meant to be a counter narrative to some Repub vulnerability. You know, there's the talking point about how it's Joe and the Dem's fault trump was indicted four times cuz they weaponized something or other. It must be Joe's fault, it can't be Don's fault for committing crimes.

There's the Joe is a criminal talking point, wholly lacking credible evidence, as a counter to trump being indicted by four grand juries and convicted of a crime. Not to mention the civil sexual abuse (rape according to the federal, not NY standard) and tax fraud cases.

They are well practiced at muddying the waters. During trump's trials they put the focus on false accusations of judicial bias to obscure from the evidence of Don's guilt. Jan. 6 wasn't a failed coup, it was a FBI, false flag operation. The rioter's actions weren't those of traitors, they're patriots. trump isn't a convicted felon, he's a victim. The SC isn't reversing decades long precedents, they're obeying the Constitution.

You get the picture. trump has 26 credible complaints against him for various forms of sexual assault so Biden is accused of pedophilia. JD is a xenophobic, isolationist with an authoritarian bent so Kamala is....well....all they really need to do is say she's a black woman. That'll do the trick.
Has nothing to do with race. She is racist and one of the dumbest loonbats to ever seek the presidency. You can have her.
The average Dem voter will sit comatose and slack-jawed as the politburo, Pelosi, Schumer issue their marching orders to the Dem/ Socialist minions.
Repub conspiracy theory #874.
Has nothing to do with race. She is racist and one of the dumbest loonbats to ever seek the presidency. You can have her.
trump is racist and one of the dumbest loonbats to ever seek the presidency. Glad I could fix that for ya.
Your inability to discuss this coherently really does speak to the fact that it's not your point, you're just reading the script. When someone asks a question that doesn't have an answer on the script, you don't respond to it. You repeat previous points or just make silly pointless jokes.

What is the party supposed to do with votes for a candidate who has dropped out of the race?

Let's see if you have any rational thought.
Does the fact that all you have are childish ad hominum attacks give you a clue?
Does the fact that all you have are childish ad hominum attacks give you a clue?
I asked a rational question which you are desperately avoiding.

I believe the reason is because you don't think for yourself.

If you do, surely you could have answered it any of the numerous times I've asked it.

What is the party supposed to do with votes for someone who isn't running anymore?
You realize the talking point you've repeated 4 times now was created because trump tried to end the constitutional order when he plotted to steal the election, right?
Uh. It's your party that pulled a real scam and literally dumped 14,000,000 votes in the trash. You've completely trashed your own J6 talking points.
Dem/ Socialist fear and ignorance.

Kamala told you "Joe is at the top of his game". There you sit comatose and slack-jawed, nodding in agreement
As I said after the debate, his performance in it bears absolutely no relationship to what it takes to be an effective prez. Decisions are made in a deliberate fashion with input by advisers, not with a 2 minute clock running in the background.
As I said after the debate, his performance in it bears absolutely no relationship to what it takes to be an effective prez. Decisions are made in a deliberate fashion with input by advisers, not with a 2 minute clock running in the background.
Nonsense. The ability to form coherent sentences is a direct function of intelligence and mental acuity.

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