The new talking point.

I keep asking, but you refuse to answer. What was the force that was going to keep him off the ballot against his will?
I keep asking, but you refuse to answer. What was the force that was going to keep him off the ballot against his will?
Pelosi and the calls for Biden to leave. It's all about donations to the Politbro that decided Ole' Stumblebumss fate.

Dem/ Socialist fear and ignorance.

Kamala told you "Joe is at the top of his game". There you sit comatose and slack-jawed, nodding in agreement
You're making assumptions you know nothing about to fit a narrative.
"Calling" isn't force. Neither are donations.

If I call on you to stop posting here, am I forcing you off the message board?

Obviously not.
They are all in on the talking point. It took no time at all due to their need to believe it.
It's something along the lines of how Biden withdrawing is anti-democratic because the candidate Dem primary voters voted for won't be on the ballot. Oh....wait....because as the talking point goes the scoundrels pulling the strings are the evil DNC, the evil elites, and the evil big donors who are usurping the will of the people. No, seriously.

As is the case with quite a few talking points it is meant to be a counter narrative to some Repub vulnerability. You know, there's the talking point about how it's Joe and the Dem's fault trump was indicted four times cuz they weaponized something or other. It must be Joe's fault, it can't be Don's fault for committing crimes.

There's the Joe is a criminal talking point, wholly lacking credible evidence, as a counter to trump being indicted by four grand juries and convicted of a crime. Not to mention the civil sexual abuse (rape according to the federal, not NY standard) and tax fraud cases.

They are well practiced at muddying the waters. During trump's trials they put the focus on false accusations of judicial bias to obscure from the evidence of Don's guilt. Jan. 6 wasn't a failed coup, it was a FBI, false flag operation. The rioter's actions weren't those of traitors, they're patriots. trump isn't a convicted felon, he's a victim. The SC isn't reversing decades long precedents, they're obeying the Constitution.

You get the picture. trump has 26 credible complaints against him for various forms of sexual assault so Biden is accused of pedophilia. JD is a xenophobic, isolationist with an authoritarian bent so Kamala is....well....all they really need to do is say she's a black woman. That'll do the trick.

Either Biden quit because he is too brain dead to be President and run for the office, or it was a coup. So, which is it?
I asked a rational question which you are desperately avoiding.

Sorry, but all I saw was your childish ad hominum in post, after post, after post, after post, after post.

If you you had a serious, honest question, asked in an adult way, I'd be more than happy to help you understand what has happened.
Sorry, but all I saw was your childish ad hominum in post, after post, after post, after post, after post.

If you you had a serious, honest question, asked in an adult way, I'd be more than happy to help you understand what has happened.
Not my fault you can't read my posts and respond. I can despite your childish ad hominem in post after post.

What is the party supposed to do with the votes for a candidate who has dropped out of the race?
It's something along the lines of how Biden withdrawing is anti-democratic because the candidate Dem primary voters voted for won't be on the ballot. Oh....wait....because as the talking point goes the scoundrels pulling the strings are the evil DNC, the evil elites, and the evil big donors who are usurping the will of the people. No, seriously.

As is the case with quite a few talking points it is meant to be a counter narrative to some Repub vulnerability. You know, there's the talking point about how it's Joe and the Dem's fault trump was indicted four times cuz they weaponized something or other. It must be Joe's fault, it can't be Don's fault for committing crimes.

There's the Joe is a criminal talking point, wholly lacking credible evidence, as a counter to trump being indicted by four grand juries and convicted of a crime. Not to mention the civil sexual abuse (rape according to the federal, not NY standard) and tax fraud cases.

They are well practiced at muddying the waters. During trump's trials they put the focus on false accusations of judicial bias to obscure from the evidence of Don's guilt. Jan. 6 wasn't a failed coup, it was a FBI, false flag operation. The rioter's actions weren't those of traitors, they're patriots. trump isn't a convicted felon, he's a victim. The SC isn't reversing decades long precedents, they're obeying the Constitution.

You get the picture. trump has 26 credible complaints against him for various forms of sexual assault so Biden is accused of pedophilia. JD is a xenophobic, isolationist with an authoritarian bent so Kamala is....well....all they really need to do is say she's a black woman. That'll do the trick.
why do you all hate the will of the people? Democracy is at stake in this election, and you all just ignored the primaries. Sad.
What scam?

Perhaps you've been lucky enough in life to not lose a loved one to dementia/alzheimers. But this disease does not manifest itself over a weekend. You saw the signs of it at least three years ago. A year ago you could not ignore it.

Yet your party rigged the primaries so that Biden would not have any competition (scheduling SC first) and tried to keep and/or remove everyone else off the ballots.

Then they scheduled the first (last) debate for June. Literally months before any Presidential debate has ever taken place. Have they ever explained why? Do you see why now?
Not my fault you can't read my posts and respond. I can despite your childish ad hominem in post after post.
I'll repeat my offer one last time. If you you had a serious, honest question, asked in an adult way without you childish ad hominem, I'd be more than happy to help you understand what has happened.
I'll repeat my offer one last time. If you you had a serious, honest question, asked in an adult way without you childish ad hominem, I'd be more than happy to help you understand what has happened.
What is the party supposed to do with the votes for a candidate who has dropped out of the race?
He was not forced out. He was convinced by his colleagues that he could not win the election and that his continued candidacy was detrimental for the country.

Is any of that untrue?
Yes. The part where you insist on Introducng conspiracy theories that calm an emotional requirement that you deny Biden wasn't forced out by the Politburo.

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