The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think

Can you cite population pre and post 10/17 in both Israel and Gaza? Include migrant numbers? Thanks
See? You don’t the definition of genocide. You ignorant post proves it.

Thank you for admitting you’re a dumb ass.
You're far too optimistic, but enjoy it while you can. :cool:
I suppose so.

I'm trying to educate folks like IDIOCRACY, The Irish Ram, Doc7505, excalibur

You are smart enough to get it. I can't do it alone.

This is not a left/right, republican/democrat issue.

There are some folks that will not/cannot see beyond the emotional partisan rhetoric, and unless many folks help, you are correct, it may just be a lost cause.

I dunno.

I don't spend as much time at it as I used to.

But I will tell you this much. . .

When I was young, there were very few boomers that got it. A few more folks in Gen X that understood. . . and many more Millennials that get it.

Now? I'd say fifty percent of my kid's generation understand how this works. They don't even play this stoopid game anymore.
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I’ve posted the definition numerous times, but you genocide supporters never learn.

Post the NUMBERS, c'mon, you can do it.

Is there, some over-riding reason you need to derail this thread, when there are so many other places to have this grudge match?

"Unlimited hangout"? What the hell is that? What could be worse than a giggling ditsy idiot who constantly lied to Americans about Biden's health? Who would you rather have in charge of the border crisis, a former Marine or a giggly idiot who can't find Texas or Arizona on a map?
Is there, some over-riding reason you need to derail this thread, when there are so many other places to have this grudge match?

I think it's important to point out the hate that posters have to better assess their intent and biases on topics. Since Gip is a jew hater, nothing he says on any topic should hold relevance. :dunno:
Is there, some over-riding reason you need to derail this thread, when there are so many other places to have this grudge match?

Sorry, but he started it.
Since Gip is a jew hater, nothing he says on any topic should hold relevance. :dunno:
First of all, disapproving of America's foreign aid policy and enabling war, regardless of the circumstances, does not necessarily make one a "Jew," hater.

One can disapprove of Hamas with out being a Palestinian hater, or an Arab hater, so this seems like a bit of an extreme characterization.

Furthermore, bringing in a completely separate issue, and where a member stands on that issue, and then insinuating that it then might have some bearing on the legitimacy of the quality of the arguments on this thread, is known as a "poisoning the well," fallacy, a type of genetic Ad hom fallacy, and it has no bearing what-so-ever on this thread, and anything that gipper has written on this topic in this thread.

You need to analyze each and every statement and argument presented on their own, and the evidence supporting them, or else it speaks more to YOUR intellect and character than his.

Why does JD scare them so much?... its because they know he will peel away millions of working class Americans from the democrats....
First of all, disapproving of America's foreign aid policy and enabling war, regardless of the circumstances, does not necessarily make one a "Jew," hater.

One can disapprove of Hamas with out being a Palestinian hater, or an Arab hater, so this seems like a bit of an extreme characterization.

Furthermore, bringing in a completely separate issue, and where a member stands on that issue, and then insinuating that it then might have some bearing on the legitimacy of the quality of the arguments on this thread, is known as a "poisoning the well," fallacy, a type of genetic Ad hom fallacy, and it has no bearing what-so-ever on this thread, and anything that gipper has written on this topic in this thread.

You need to analyze each and every statement and argument presented on their own, and the evidence supporting them, or else it speaks more to YOUR intellect and character than his.


I've read his posts, I believe I have the discernment for myself to understand exactly what he represents. He's a Jew hater.
I don't know what you're talking about. I was talking about Vance when I said "his connection to Peter Thiel" What you said doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I said.
Its also interesting that Musk has pitched in a big chq. Trump/Vance looks like a traditional bought and paid for combo..
I think its how your politics is structured.
Its also interesting that Musk has pitched in a big chq. Trump/Vance looks like a traditional bought and paid for combo..
I think its how your politics is structured.
Musk has stated he’ll give Trump $45 million.

Yeah our political system is rotten to the core. I’d gladly take King George over this shit show.

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