"Better Than Jesus": How Far Will The Cult of Trump Go?


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2022
My Happyi Place
Donald Trump is a human chaos engine. It is a function of both his personality and his politics. He has shown himself to be what mental health professionals describe as “hypomanic”: He has what appears to be an endless amount of energy.

Trump is an instinctive authoritarian and a demagogue. Although he has no real ideology beyond amassing raw corrupt power for his own purposes, Trump’s political project is fascist. He hates democracy, the rule of law, and any other restraints on his behavior and goal of being America’s first dictator. Such political strongmen and their movements use chaos, confusion, and destruction as one of their primary weapons to exhaust any resistance to them. As he has shown throughout the last eight years (at least), Donald Trump is a master of this strategy.

In all, it has been very difficult for the American people, the news media, and the country’s responsible political elites to stop Donald Trump and the larger neofascist movement precisely because he and they are launching so many attacks simultaneously on the country’s democracy, institutions, political culture and collective sense of reason – and reality itself.
Donald Trump is a human chaos engine. It is a function of both his personality and his politics. He has shown himself to be what mental health professionals describe as “hypomanic”: He has what appears to be an endless amount of energy.

Trump is an instinctive authoritarian and a demagogue. Although he has no real ideology beyond amassing raw corrupt power for his own purposes, Trump’s political project is fascist. He hates democracy, the rule of law, and any other restraints on his behavior and goal of being America’s first dictator. Such political strongmen and their movements use chaos, confusion, and destruction as one of their primary weapons to exhaust any resistance to them. As he has shown throughout the last eight years (at least), Donald Trump is a master of this strategy.

In all, it has been very difficult for the American people, the news media, and the country’s responsible political elites to stop Donald Trump and the larger neofascist movement precisely because he and they are launching so many attacks simultaneously on the country’s democracy, institutions, political culture and collective sense of reason – and reality itself.
You may need some help... especially after Trump wins in November...
Donald Trump is a human chaos engine. It is a function of both his personality and his politics. He has shown himself to be what mental health professionals describe as “hypomanic”: He has what appears to be an endless amount of energy.

Trump is an instinctive authoritarian and a demagogue. Although he has no real ideology beyond amassing raw corrupt power for his own purposes, Trump’s political project is fascist. He hates democracy, the rule of law, and any other restraints on his behavior and goal of being America’s first dictator. Such political strongmen and their movements use chaos, confusion, and destruction as one of their primary weapons to exhaust any resistance to them. As he has shown throughout the last eight years (at least), Donald Trump is a master of this strategy.

In all, it has been very difficult for the American people, the news media, and the country’s responsible political elites to stop Donald Trump and the larger neofascist movement precisely because he and they are launching so many attacks simultaneously on the country’s democracy, institutions, political culture and collective sense of reason – and reality itself.
Absolute FACT. Nice OP.
This has me scared. There is a reason why we have a PRIMARY SEASON and not a CORONATION.

Mr. Trump has a lot to answer for regarding

Chris Wray
his "fantastic" covid handling
WHY he endorsed Zionist Fascist Biden "Republicans" like McDaniel and McCarthy, and Wicker over Rosendale just weeks ago...
Donald Trump is a human chaos engine. It is a function of both his personality and his politics. He has shown himself to be what mental health professionals describe as “hypomanic”: He has what appears to be an endless amount of energy.

Trump is an instinctive authoritarian and a demagogue. Although he has no real ideology beyond amassing raw corrupt power for his own purposes, Trump’s political project is fascist. He hates democracy, the rule of law, and any other restraints on his behavior and goal of being America’s first dictator. Such political strongmen and their movements use chaos, confusion, and destruction as one of their primary weapons to exhaust any resistance to them. As he has shown throughout the last eight years (at least), Donald Trump is a master of this strategy.

In all, it has been very difficult for the American people, the news media, and the country’s responsible political elites to stop Donald Trump and the larger neofascist movement precisely because he and they are launching so many attacks simultaneously on the country’s democracy, institutions, political culture and collective sense of reason – and reality itself.
But could Trump succeed in any modern and socially responsible country?
Americans are his audience.
In fairness to Americans, Biden as his opposition has built in a good quantity of Trump's support.
You may need some help... especially after Trump wins in November...
I doubt that, ver much. The OP is correct on all counts, and Don is digging the dirt out from under feet of Independents of their ability to put up with the total package, just because of a policy thing, over their commitment to keeping the country a representative republic under rule of law. In the end, they will stand on solid ground supporting continuity of our representative republic, not the chaos he offers.
Donald Trump is a human chaos engine. It is a function of both his personality and his politics. He has shown himself to be what mental health professionals describe as “hypomanic”: He has what appears to be an endless amount of energy.

Trump is an instinctive authoritarian and a demagogue. Although he has no real ideology beyond amassing raw corrupt power for his own purposes, Trump’s political project is fascist. He hates democracy, the rule of law, and any other restraints on his behavior and goal of being America’s first dictator. Such political strongmen and their movements use chaos, confusion, and destruction as one of their primary weapons to exhaust any resistance to them. As he has shown throughout the last eight years (at least), Donald Trump is a master of this strategy.

In all, it has been very difficult for the American people, the news media, and the country’s responsible political elites to stop Donald Trump and the larger neofascist movement precisely because he and they are launching so many attacks simultaneously on the country’s democracy, institutions, political culture and collective sense of reason – and reality itself.
have you considered therapy?

Wonder if they will reenact Jesus's death with Trump and wait for him to resurrect himself. That would be something to see!
Wonder if they will reenact Jesus's death with Trump and wait for him to resurrect himself. That would be something to see!

As long as Chosen Jews did it, "Pro Israel Christians" would be for it if their Jew Fraud of a Christian Preacher told them to support it....
Donald Trump is a human chaos engine. It is a function of both his personality and his politics. He has shown himself to be what mental health professionals describe as “hypomanic”: He has what appears to be an endless amount of energy.

Trump is an instinctive authoritarian and a demagogue. Although he has no real ideology beyond amassing raw corrupt power for his own purposes, Trump’s political project is fascist. He hates democracy, the rule of law, and any other restraints on his behavior and goal of being America’s first dictator. Such political strongmen and their movements use chaos, confusion, and destruction as one of their primary weapons to exhaust any resistance to them. As he has shown throughout the last eight years (at least), Donald Trump is a master of this strategy.

In all, it has been very difficult for the American people, the news media, and the country’s responsible political elites to stop Donald Trump and the larger neofascist movement precisely because he and they are launching so many attacks simultaneously on the country’s democracy, institutions, political culture and collective sense of reason – and reality itself.
And this has never been about him. It's about the enablers: Those in Congress and MAGA media who help him, and the rubes who have somehow fallen for him.

He's just one guy. Look to history: The worst of the worst had plenty of help.
From the OPs link;

". . The Supreme Court’s decision on Wednesday to hear Trump’s absurd case about Jan. 6, where he is arguing that while president, he had some type of immunity from the law like a king or emperor who can order his political rivals killed by the military or accept money for political favors, being the most recent example. . . "



" . . . We can’t know the extent to which Trump believes his own lies. The more important point is that majorities of Republican voters believe him when he speaks. In last summer’s CBS News-YouGov survey, Trump supporters – astonishingly –tend to trust him more than they trust their family and friends, conservative media, or even their own religious leaders. We cannot overstate the role of conspiracism and disinformation in bringing us to the point we are in right now. Many MAGA voters have been drawn into a fear-filled, fact-free world. They continue to believe the Big Lie that the 2020 was stolen; they think Trump was the greatest president ever; they say that his indictments are just political persecution from a “weaponized” system of justice; and they have been persuaded that a global cabal is trying to strip away from them everything they hold dear – and that Trump is the savior who will face down the demons and set the world aright. . . . "

UNHINGED! Rachel Maddow’s Worst Attack On Democracy Yet!​

Mar 2, 2024
Every day Rachel Maddow becomes a more severe opponent of democracy. Now she’s insisting that the Supreme Court has lost all its legitimacy for taking up the question of whether a sitting President can be tried for crimes. Others at MSNBC have echoed Maddow’s demand that the Supreme Court must be stopped.

Jimmy and Due Dissidence hosts Russell Dobular and Keaton Weiss discuss how far off the rails MSNBC and the Democratic establishment it represents have gone over Trump.

The Simple Reason for Trump's Unstoppable Popularity | SYSTEM UPDATE​

Sep 29, 2023
I doubt that, ver much. The OP is correct on all counts, and Don is digging the dirt out from under feet of Independents of their ability to put up with the total package, just because of a policy thing, over their commitment to keeping the country a representative republic under rule of law. In the end, they will stand on solid ground supporting continuity of our representative republic, not the chaos he offers.

The Cult needs a leader who is bigger than life to them. They will follow him off a cliff.

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