Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

National polls remain snapshots only. It's all about the swing states now, and we'll see what those numbers look like.

Trump could lose the popular vote, again, and win, so....
While nationwide surveys give important signals of American support for political candidates, a handful of competitive states typically tilt the balance in the U.S. Electoral College, which ultimately decides who wins a presidential election.

Meh, nobody ever expected Trump to win the popular vote and I would expect a short-lived honeymoon bump in a nationwide poll.

There will also be a small convention/VP announcement bump......Then it will get down to brass tacks.

I look at the whole FKH thing as a flash in the pan.
National polls remain snapshots only. It's all about the swing states now, and we'll see what those numbers look like.

Trump could lose the popular vote, again, and win, so....
By the time we get to the election Trump will be losing in most swing states.
It's so easy to manipulate these polls .

A Mug tactic if you want a Dumbo favourable result is to lower the number of known Republicans within the total and separately increase the numbers of Dumbos and Independents to make up the total . Immediate lowering of GOP result
Then next you just ensure a similar approach to other demographics like age, for example .
And because there is a strong correlation of increased age favouring the GOP ,,.you change the proportion of them within your total to manipulate toward the desired overall result .
Endless tricks available and Deep State , Reuters, will churn out a required result and then use its huge distribution network to easily Fake the whole climate .
And they do .
Lots of lols in this thread!
The best is that you lunatic leftoids think madame ding-bat has a chance in hell to beat Trump.
No he's not and because you chime in and claim it means nothing.

Annoying prick
He is. You are no conservative. I say so because it's a fact. I live among conservatves and right wingers in Kansas, there is a difference. Ignorant b.
Lots of lols in this thread!
The best is that you lunatic leftoids think madame ding-bat has a chance in hell to beat Trump.
Madame ding bat isn't running. But Captain Queeg is the Republican nominee.

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