Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

Well, this does explain why Biden dropped out, Harris appears to be far more competitive:

Vice President Kamala Harris opened up a marginal two-percentage-point lead over Republican Donald Trump after President Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign and passed the torch to her, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found.
That compares with a marginal two-point deficit Biden faced against Trump in last week's poll before his Sunday exit from the race.
The new poll, conducted on Monday and Tuesday, followed both the Republican National Convention where Trump on Thursday formally accepted the nomination and Biden's announcement on Sunday he was leaving the race and endorsing Harris.

Harris, whose campaign says she has secured the Democratic nomination, led Trump 44% to 42% in the national poll, a difference within the 3-percentage-point margin of error.
Harris and Trump were tied at 44% in a July 15-16 poll, and Trump led by one percentage point in a July 1-2 poll, both within the same margin of error.
While nationwide surveys give important signals of American support for political candidates, a handful of competitive states typically tilt the balance in the U.S. Electoral College, which ultimately decides who wins a presidential election.

A pollster with Trump's campaign played down any polling showing an increase in Harris' support, arguing that she was likely to see a temporary rise in popularity because of widespread media coverage of her new candidacy.
"That bump is likely to start showing itself over the next few days and will last for a while," pollster Tony Fabrizio said in a memo circulated to reporters by Trump's campaign.
Candidates often expect a bump after formally accepting their party's nomination at stage-managed, televised conventions such as the one that Trump had last week. But the poll showed no sign of that.

Bump or not, the most recent Reuters/Ipsos poll underscored the rationale for Biden dropping out of the race and for Harris replacing him on the ticket.
The timing of Biden’s decision took the bounce out of Trump’s nomination and turned on the Dems voting base, I think most Americans saw this coming we will see how long it will last or if this move keeps the Dems in the White House.
The ultimate revenge of democrats is to put a proven whore into the presidency. The whole world knows how she got where she is. She's not even likeable. The American people, even democrats kicked her to the curb in 2020. And now you're slobbering all over her? LOLOLOLOL
"Maybe it's because Biden has been caught on camera molesting little girls."

In contradistinction to a court determination that Don Trump violently sexually assaulted a woman in a dressing room?

Personally, my avatar favors court judgements.....jury judgements ....over mischaracterized or edited pics deceptively used by MAGA Misogynists.

But that's just me.
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In contradistinction to a court determination that Don Trump violently sexually assaulted a woman in a dressing room?

Personally, my avatar favors court judgements.....jury judgements ....over mischaracterized or edited pics deceptively used by MAGA Misogynists.

But that's just me.
That was pure bullshit lawfare and you know it. We all know it. All you have to do is to look at the history of E.Jean Carroll. The woman will do anything. No sane man, especially donald trump would touch that fruitcake. do you KNOW how many men she had no contact with, she has accused of raping her. the woman has a fantastic imagination.
Everything about the Democrats is fake

Fake president
Fake black woman running for president
Fake voters

They're so fucked up they tried to murder Trump to keep from losing the White House.

Trump Crushes Harris in National Polls – July’s Surprise​

According to recent surveys, Trump is not just edging out Harris; he’s delivering a political uppercut. Out of 13 national polls conducted in July, Trump leads Harris by an impressive margin. But hold on, let’s not reveal the full extent of the thrashing just yet. We need to build up to that, like any good cliffhanger.

Why is this significant? For starters, Harris isn’t just any opponent. She’s the sitting Vice President, a role that typically carries significant political clout. She has been propped up by her party to fill in after Biden’s unsurprising, yet still late, departure. The American public seems to be leaning heavily towards Trump. This isn’t just a ripple; it’s a wave, and it’s got the Democrats scrambling for their life vests.
Do you really think we're this fucking stupid?

We've been watching this worthless bitch do nothing for almost 4 years and you think that a lot of gushing sycophantic leftist talking-heads are going to erase our memories.
Here it comes! Right on cue.
You cultroaches haven't been able to shut up about the polls before.
Now? Not so much.
You see, you've fallen for your own false narrative.
Your cult has told you a story about Harris that wasn't necessarily true, but they told you this story over and over so many times that you believed it was the truth.
Then you began repeating it to others as if it was true or factual. Actually though you never bothered to do any of your own research on the woman....to find out who and what she REALLY is.
So naturally you can't believe that she would begin polling well, even better than Trump. It dumbfounds you, because you don't know who she is.
You don't know anything about her.
You are wilfully ignorant.
This election is going to be a close one....that's a great sign for the nation
Not really. The fact this country has people seriously considering electing a convicted felon just because he's white is troubling.

A Deeper Dive into the Numbers​

Let’s take a quick look at the numbers. Daily Mail has Trump leading Harris by a whopping 49-38. Harris X/Forbes has Trump winning by 10 points. Social Research has Trump winning by 8 points. Even liberally biased outlets like CBS show Trump winning by at least 3 points.

All these polls came out in July, after Biden’s disastrous debate performance. By then, voters were expecting Joe to drop out and give the reins to Harris. So, these polls are a strong indicator, even though some of them came out before Biden officially dropped out.

Trump Crushes Harris in National Polls – July’s Surprise​

According to recent surveys, Trump is not just edging out Harris; he’s delivering a political uppercut. Out of 13 national polls conducted in July, Trump leads Harris by an impressive margin. But hold on, let’s not reveal the full extent of the thrashing just yet. We need to build up to that, like any good cliffhanger.

Why is this significant? For starters, Harris isn’t just any opponent. She’s the sitting Vice President, a role that typically carries significant political clout. She has been propped up by her party to fill in after Biden’s unsurprising, yet still late, departure. The American public seems to be leaning heavily towards Trump. This isn’t just a ripple; it’s a wave, and it’s got the Democrats scrambling for their life vests.
Since Harris really didn't start until Sunday, you might want to slow down with the trump landslide opinion.

The Underlying Factors​

Why is Trump surging? The reasons are manifold. For one, voters blame Harris as much as Biden for the mess the country’s in – from the economy to foreign policy. Remember, Harris was the one who Biden “tapped” to fix the border. She did nothing, but give away hundreds of millions of dollars. Don’t forget she continued to lie about Biden’s condition, until the day he dropped out.

A Deeper Dive into the Numbers​

Let’s take a quick look at the numbers. Daily Mail has Trump leading Harris by a whopping 49-38. Harris X/Forbes has Trump winning by 10 points. Social Research has Trump winning by 8 points. Even liberally biased outlets like CBS show Trump winning by at least 3 points.

All these polls came out in July, after Biden’s disastrous debate performance. By then, voters were expecting Joe to drop out and give the reins to Harris. So, these polls are a strong indicator, even though some of them came out before Biden officially dropped out.
Again, Harris wasn't running. Trump is going to lose.
You are a fascist. I don't have to define anything for you. Look up the definition and compare that to what you believe.

We can write this in crayon if that helps you. Has nothing to do with right or left...that was the left's definition because that was the only way they could distract their own supporters..... Look closely and see that it is exactly what the dems have been doing. There's still time to come to the right side IM2.

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