Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

Dem elites accused of ‘steamrolling democracy’ to oust Biden, anoint Kamala Harris: ‘Invalidated the votes’:

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Democratic elites are being accused of “steamrolling democracy” by forcing President Biden to end his campaign at the eleventh hour as part of a sinister plot to replace the octogenarian commander-in-chief at the top of the ticket for Veep Kamala Harris without voter approval.

After Dems mounted a sudden pressure campaign to topple Biden, 81, following his disastrous debate performance against former President Donald Trump, House Republican leadership excoriated influential leftists for sabotaging the democratic process to get his decades-younger running mate elected instead.

“Over 48 hours ago – just over 100 days before an election – Democrat Party bosses forced Joe Biden off the ballot,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told reporters Tuesday during a press conference.“They invalidated the votes of more than 14 million Americans who went through the small ‘d’ democratic process and chose their nominee for president,” he went on, adding that “they just steamrolled democracy.”

“The Democrats lied and misled the public about Crooked Joe Biden, and now we find he is a complete and total Cognitive and Physical ‘MESS,’” [President] Trump wrote. “They also mislead [sic] the Republican Party, causing it to waste a great deal of time and money. To be resumed!”

additional source: NY Post

IM2 is still a slave to the democrat party.
One armed crackpot in Butler County is "they"? You`ve got an overactive imagination or you`re mentally ill. Paranoia is a recognized symptom of mental illness and you should be seeking help.
People compare Trump's assassination attempt to Jack Kennedy's but more closely parallels Robert Kennedy's take out. Both had just won their party's presumed nomination and were showing a lot of popular support, had little or no protection, shot by one of our lone nut players, had a very sketchy investigation, and then promptly relegated to the Mandela effect history narrative.

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20 million dollars went to Kamala Harris' campaign fund from a single donor, a Swiss billionaire. That money was broken down into 400,000 small payments.
Democrats are jubilant about the expanding base of support.
Good luck, folks.
Well, this does explain why Biden dropped out, Harris appears to be far more competitive:

Vice President Kamala Harris opened up a marginal two-percentage-point lead over Republican Donald Trump after President Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign and passed the torch to her, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found.
That compares with a marginal two-point deficit Biden faced against Trump in last week's poll before his Sunday exit from the race.
The new poll, conducted on Monday and Tuesday, followed both the Republican National Convention where Trump on Thursday formally accepted the nomination and Biden's announcement on Sunday he was leaving the race and endorsing Harris.

Harris, whose campaign says she has secured the Democratic nomination, led Trump 44% to 42% in the national poll, a difference within the 3-percentage-point margin of error.
Harris and Trump were tied at 44% in a July 15-16 poll, and Trump led by one percentage point in a July 1-2 poll, both within the same margin of error.
While nationwide surveys give important signals of American support for political candidates, a handful of competitive states typically tilt the balance in the U.S. Electoral College, which ultimately decides who wins a presidential election.

A pollster with Trump's campaign played down any polling showing an increase in Harris' support, arguing that she was likely to see a temporary rise in popularity because of widespread media coverage of her new candidacy.
"That bump is likely to start showing itself over the next few days and will last for a while," pollster Tony Fabrizio said in a memo circulated to reporters by Trump's campaign.
Candidates often expect a bump after formally accepting their party's nomination at stage-managed, televised conventions such as the one that Trump had last week. But the poll showed no sign of that.

Bump or not, the most recent Reuters/Ipsos poll underscored the rationale for Biden dropping out of the race and for Harris replacing him on the ticket.
Give it another month. That lead will grow.
I'm seeing a lot of spiking the football by Dems right now. Excitement is always good in politics, but several swing states need to be turned around.
No one should be spiking anything yet (save for maybe the punch). Convention first, then official nominee..then the fun begins.
The polls probably aren't going to move very much until after the DNC.
Not at all. He was convinced that he could no longer do what it takes to be President. It`s not a job for geezers...or career criminals with dozens of felony convictions and plenty more on the way.
I'm uncertain he decide that he was too old to do the job....he doesn't think that way imo.

I think he selflessly resigned because he was hurting the chances of democrats and congress critters...and could see he was bringing the party down.

He could see in the polling, that beating Trump was not likely for him either.

To save the party's chances, and a CHANCE for a Hail Mary win with Kamala, in order to keep Trump from being president again and destroying our Democratic Republic... was worth his sacrifice.... He loves the Country, more than himself.

That's the story, and I'm sticking with it! 😁
Dem elites accused of ‘steamrolling democracy’ to oust Biden, anoint Kamala Harris: ‘Invalidated the votes’:

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Democratic elites are being accused of “steamrolling democracy” by forcing President Biden to end his campaign at the eleventh hour as part of a sinister plot to replace the octogenarian commander-in-chief at the top of the ticket for Veep Kamala Harris without voter approval.

After Dems mounted a sudden pressure campaign to topple Biden, 81, following his disastrous debate performance against former President Donald Trump, House Republican leadership excoriated influential leftists for sabotaging the democratic process to get his decades-younger running mate elected instead.

“Over 48 hours ago – just over 100 days before an election – Democrat Party bosses forced Joe Biden off the ballot,” House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) told reporters Tuesday during a press conference.“They invalidated the votes of more than 14 million Americans who went through the small ‘d’ democratic process and chose their nominee for president,” he went on, adding that “they just steamrolled democracy.”

“The Democrats lied and misled the public about Crooked Joe Biden, and now we find he is a complete and total Cognitive and Physical ‘MESS,’” [President] Trump wrote. “They also mislead [sic] the Republican Party, causing it to waste a great deal of time and money. To be resumed!”

additional source: NY Post

IM2 is still a slave to the democrat party.
All allegations brought by whiny Republicans who now find themselves in an actual campaign fight that they thought was going to be a walk (after the debate).
Trump, Johnson, the lot of them have NOTHING to say about it. They know they have a frothing at the mouth old man fronting their ticket and a complete douchebag as VP
that makes Dan Quayle look smart. :)

Joe Biden decided to step down. Because he saw the writing on the wall. His legacy as President is now secure.
Somebody that actually put his country first...and then helped his party out.

Can't say anything remotely similar about Trump.
Maybe it's because Biden has been caught on camera molesting little girls. Even some Dem-Marxists will disapprove, even though they don't have the guts to say it publicly.
dimocrap scum do as they're told. Just look around in here. The Crime Family DNC could nominate a Bagel and these fucking idiots would get excited about it.

And this 'lead' over OMB? It's called a "Honeymoon" bump.

Wait until people get to know her

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