Florida Dem. likens calling Vice President Kamala Harris a 'DEI hire' to using the n-word

Biden said he was going to pick a black women.

So she’s DEI.

Just like his Supreme Court selection.


Yes, that will be there.

Joe made her a DEI pick.

On the SCOTUS too.

Bummer you can't say you got there because of your accomplishments.

Biden said he'd pick on race and sex (of which Harris is known for). That automatically makes her an affirmative action failure.
Yep. All certified.

Your blob lost to an “Alzheimer’s patient”? Yes he did. Bigly.

C’mon...say the N-word. You’ll feel better.

You know you want to.
Why ?

Joe's out. Got mauled on TV.

He wasn't as much an Alzheimers patient 4 years ago.

Oh yeah....forgot you were a moron.
Sure, just run on 40 year old events.

Maybe the orange felon can explain how he was committing adultery with two women while Barron was being born.
The inflated price of groceries is happening now.

No one cares who Trump fucked.
How about that Karen McDougal? (so what?)
The price of groceries affects me and my family.

Biden said he was going to pick a black women.

So she’s DEI.

Just like his Supreme Court selection.


Ironic isn’t it? The left pushed DEI, a.k.a, prioritizing race in making decisions, and they never once thought that someone would bring up the fact that Biden projected that he would only select a black woman as his VP, and the left has made their entire platform based around this kind of thing, now they are pushing back when repubs are mentioning it.

Look, as far as qualifications go, let’s be honest, Harris is more qualified than Trump was when he ran for president, given her background compared to his, but, let’s also be honest and say that Biden hung the “DEI hire” plaque around her neck by telling everyone his VP pick would be a black woman.

This is Bidens fault…but really, the fault of the left in general.
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Wow... you sound so gleeful. I’m not even a little surprised that you hope someone dies because well...you are you.

The party that is set to nominate a black woman as it’s candidate for President is supposedly “racist”?

Wow... are you off your meds again?

C’mon...say it.
I am gleeful!

I watched you Leftards change the rules so Joe ran unposed and now at the last second you’re stuck with DEI hire Border Czar Harris who couldn’t even make it to Iowa against Democrats!

Biden said he was going to pick a black women.

So she’s DEI.

Just like his Supreme Court selection.


Love to watch this scum self destruct , this is over as far as shitpants is concerned, bigots like Weatherman will self destruct this hate group. Love to watch , a women a black women these bigots can't handle it. We will see non stop ugly on this and it is nothing but another nail in their coffin. love it.
1. Amy is super smart and superbly qualified.
2. Kamala was a slow student, has limited specific knowledge, and is what we call a "DEI Hire".
3. The Bar is by each state.
1. Maybe sure, but she is a handmaiden in the catholic faith and you know what that is.
2. What do you base that one and please keep up the misogyny for all women to see.
3. The California bar exam is the toughest one in the US. Indiana passes 76% of first time takers.
1. Amy is super smart and superbly qualified.
2. Kamala was a slow student, has limited specific knowledge, and is what we call a "DEI Hire".
3. The Bar is by each state.
This is so telling , he is yelling MAGA is scum MAGA hates women , MAGA hates blacks.
Ironic isn’t it? The left pushed DEI, a.k.a, prioritizing race in making decisions, and they never once thought that someone would bring up the fact that Biden projected that he was would only select a black woman as his VP, and the left has made their entire platform based around this kind of thing, now they are pushing back when repubs are mentioning it.

Look, as far as qualifications go, let’s be honest, Harris is more qualified than Trump was when he ran for president, given her background compared to his, but, let’s also be honest and say that Biden hung the “DEI hire” plaque around her neck by telling everyone his VP pick would be a black woman.

This is Bidens fault…but really, the fault of the left in general.

I am sure Jackson appreciates knowing she'll be remembered as being picked for her skin color as opposed to her qualifications (which she had more than enough).
Love to watch this scum self destruct , this is over as far as shitpants is concerned, bigots like Weatherman will self destruct this hate group. Love to watch , a women a black women these bigots can't handle it. We will see non stop ugly on this and it is nothing but another nail in their coffin. love it.

You have no clue.

Joe was the one who basically branded her DEI.

Enjoy while we wrap that around her and let the world see.

Drops out of the race in like 10 seconds she got beat so bad.
The inflated price of groceries is happening now.

No one cares who Trump fucked.
How about that Karen McDougal? (so what?)
The price of groceries affects me and my family.

View attachment 983494
Yeah, she received $150K

And soft porn actress melania received a new prenup.

If it affects you and you family get off your ass and make more money instead of whining to the government like a pussy fuckup.

I’m making $25K more a year since 2021.
This is all over except the epitaph and death certificate. Something as simple as selecting Harris becomes the end of Trump and if not now with the work that the patriots of this country will do , IT IS THE END OF MAGA ALSO> There is no person more like Hitler then Trump and no party more like the Nazi's then MAGA. Try to argue that MAGA
1. Maybe sure, but she is a handmaiden in the catholic faith and you know what that is.
2. What do you base that one and please keep up the misogyny for all women to see.
3. The California bar exam is the toughest one in the US. Indiana passes 76% of first time takers.
1. Being Catholic is not a pejorative. Its better than being a deviant, or a Low-IQ moron, or a communist wanna be, or a BLM member, or an antifa member, or a criminal, or a shop lifter, or a ___________

2. Kamala is a lot higher on the success spectrum than her intelligence and comparative skills suggest.

3. True. Its not an easy exam. But 50% pass the 1st time. So Kamala is in the bottom half, just sayin.

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