Florida Dem. likens calling Vice President Kamala Harris a 'DEI hire' to using the n-word

I can only judge you based on your assumptions when posting. Your single focus on blackness informs me that can’t step away from the tacit racism that never is a white person less qualified.

You brush aside Reagan’s move to soften and win more women by promising the gender a spot on the high court.

You brush aside the felon’s move to shore up the far-right vote with his Federalist Society promise.

Biden in 2020 needed the black and the same move to shore up that vote.

It’s simple politics, but you see only race.

I can only judge you based on your assumptions when posting. Your single focus on blackness informs me that can’t step away from the tacit racism that never is a white person less qualified.

Then you are stereotyping…

Single focus on blackness? Really? Take a look around, there are people in this forum MUCH more focused on blackness than I am.

As far as white people less qualified, did you not even read the part where I said Jackson, and even Harris are plenty qualified. Their qualifications are not in question here, only the REASONS that Biden picked them, according to the words coming out of his own mouth.

You’re looking for a reason to be enraged here. I never said Jackson wasn’t qualified, I simply pointed out that the stigma of “DEI hire” was hung around her neck, just as with Harris, because Biden made their race and their gender his primary focus when picking them.

You brush aside Reagan’s move to soften and win more women by promising the gender a spot on the high court.

And he was also wrong the select someone based on their gender, but you have to remember, that was also a different time. Democrats back then were not pushing a dei agenda. Now, they have made it a central pillar to their platform.

Biden in 2020 needed the black and the same move to shore up that vote.

Exactly, it was a virtue signal to pander to the black vote, but by doing so, he cast a shadow over them by making it all about their race and gender. He would have been better off to make the appointments and let OTHER people praise him for appointing black women. See what I mean?

It’s simple politics, but you see only race.

It’s not about their race, it’s about how Biden presented them.
Kamala Harris flunked her Bar Exam.

Amy Coney Barret graduated 1st in her class at ND Law School.

See the difference?
Yup, Barrett's the status quo - WHITE.

If Harris did not pass the bar how did she become a California prosecutor and ultimately Vice President of the United States? You couldn't become an attorney back when she did without passing the bar. So how'd she do it?

Not even relative to what I said.

Ok…if your party says they are going to implement an agenda that attempts to focus on race as a criteria for hiring and other decisions, and then the president says “I’m going to appoint black women”…what do you expect people to thing? Biden appointed them because they were black women…in other words, he used that as his criteria. That’s not to take away from the women in any way, which is the point I think you’re missing. I’m not saying they are lesser people at all, I’m saying BIDEN cast doubt onto them because he used their race and gender as his primary reason for picking them

Again, if Biden had made the picks and just touted their qualifications, and not tried to pander to black folk, as you just suggested, it would have achieved the same goal, they would have been the first black women in their positions, people wouldn’t be hung up on the DEI aspect of it, and Biden would have still gotten the credit, but it would have come from outside, not inside n
1. Amy is super smart and superbly qualified.
2. Kamala was a slow student, has limited specific knowledge, and is what we call a "DEI Hire".
3. The Bar is by each state.
EVERYONE knows that passing the bar, which VP Harris obviously has done, is more difficult than taking a law school examination.

Not discounting Barrett's accomplishments, but your argument is flawed because you're comparing two things that are not the same.
Ironic isn’t it? The left pushed DEI, a.k.a, prioritizing race in making decisions, and they never once thought that someone would bring up the fact that Biden projected that he would only select a black woman as his VP, and the left has made their entire platform based around this kind of thing, now they are pushing back when repubs are mentioning it.

Look, as far as qualifications go, let’s be honest, Harris is more qualified than Trump was when he ran for president, given her background compared to his, but, let’s also be honest and say that Biden hung the “DEI hire” plaque around her neck by telling everyone his VP pick would be a black woman.

This is Bidens fault…but really, the fault of the left in general.
I guess you all haven't realized yet that this is only a problem for racist?!?
1. Being Catholic is not a pejorative. Its better than being a deviant, or a Low-IQ moron, or a communist wanna be, or a BLM member, or an antifa member, or a criminal, or a shop lifter, or a ___________

2. Kamala is a lot higher on the success spectrum than her intelligence and comparative skills suggest.

3. True. Its not an easy exam. But 50% pass the 1st time. So Kamala is in the bottom half, just sayin.
You all would be funny it you weren't so damn pathetic and so bad at logic.

She WAS in the bottom half, as soon as she passed the exam she was part of the top half and apparently hasn't look back since.
Harris is a women and black. these fucking MAGA Bigots won't be able to keep their mouths shut. MAGA =lies hate stupidity and its main driving driving force is the hate of Women and blacks. This is going to be a show. they will start arguing with each other whats worse about Harris , being black or being a women. This election has now been decided. Shitpants is done.
You fuckers can’t STOP talking about her skin color or the fact that she is a woman

Yes. It is racist and misogynistic
Not even relative to what I said.

Ok…if your party says they are going to implement an agenda that attempts to focus on race as a criteria for hiring and other decisions, and then the president says “I’m going to appoint black women”…what do you expect people to thing? Biden appointed them because they were black women…in other words, he used that as his criteria. That’s not to take away from the women in any way, which is the point I think you’re missing. I’m not saying they are lesser people at all, I’m saying BIDEN cast doubt onto them because he used their race and gender as his primary reason for picking them

Again, if Biden had made the picks and just touted their qualifications, and not tried to pander to black folk, as you just suggested, it would have achieved the same goal, they would have been the first black women in their positions, people wouldn’t be hung up on the DEI aspect of it, and Biden would have still gotten the credit, but it would have come from outside, not inside n
Did the felon cast all Federalist approved judges that he nominated into doubt because he stated that he would only pick them?

Also, was that not pandering before an election to the white far-right crowd?
1. Being Catholic is not a pejorative. Its better than being a deviant, or a Low-IQ moron, or a communist wanna be, or a BLM member, or an antifa member, or a criminal, or a shop lifter, or a ___________

2. Kamala is a lot higher on the success spectrum than her intelligence and comparative skills suggest.

3. True. Its not an easy exam. But 50% pass the 1st time. So Kamala is in the bottom half, just sayin.
Love this, fucking chauvinist bigot.
It is the term you guys have come up with to get around using the “N-word” in public--you have to limit yourself to using it in private. Which is just one of the things that makes you guys so angry all the time.


She is a DEI hire because she is so clearly, obviously incapable. Frankly, she is stupid.

Contrast her with Condoleeza Rice.
Harris is a women and black. these fucking MAGA Bigots won't be able to keep their mouths shut. MAGA =lies hate stupidity and its main driving driving force is the hate of Women and blacks. This is going to be a show. they will start arguing with each other whats worse about Harris , being black or being a women. This election has now been decided. Shitpants is done.

She's half-black and half-Indian. I also don't care. She's a terrible communicator and has no idea who she even is at her big age. She was nominated for her immutable characteristics, which indeed DOES make her a DEI hire. Kim Cheatle was about to do the same with the SS. 30% women no matter if other people were more suited and qualified.
She is a DEI hire because she is so clearly, obviously incapable. Frankly, she is stupid.

Contrast her with Condoleeza Rice.

Joe Biden essentially made her that when he openly stated he was limiting his search for a VP to a woman and very likely a black woman.

Did he suddenly find that black women had more innate qualifications for the job ? NO.

Did he suddenly find that black women had more experience than anyone else ? NO

Let's face it, Joe could not find his ass with both hands.

And he pronounced her a DEI with his limited qualifications. How the left wasn't mortified at his sexist racist approach I'll never know.

If a GOP or DEM said I am going to nominate a white male without consideration for qualifications in advance......well, you know what would happen.

What a laugher.

And from the list of of women he had he picked her. I can only guess it was to make himself look smarter. Which only she can do.

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