Harris is a far-left socialist, worse than Bernie

Republicans shut down a bipartisan Senate border security bill, claiming President Biden should instead unilaterally stop all migrants from entering the U.S. using executive orders.
ā€œNo, weā€™re not just going to pass the buck and say that, ā€˜Oh, any president can walk in and secure the border,ā€™ā€ [Chip] Roy said, referring to Trumpā€™s post. ā€œAll a president has to do is declare the borderā€™s closed, and itā€™s closed. Well, with all due respect, that didnā€™t happen in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. There were millions of people that came in the United States during those four years.ā€

/----/ As we have explained in the simplest terms possible, that fake bill had little to do with border security. All Dementia Joe had to do was sign an EO like Trump did. He has had constitutional authority all along. See Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution.


Total size: $118.3 billion. That includes:

  • About $60 billion in military aid for Ukraine
  • $14.1 billion in aid for Israel
  • $4.83 billion in aid for the Indo-Pacific region
  • $10 billion in humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, among other places
  • $2.3 billion in refugee assistance inside the U.S.
  • $20.2 billion for improvements to U.S. border security
  • $2.72 billion for domestic uranium enrichment
/----/ As we have explained in the simplest terms possible, that fake bill had little to do with border security. All Dementia Joe had to do was sign an EO like Trump did. He has had constitutional authority all along. See Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution.


Total size: $118.3 billion. That includes:

  • About $60 billion in military aid for Ukraine
  • $14.1 billion in aid for Israel
  • $4.83 billion in aid for the Indo-Pacific region
  • $10 billion in humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, among other places
  • $2.3 billion in refugee assistance inside the U.S.
  • $20.2 billion for improvements to U.S. border security
  • $2.72 billion for domestic uranium enrichment


The Trump bum kissers are rattling their cages and flinging their dung.

Meanwhile the elderly sexual abuser/business fraud/election denier/convicted felon/p*ssy grabber who has been labeled an "asshoIe" and an "American Hitler" by his own running mate persists in alienating women voters as he has done consistently in 2018, 2020, and 2022.
YOUR side, led by the Obama cabal, just disenfranchised their own primary voters, forced him to drop out, and coronated the candidate they prefer without getting the input of a single primary voter.

All of your other crap about Trump is just the result of media brainwashing and a gullible voter.

In the meantime, Iā€™m sticking with the side that isnā€™t afraid to say calling for the genocide of Jews is wrong, or is unwilling to preside over a speech to Congress by a Jew, because theyā€™re afraid they will alienate their stark-raving mad base of antisemites by appearing tolerant of JOOOS.

Even CNN and the NYT warned Kamalot not to put a JOOOO on the ticket! Thatā€™s how antisemitic their voters are.
A number of Republican strategists are expressing concern over their reverting to their racist and misogynistic memes.
A number of Democrat strategists are trying to distance themselves from Jews.

A number of Democrat strategists are trying to distance themselves from Jews.

Shapiro would be a superb choice, but not in order to attract the Jewish vote that the Democratic Party can already rely upon.

Netanyahu and Likud enthusiasts are irrelevant.
YOUR side, led by the Obama cabal, just disenfranchised their own primary voters, forced him to drop out, and coronated the candidate they prefer without getting the input of a single primary voter.

All of your other crap about Trump is just the result of media brainwashing and a gullible voter.

In the meantime, Iā€™m sticking with the side that isnā€™t afraid to say calling for the genocide of Jews is wrong, or is unwilling to preside over a speech to Congress by a Jew, because theyā€™re afraid they will alienate their stark-raving mad base of antisemites by appearing tolerant of JOOOS.

Even CNN and the NYT warned Kamalot not to put a JOOOO on the ticket! Thatā€™s how antisemitic their voters are.
The popular, grass roots, sentiment among the Democratic electorate has been respected by the Party.

What could be more democratic?

Trumpers become upset when I cite the geezer's official, documented status as sexual abuser/business fraud/convicted felon, of course.
YOUR side, led by the Obama cabal, just disenfranchised their own primary voters, forced him to drop out, and coronated the candidate they prefer without getting the input of a single primary voter.

Primaries were a joke... so I don't worry about them.

Frankly, I'm a little bored with IA and NH picking our candidate.

In the meantime, Iā€™m sticking with the side that isnā€™t afraid to say calling for the genocide of Jews is wrong,
But genocide committed BY Jews is okay, amiright?
Shapiro would be a superb choice, but not in order to attract the Jewish vote that the Democratic Party can already rely upon.

Netanyahu and Likud enthusiasts are irrelevant.
The point is Kamala has been warned NOT to pick a Jew because it will alienate the antisemitic Democrst base!

There was never a point in picking a Jew to attract Jews. Thatā€™s your Dem identity politics talking: letā€™s pick a black to get blacks! Letā€™s pick a Jew to get Jews!

You donā€™t find it concerning that there is such a rabid antisemitic base among Democrat voters that Kamala has been told NOT to pick a Jew or the antisemites, particularly the Muslims, will get angry?

You think the Dems would be OK with a Republican being told not to put a black on the ticket because the Neo-Nazis would object? Hah. And thatā€™s because any neo-Nazis are a small, fringe element among Republicans, while antisemites and their protectors are numerous, and are high elected or appointed Democrats.
The point is Kamala has been warned NOT to pick a Jew because it will alienate the antisemitic Democrst base!

There was never a point in picking a Jew to attract Jews. Thatā€™s your Dem identity politics talking: letā€™s pick a black to get blacks! Letā€™s pick a Jew to get Jews!

You donā€™t find it concerning that there is such a rabid antisemitic base among Democrat voters that Kamala has been told NOT to pick a Jew or the antisemites, particularly the Muslims, will get angry?

You think the Dems would be OK with a Republican being told not to put a black on the ticket because the Neo-Nazis would object? Hah. And thatā€™s because any neo-Nazis are a small, fringe element among Republicans, while antisemites and their protectors are numerous, and are high elected or appointed Democrats.
Why should Harris pay any more attention to such alleged "warnings" any more than Republicans to white nationalists who mince around mewling "Jews will not replace us"?

Screen Shot 2024-07-25 at 9.37.27 AM.png

Jacob Neiheisel, a University at Buffalo political science professor who focuses on the role of religion in elections... also sees how people ā€œon both the left and the rightā€ could make Shapiroā€™s Judaism an issue, and play into antisemitic tropes of powerful Jews controlling world events. This argument could be strengthened by the fact that Harrisā€™ husband is Jewish and has been the public face of the Biden administrationā€™s national plan to combat antisemitism.
ā€œThere are people who will not vote for Jews,ā€ Isaacson said. ā€œThere are people whose prejudice prevents them from looking at Jews in a fair way, whether theyā€™re running for office or seeking a job or sitting next to them at a restaurant.ā€
The point is Kamala has been warned NOT to pick a Jew because it will alienate the antisemitic Democrst base!

There was never a point in picking a Jew to attract Jews. Thatā€™s your Dem identity politics talking: letā€™s pick a black to get blacks! Letā€™s pick a Jew to get Jews!

You donā€™t find it concerning that there is such a rabid antisemitic base among Democrat voters that Kamala has been told NOT to pick a Jew or the antisemites, particularly the Muslims, will get angry?

You think the Dems would be OK with a Republican being told not to put a black on the ticket because the Neo-Nazis would object? Hah. And thatā€™s because any neo-Nazis are a small, fringe element among Republicans, while antisemites and their protectors are numerous, and are high elected or appointed Democrats.
That's a real bad victim complex you got there Lisa. :laugh:

You know she was told this do you? :dunno: :laugh:

Aside: Jamie Raskin would be my dream pick. Love that guy.
Why should Harris pay any more attention to such alleged "warnings" any more than Republicans to white nationalists who mince around mewling "Jews will not replace us"?

Jacob Neiheisel, a University at Buffalo political science professor who focuses on the role of religion in elections... also sees how people ā€œon both the left and the rightā€ could make Shapiroā€™s Judaism an issue, and play into antisemitic tropes of powerful Jews controlling world events. This argument could be strengthened by the fact that Harrisā€™ husband is Jewish and has been the public face of the Biden administrationā€™s national plan to combat antisemitism.
ā€œThere are people who will not vote for Jews,ā€ Isaacson said. ā€œThere are people whose prejudice prevents them from looking at Jews in a fair way, whether theyā€™re running for office or seeking a job or sitting next to them at a restaurant.ā€
Answer: ā€œJews will not replace usā€ is a handful of fringe bigots from 8 years ago. Got anything from THIS decade?!

Kamala is the CURRENT Democrat nominee presiding over a party so infected with antisemites that she is being warned not to put a Jew Boy on the ticket.

THAT is the difference. Damn but the ignorance of Democrats is not only infuriating, but dangerous. They are showing their massive antisemitic base that they will not side with Jews.
Harris was considered the most leftist demafasict in the senate while she was there.

This is why Trump has a 63 percent chance of winning according to the betting markets
That you are too stupid to realize that you are being played by big corporations, that's on you.

Why do you think we have an "illegal problem", it's not because Kamala was "Border Czar" (which she never was, by the way).

It's because those big corporations want cheap labor they can exploit.
Xiden and his border czar harris made it legal to hire illegals

They stopped enforcing the law and encouraged businesses to hire illegals

So yes they are the problem

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