Reminder - In 2020 kamala harris called for more BLM riots. Even snopes agrees she said it. THAT IS INSURRECTION

The scum involved in the Summer 2020 insurrection were NOT patriots! They were the exact opposite!
"Autonomous zone" is another word for secession and insurrection.
AntiFa is a mislabeled anarchist movement, and BLM means black criminal lives matter.

Too many of our "rulers" during the Summer 2020 insurrection riots were enablers and supporters of those crimes against our nation; willing to suppress the rights and liberties of many citizens to support the treasonous minority. This was not an effort to "refresh the tree of liberty", rather it was just the opposite, opening actions to advance a statist tyranny of repressive ideology.
If you only had said the truth. Yes , scum did invade the BLM protests and caused violence. The other 15 to 26 million people did protest peacefully. You want the criminal element prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Any sane person would agree. Except trump he wants to pardon his Jan 6th. criminals.
You can view it however you want to. I see BLM protests as a real success in waking America up.There was only violence in a few places . And most of that was outsiders who faced federal charges and yes some were ultra -right wing nut cases.
As see it as it was.
It 'woke' America up to the real dangers of the political Left in this nation.
Amount of violence is only part of the issue. That there was any for what you liars claim was "peaceful protests" was more than over the limit. Even in one city it exceed by scores what was seen in DC on Jan 6 and most of that looked to be by AntiFa infiltrators, etc.

But as mentioned, there was the vandalism and looting and arson of private property as well as government, city thru Federal, AND it was in scores of cities.

Any one city of crimes and insurrection by you scumbags exceeded what we saw in DC on Jan 6. But they nationwide total done by you wastes of human skin amount to a foreign enemy attack, only it was by enemies within.






Sieg ...





Etc., Etc., Etc,. ....
They notified the law enforcement there, expecting the police and/or Secret Service to stop the shooter. Those charged with protecting failed to do that. It's been reported that the SS had orders that their ROE was to wait until shot(s) were fired before taking action.

Secret Service Snipers Instructed NOT to Fire Until AFTER Assassin Takes the First Shot​


A Breakdown of the Assassination Attempt Against Trump​

This overhead view of the site, from link above, makes one wonder why the assassin wasn't spotted and shot sooner;

A chain of articles on that day here;
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Protest is a very legitimate right in this country. Thanks for pointing out one thing I can at least support her over.
Trumpsters equate "protests" with "riots" when it suits them. While they dismiss the Insurrection.

Far -right republican extremists call us everything under the sun , communists , faggot lovers ,baby killers. But when someone identified republican tendencies leaning towards fascism and authoritarian ideology you're offended. Well , you did this to yourself.
I'm offended that my President called me a facist, a Nazi, and existential threat. He's an angry, nasty divisive scumbag and I am so happy to see him gone. He's been nothing but a destructive partisan force in this country
I'm offended that my President called me a facist, a Nazi, and existential threat. He's an angry, nasty divisive scumbag and I am so happy to see him gone. He's been nothing but a destructive partisan force in this country

Oh hush you lowly deplorable
The protests involved 15 to 26 million people in over 550 cities and locations throughout the U.S. Only a little over 10, 000 were arrested for law violations. That's about .002 % bad apples in the crowd. That's far better than the crime rates of Jan. 6th. Plus Jan. 6th.was federal jurisdiction which makes it even worse. No comparison.
Correct. The comparison is ludicrous. $2,000,000,000 in damage 24 murdered, Worst riots in the history of the country, not even close.

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