Taking Things from White People

False. The federal government makes no distinction between Latino/Hispanic and “whites” in their statistics. So it is more like 50 - 60% are killed from other whites.

In fact, there are more total number of blacks that are offenders in homicides than total of white non-Hispanics, despite the fact that the black population is a fraction of the white population.

You can identify as black in your lily white academic classroom.

You can identify as black on the internet.

But try to identify as black when the actual black is raping your wife/GF.
Ever heard the term "whiteness?" They won't say white.

So the lily white will say, "Hey, no problem. They're just talking about whiteness. But I'm white, so I'm okay."
Percentages come with numbers. So let's use this chumps example from Verment to make the case. The pink thong wearing cuck posts that 1.6 percent of the people in Vermont are black. Now notice that he uses perhaps the whitest state in America to make his racist claim. Also notice that in this fine piece of racist bullshit all we see are percentages. Again, percentages represent real numbers So let's say that 3 people are murdered in Vermont and 1 was murdered by a black person. That would mean that 33 percent of the murders in Vermont were committed by a black person. So now the stormfront vermin can claim that blacks are 1.6 percent of the Vermont population but committed 33 percent of the murders. Yet the total number of people murdered by blacks in Vermont would have equalled exactly 1 person.

In 2020, there were 14 murders committed in Vermont. IN 2021 9. In 2022 this incredible rise in murders amounted to 25.

The retard says 38.6 percent of the SUSPECTS were black. But he cannot tell us how many of the people convicted for the murders were black.

But what the crime data shows us is that blacks committed 7 murders and whites 12.

And again, the mental patient only mentions one crime, but in the UCR there are 30. And every single year whites lead in at least 27 categories of crime NATIONALLY in the UCR reports. Now the mentally deficient will excuse this criminality by claiming that whites should get to lead in 27 out of 30 crime categories because there are more of them. Such is the mental retardation of the white supremacist mind.

And then we see a post from the retard talking about peiople moving to white countries. Yet there are whites all over Africa, South America, and Asia. Whiteyland was so fantastic that whites tried colonizing non white land. Whiteyland was so great that millions of whites ran away from whiteyland and tried committiing genocide on the indigenous people of this land. And whites were not sending them their best people. They were literally sending criminals, rapists and murderers. And some of them were good people. The poor wretched debtor who could not make it in Europe came over here hoping for a new chance. And the government was there to help them.

So you see American White Vulture, white supremacy is a mental disorder and you need to make an appointment with a psychiatrist as soon as you wake up later today
Ever heard the term "whiteness?" They won't say white.

So the lily white will say, "Hey, no problem. They're just talking about whiteness. But I'm white, so I'm okay."
Stop whining white boy.
Interracial homicides:

Black-on-White: 564
Black-on-Latino: 202
Black-on-Central Asian: 19
Black-on-East Asian: 24
Black-on-Middle Eastern: 21
Black-on-Pacific Islander: 3
Black-on-American Indian: 4
Latino-on-White: 174
Latino-on-Black: 88
Latino-on-East Asian: 11
Latino-on-Central Asian: 3
Latino-on-American Indian: 1
Latino-on-Middle Eastern: 3
Latino-on-Pacific Islander: 1
American Indian-on-White: 11
American Indian-on-Black: 4
American Indian-on-Latino: 1
Alaskan Native-on-White: 1
East Asian-on-Latino: 3
East Asian-on-White: 13
East Asian-on-Black: 2
East Asian-on-Pacific Islander: 1
Central Asian-on-Black: 2
Central Asian-on-White: 3
Pacific Islander-on-White: 7
Pacific Islander-on-Latino: 3
Pacific Islander-on-Black: 2
Pacific Islander-on-East Asian: 3
Pacific Islander-on-Central Asian: 1
Middle Eastern-on-White: 7
Middle Eastern-on-Latino: 1
Middle Eastern-on-Black: 4
White-on-Black: 96
White-on-Latino: 56
White-on-Central Asian: 5
White-on-Pacific Islander: 3
White-on-East Asian: 3
White-on-American Indian: 1
White-on-Middle Eastern: 1

Since most killings are not interracial, you should concern yourself with the very high number of white on white attacks. And since @80 times more whites killed themselves than were killed by blacks, work on ending white suicide too.

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