5 things white people need to hear on Juneteenth

Why do legal immigrants who come here celebrate the 4th of July?

Why do they celebrate Thanksgiving?
Seems that anything regarding blacks gets what I call the white auto response. Most of the time that response makes no sense but....
It is my personal responsibility to oppose white racism whereever I see it. So don't be white teling me about responsibility. And stop trying to tell me how to do things. Whites don't have what they do because they worked hard, built families or started businsses. They did it through legisation that excluded everybody else, and government economic assistance that excluded non whites as well. Also by rioting and burning down black communities/businesses or destroying black communites by building roads and highways through them, as well as using eminent domain dishonestly. Black Wall Street and other prosperous black communities were destroyed and never rebuilt. So shut the hell up and go work to rid yourself of your racism, then go out and work in the white community to end the racism that exists there.
While you’re obsessed with events that happened over 100 years ago, impoverished immigrants from Asia are working hard and becoming professionals.

Why the hell are you serving the Democratic Party? So some other ethnic group can have the positions of power and spend billions on wars that serve their interests?

The Democratic Party elites have nothing to offer anyone.
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Nothing has been squandered. Now when we get the same amount of handouts whites have been given, then we can talk about the results.
Ok, let’s talk about the results,

Black on black crime in large metro areas up.
Black crime against other Americans period, up.
Crime by black youth up.
Education rates down.
Inner city schools more dangerous than ever.
Marriage rates among blacks down.
Drug use among blacks up.
Racial animus among black toward other races up.

That for starters…..How can you look as a black man at these facts, in your own community, and beat the table that it’s someone else’s problem?

I’ll tell you why, because your whole existence is wrapped around perpetual victimhood. It’s a lazy argument.

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