No Tax on Tips is a brilliant political strategy i.e. Trump relates to the rank and file

Yeah, he's a genius.

Trump’s zero taxes ‘all-tariff’ idea would cost Americans: Expert

(NewsNation) — Eliminating income taxes and shifting to an “all-tariff policy” would leave a roughly $2.1 trillion gap in government revenue, making daily costs skyrocket in turn, according to Caleb Silver, editor-in-chief of Investopedia.

Former President Donald Trump proposed an all-tariff policy that would eliminate income tax during a private meeting with Republican lawmakers in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.

Stock market today: Wall Street hangs around its records after European stocks slump
The Biden administration has upheld and even increased some of the Trump-era tariffs, but a blog from Tax Foundation posits that their overall impact on inflation is “relatively small.” An “all-tariff” system would change that dramatically.

Cost of an ‘all-tariff’ policy

“President Donald Trump’s idea of imposing tariffs in order to abolish income tax could raise taxes for a typical American family by $5,000, according to an economist from the Center for American Progress Action Fund,” Newsweek reported.
Yeah, he's a genius.

Trump’s zero taxes ‘all-tariff’ idea would cost Americans: Expert

(NewsNation) — Eliminating income taxes and shifting to an “all-tariff policy” would leave a roughly $2.1 trillion gap in government revenue, making daily costs skyrocket in turn, according to Caleb Silver, editor-in-chief of Investopedia.

Former President Donald Trump proposed an all-tariff policy that would eliminate income tax during a private meeting with Republican lawmakers in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.

Stock market today: Wall Street hangs around its records after European stocks slump
The Biden administration has upheld and even increased some of the Trump-era tariffs, but a blog from Tax Foundation posits that their overall impact on inflation is “relatively small.” An “all-tariff” system would change that dramatically.

Cost of an ‘all-tariff’ policy

“President Donald Trump’s idea of imposing tariffs in order to abolish income tax could raise taxes for a typical American family by $5,000, according to an economist from the Center for American Progress Action Fund,” Newsweek reported.
When Biden donated Tax payers money to students, it was terrible to add to the deficit.
Is that so? Then show me that math please.


The Fed Govt gets just about 2 trillion dollars a year from income taxes paid.

The total US imports of goods is about 3.1 trillion.

To even break even a tariff of 69% would have to be put on every single item that is imported into the US.

Based upon past tariffs we find that for every 1% of tariff added there is a slightly less than 1% (.997) drop in sales. Thus a tariff of 69% would lead to a drop of 68% in sales. Thus taking the amount tariffs bring in down to 640 billion dollars, leaving a 1.4 trillion gap between what income tax brought in and what tariffs will bring in.

The Fed Govt gets just about 2 trillion dollars a year from income taxes paid.

The total US imports of goods is about 3.1 trillion.

To even break even a tariff of 69% would have to be put on every single item that is imported into the US.

Based upon past tariffs we find that for every 1% of tariff added there is a slightly less than 1% (.997) drop in sales. Thus a tariff of 69% would lead to a drop of 68% in sales. Thus taking the amount tariffs bring in down to 640 billion dollars, leaving a 1.4 trillion gap between what income tax brought in and what tariffs will bring in.
What are Democrats goals? First they refuse to cut taxes. They don't mind workers paying high taxes. Their goals as I see this happening is to collect a hell of a lot more authority or power. They have a demonic goal.

The Fed Govt gets just about 2 trillion dollars a year from income taxes paid.

The total US imports of goods is about 3.1 trillion.

To even break even a tariff of 69% would have to be put on every single item that is imported into the US.

Based upon past tariffs we find that for every 1% of tariff added there is a slightly less than 1% (.997) drop in sales. Thus a tariff of 69% would lead to a drop of 68% in sales. Thus taking the amount tariffs bring in down to 640 billion dollars, leaving a 1.4 trillion gap between what income tax brought in and what tariffs will bring in.
As I have often said, neither critical reasoning nor math is the strong suit of most progressives. :)

First, take into account the effect of avoiding tariffs could have on the local economies. Second take into account that government does not have to be as large and expensive as it is and what a good thing and advantage to the economy it would be for people to be able to keep more of what they earn.

No government policy can be logically evaluated as to its cost without taking into effect the chain reactions resulting from that policy.

I don't KNOW if it is reasonable to replace all income taxes with other sources of revenue, but I damn sure know it should be looked at and evaluated and debated with the idea of the best policy for America and Americans. It is both foolish and tunnel visioned just to dismiss the idea because it is different.
Yeah, he's a genius.

Trump’s zero taxes ‘all-tariff’ idea would cost Americans: Expert

(NewsNation) — Eliminating income taxes and shifting to an “all-tariff policy” would leave a roughly $2.1 trillion gap in government revenue, making daily costs skyrocket in turn, according to Caleb Silver, editor-in-chief of Investopedia.

Former President Donald Trump proposed an all-tariff policy that would eliminate income tax during a private meeting with Republican lawmakers in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.

Stock market today: Wall Street hangs around its records after European stocks slump
The Biden administration has upheld and even increased some of the Trump-era tariffs, but a blog from Tax Foundation posits that their overall impact on inflation is “relatively small.” An “all-tariff” system would change that dramatically.

Cost of an ‘all-tariff’ policy

“President Donald Trump’s idea of imposing tariffs in order to abolish income tax could raise taxes for a typical American family by $5,000, according to an economist from the Center for American Progress Action Fund,” Newsweek reported.
It would just shift the cost. Maybe it’s a little more as companies pass the cost along or maybe it’s a little less as the Government didn’t have to administer the income tax system. Either way even if feasible it wouldn’t shift the needle significantly in either direction. The only way to do that is to address spending
As I have often said, neither critical reasoning nor math is the strong suit of most progressives

good thing I am not a progressive considering my career is tied to both.

First, take into account the effect of avoiding tariffs could have on the local economies.

Very little if there is not an alternative product to buy.

Second take into account that government does not have to be as large and expensive as it is

But it is and nobody is voting for the candidates that might do something about that. Neither Trump nor Biden did shit to cut the cost of Govt.

advantage to the economy it would be for people to be able to keep more of what they earn.

But they won't as they will be spending it on tariffs vice income taxes.

I don't KNOW if it is reasonable to replace all income taxes with other sources of revenue, but I damn sure know it should be looked at and evaluated and debated with the idea of the best policy for America and Americans. It is both foolish and tunnel visioned just to dismiss the idea because it is different.

I do not dismiss it due to it being different, I dismiss it due to it being stupid.
good thing I am not a progressive considering my career is tied to both.

Very little if there is not an alternative product to buy.

But it is and nobody is voting for the candidates that might do something about that. Neither Trump nor Biden did shit to cut the cost of Govt.

But they won't as they will be spending it on tariffs vice income taxes.

I do not dismiss it due to it being different, I dismiss it due to it being stupid.
Sorry but I don[t respond to this kind of post that destroys context and is confusing as heck to those trying to decipher it. Thanks for understanding.
Sorry but I don[t respond to this kind of post that destroys context and is confusing as heck to those trying to decipher it. Thanks for understanding.

Then you should have no trouble responding to mine since I quoted each part specifically and responded to it.

It could not be more clear.

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