City paying reparations to coloreds; now getting sued

I don’t give a shit about your racism.

You’re a little man with little mind and no value in this universe. 🥱

Do you understand value, Moron? More people means greater political and social value. It's why the mainstream doesn't market to you anymore and doesn't give a fuck what you think. They know as well as I do that you're going extinct. :laugh:
That is what we've been told about the riots and insurrections of AntiFa and BLM in a hundred plus cities in the USA during the Summer MONTHS of 2020.:rolleyes:
We`ve had race riots for 300 years but only one riot was an attempt to overthrow our Democracy and install a President who clearly and undisputably got a beat down on election day. Make friends with a book or two. Learn about some events that took place in 1968. The words riot and insurrection mean 2 different things. You`ll probably need more than a book or two.
We`ve had race riots for 300 years but only one riot was an attempt to overthrow our Democracy and install a President who clearly and undisputably got a beat down on election day. Make friends with a book or two. Learn about some events that took place in 1968. The words riot and insurrection mean 2 different things. You`ll probably need more than a book or two.
The American People at one time noticed a person running for President having psychiatric or other issues inside the cranium. This is why we have crossed into the banana republic zone. What happened on that day was not an insurrection. For some reason Progs fear this. Their spiel is putting fear into others, mostly their own and it has worked. The effects of Joe are not good and, in a few decades, people will be cursing his name and many Progs involved in the destruction of the United States.
So the term People of Color is offensive?
Not according to The Oxford Dictionary.
As candycorn said, 'Smart people do not use the term “colored”.'
Neither do "those not trying to be assholes."
Some folk are innocently born assholes while the stupid assholes must work at it every day.
We`ve had race riots for 300 years but only one riot was an attempt to overthrow our Democracy and install a President who clearly and undisputably got a beat down on election day. Make friends with a book or two. Learn about some events that took place in 1968. The words riot and insurrection mean 2 different things. You`ll probably need more than a book or two.
I suggest you follow your own advise.
Either you display gross ignorance yourself, or this is more Leftard disinformation on your part.
But first you will have to cleanse yourself of Marxist-Socialists indoctrination and bias. You lack objectivity as well.

1) I was around in 1968 and know of your reference, was involved in some of those "events". It applies more to what we saw during Summer 2020 than on Jan. 6,2021.

2) On Jan. 6, 2021 we had a few hundred people amble about in a public building for a couple of hours on one day. No one took elected officials before a wall and executed them, nor did anyone declare that they were now replacing any elected officials or the "new government". Nor did the "mob" murder anyone, government or private. These are classic actions of an insurrection and none occurred on Jan. 6, 2021. Just a small group(few hundred) from the thousands there; were the ones who acted like a mob and may have had covert agents/fifth columnists of the Left (AntiFa) as a majority of the perps who broke into the Capital Building.

The election that was the claimed focus remains disputed and questionable still. There was no "beat down" on that election day, the numbers and last minute reverse trend of ballot count still remains suspect.

3) During the Summer of 2020 there were tens of thousands disrupting over a hundred cities in the USA, declaring themselves "occupation zones" and "autonomous zones"; i.e. not bound by the laws of the city, state or nation. Along with riots, arson, assaults, and murders, many saw government buildings attack, looted and occupied. There was illegal trespass on public and private property. Between $1-2 billion in damages at least. And between 2-3 dozen killed by the mobs. These illegal actions spanned a period of a few months.

These are classic tells of an insurrection, if you know your history. While there were riots during the Summer 2020 and some claimed they had a racial basis, they went above and beyond the classic version of many riots of the past.

Yes, "riot" and "insurrection" mean two different things, although riot can be one of the elements in an insurrection. Note however that you Lefturd thugs claim what you did in Summer of 2020 was a "protest", and rarely are honest about the riot and other crimes you committed against this Nation and it's citizens.

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