City paying reparations to coloreds; now getting sued

To all of the people who are of these forums and others. Shilling is the end of something good with flaws. Trump was not a dictator. Joe is a dictator. Trump and Joe did not increase inalienable rights. Trump did not incriminate criminal acts. Joe and the Progs have made anything against them a criminal act.
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

plural noun: coloreds
  1. 1.
    a person who is wholly or partly of nonwhite descent.

Smart people do not use the term “colored”.
Also those not trying to be assholes.
To all of the people who are of these forums and others. Shilling is the end of something good with flaws. Trump was not a dictator. Joe is a dictator. Trump and Joe did not increase inalienable rights. Trump did not incriminate criminal acts. Joe and the Progs have made anything against them a criminal act.
And your riot was just a protest that got out of hand. Got it.
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

plural noun: coloreds
  1. 1.
    a person who is wholly or partly of nonwhite descent.

Also those not trying to be assholes.
Yeah, the OP chose the word because he couldn’t use the N-word and get away with it. So far the mods are letting the shitbucket get away with it.
And exactly how many of those blacks were slaves to deserve that money?

Reparations are a desperate cry from lazy, dumb, ambitionless and worthless blacks that are always wanting something for nothing.

Reparations are also given out by gutless, weak, cowardly politicians trying to buy approval rating and social propaganda points. If they had any nuts at all they wouldn't have even entertained the idea.

I can see why the others are mad. Their tax dollars went to paying off some crybaby entitled blacks for slavery when not even their grandparents were a slave, nor have they ever met a slave, and they live in a country where even blacks on welfare have it better than blacks in a lot of other countries.

F their reparations. They need to earn what they want just like everyone else does
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

plural noun: coloreds
  1. 1.
    a person who is wholly or partly of nonwhite descent.

Also those not trying to be assholes.
So the term People of Color is offensive?
Always hard to rescind and take things back after the fact. But good for people for not lying down.
I’d like your post better if you’d avoid the use of archaic terms like “colored.”
So just to reiterate.

My understanding is the Evanston applicants for reparations only have to be slave descendants. There is no requirement to show the applicant was discriminated against in housing.
Yeah, the OP chose the word because he couldn’t use the N-word and get away with it. So far the mods are letting the shitbucket get away with it.
But the term People of Color is okay?

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