Harris is a far-left socialist, worse than Bernie

I'm not sure what to think but any candidate who wants people to work longer(which harms the nation) will not get my vote.
Sounds like it was a terrible idea to dismantle the system we had for vetting people that Trump and human reptile Steven Miller broke.

My wife waited 7 years go get an asylum hearing that should have been a slam dunk, before we went with a marriage sponsorship (which only took us a year!)
/—-/ No question it’s got to be fixed. I’m glad your wife made it. My daughter married a Colombian national who has been waiting for citizenship for years.
Similar, and both terrifying. Still, her voting record shows she’s even worse.
Can you outline what is terrifying about Harris’s platform? The difference between Harris and Sanders is stark. And voting records aren’t the end all be all. I think saying Harris is more liberal than Sanders doesn’t pass the laugh test.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Kamala Harris needs to admit her Father was a Marxist Professor.


Harris is a far-left socialist, worse than Bernie​

Can you outline what is terrifying about Harris’s platform? The difference between Harris and Sanders is stark. And voting records aren’t the end all be all. I think saying Harris is more liberal than Sanders doesn’t pass the laugh test.
The point is she is an extremely radical leftist. Why are you fixated on whether she is slightly better or slightly worse than Bernie Sanders? The race isn’t between the two of them.

The race is between:

- someone with the most leftist voting in the Senate who wants to give mass amnesty to illegals, give them all the freebies like Medicare, supports universal income, wants to redistribute even MORE money from productive workers to non-productive takers, raise taxes, and who is afraid to show support to Israel for fear of angering her antisemitic base, AND….

- the man who wants to secure the border, reduce regs on businesses so that America can be strong, restore energy independence, support Israel and go back to the Middle East peace he was making progress on, and keep the tax cuts so that the middle class can better combat inflation.
Can you outline what is terrifying about Harris’s platform? The difference between Harris and Sanders is stark. And voting records aren’t the end all be all. I think saying Harris is more liberal than Sanders doesn’t pass the laugh test.
/—-/ Well, that’s like arguing which is a better communist slave state, Cuba or North Korea. A distinction without a difference.
Quoted from elsewhere

"The modern conservative movement has a built-in ratcheting-up mechanism, so that even when Republicans win, they act like they're losing and the country is on the verge of collapse. Even Democrats long for the days of responsible, Main Street conservatives."​
Quoted from elsewhere

"The modern conservative movement has a built-in ratcheting-up mechanism, so that even when Republicans win, they act like they're losing and the country is on the verge of collapse. Even Democrats long for the days of responsible, Main Street conservatives."​

Every Democrat is a crook. Every Democrat is a communist. Every Democrat is worse than the last Democrat. Every Democrat is the end of America.


Gotta keep stuffing the rubes with bullshit to keep the content creation machine running so the alternative reality MAGA media echo chamber can stay in business.

Keep sending your SS and EIC checks. Ka-ching!
Quoted from elsewhere

"The modern conservative movement has a built-in ratcheting-up mechanism, so that even when Republicans win, they act like they're losing and the country is on the verge of collapse. Even Democrats long for the days of responsible, Main Street conservatives."​
/——/ Quoted from elsewhere
I wish I'd said it.

Your media has to keep you in a constant state of outrage. They make less money if they don't!
/——/ You’re projecting the traits of the democRAT party and main stream media. You people scream racism, DEI, abortion, and climate change as ever increasing crisis.
We just want to be left alone to live our lives in peace.
- the man who wants to secure the border, reduce regs on businesses so that America can be strong, restore energy independence, support Israel and go back to the Middle East peace he was making progress on, and keep the tax cuts so that the middle class can better combat inflation.

Um, yeah, if your biggest concern is, "Those Regulations make it harder for businesses to screw us" then you have your priorities in the wrong place.

And you really think that if we let the oil companies despoil our land and water, that they aren't going to fuck us at the pump?

There will be no "Middle East Peace' as long as the Zionist Entity exists and is committing genocide.
Um, yeah, if your biggest concern is, "Those Regulations make it harder for businesses to screw us" then you have your priorities in the wrong place.

And you really think that if we let the oil companies despoil our land and water, that they aren't going to fuck us at the pump?

There will be no "Middle East Peace' as long as the Zionist Entity exists and is committing genocide.
/---/ Not one of us thinks that. It's all a wild conspiracy theory percolating in your feeble brain.
/---/ Not one of us thinks that. It's all a wild conspiracy theory percolating in your feeble brain.
View attachment 983731
That you are too stupid to realize that you are being played by big corporations, that's on you.

Why do you think we have an "illegal problem", it's not because Kamala was "Border Czar" (which she never was, by the way).

It's because those big corporations want cheap labor they can exploit.
Over the years, including those in which she cackled as VP, here are some of what she’s supported, including:

1) decriminalizing illegal immigration
2) socialist-style benefits provided by productive taxpayers: large rent subsidies, universal income, free Medicare for all to those who laze around on the sofa
3) She supports ALL the socialist-style benefits she’s pushing: rent subsidies, universal income, Medicare, etc., for the illegals too

Any of the three above could be a thread in itself as we dive into the many ways in which the Obama puppet will continue the transformation he is directing from behind the curtain

The Trump bum kissers are rattling their cages and flinging their dung.

Meanwhile the elderly sexual abuser/business fraud/election denier/convicted felon/p*ssy grabber who has been labeled an "asshoIe" and an "American Hitler" by his own running mate persists in alienating women voters as he has done consistently in 2018, 2020, and 2022.
/---/ Not one of us thinks that. It's all a wild conspiracy theory percolating in your feeble brain.
View attachment 983731

Republicans shut down a bipartisan Senate border security bill, claiming President Biden should instead unilaterally stop all migrants from entering the U.S. using executive orders.
“No, we’re not just going to pass the buck and say that, ‘Oh, any president can walk in and secure the border,’” [Chip] Roy said, referring to Trump’s post. “All a president has to do is declare the border’s closed, and it’s closed. Well, with all due respect, that didn’t happen in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. There were millions of people that came in the United States during those four years.”
No, the media just told you Biden was with it until the cat got left out of the bag during the debates. The gig was up at that point. There were always questions about senile Joe wandering around stage and saying crazy shit.

I voted for Clinton.

Trump was probably right about that kind of jealousy. Just look at all these broke socialist fruitcakes who are infatuated with Trump. The only dynamic that explains that kind of infatuation is either lust, psychosis or jealousy.
Nonsense. The media has been going along with the old jokes for a long time. I remember every time saying "hey, quit doing that. You're helping with the narrative that he's too old". Seemed with it to me so probably did to them too. Howard Stern. White House Correspondents dinner. State of the Union. He did a great job. But he clearly has lost a step just like anyone who's that old.

And that leads me to Trump who will be older than Biden in 3 years.

Trump wasn't great for the economy. Or, he was but for who? Coal, Oil industries? What about manufacturing? He's clearly anti union. Which means he really doesn't want to fix the broken economy. It's broke because too much of the money is going to the top and not enough to the workers. So we don't have a strong middle class. Not as strong as it was 40 years ago. Unless you're old and rich. Then it's better now. So they took from the young and gave to themselves, the baby boomers. And now they say we're going to need to cut social security in 10 years, but just gave themselves a big fat COLA raise. Are you insane?
The Trump bum kissers are rattling their cages and flinging their dung.

Meanwhile the elderly sexual abuser/business fraud/election denier/convicted felon/p*ssy grabber who has been labeled an "asshoIe" and an "American Hitler" by his own running mate persists in alienating women voters as he has done consistently in 2018, 2020, and 2022.

Women and minorities should be FURIOUS Republicans are calling her a diversity hire. Insulted.

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