Exclusive: Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

Then you would be praising Biden for the fact that the US outperformed other countries during the global inflationary period.

So peddle your contrived bullshit to someone dumber.
Your LIES keep getting bigger and bigger. Global inflation is nonsense.

You haven't proven anything. I proved Trump's inflation was <2% and Bidens averaged 6%

Biden's policies cause US inflation. The US economy isn't dependent on "global anything", dumbass.

Groceries are unaffordable under Biden, due to his moronic policies.
Nope but congratulations on being part of the dumbest set of voters ever! You are radical fascists who project your own policy onto others. Your party is the party of radical feminists radical Islamists and radical communist what a great thing you have going for yourself you vote with the party who supports those who chant death to America, who turn their backs on the Jewish people, and want them dead, but want a Jewish man to be vice President only to secure a voting block, you are the worst kind of people alive, repent and be saved there is still time to right yourselves.

My party was hijacked by you criminals. Once we get rid of the ring leader we can work on the rest of you criminals. Or drive you back under the rock you came from. You see, I haven't said a single word about how good Biden or Harris are. Not one encouraging word. But I will say that even if Biden were to have not removed himself, I would have voted for him even with the Priest waiting in the background to give him last rights.
Can't be MAGA without misogyny, eh poster Edgetho?
Strong accomplished women seem to scare the bejesus outta the incel faction of this chatroom.
No disrespect intended to those poor sad ne'er-do-wells.


Ummm, noper.
Rather, it is the shrill and pejorative postings about fellatio, penises, coitus, etc. that are defining the misogyny of the MAGA groupies on this venue.
I was mildly confident you would have recognized that by now poster DD.


See, DD?.....And along comes poster 'Hikerguy' to validate the observations about the shrill misogynism coming from Trump's Squeaky Frommes.

It's sad.

I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.

Kamaltoe is a DEI Hire. Nothing more, nothing less. She got to where she was in Kaliphony by sucking Willie Brown's dick. Everybody knows it. Everybody. Even you know it. Maybe you don't care because that's how you get through life as well. Maybe you think it's normal behavior. Maybe it is to you but not in the civilized world

Meanwhile, dimocrap scum protesting Bibi giving a speech to Congress protested him by dumping maggots in his Hotel.

Absolute vermin.

Palestinian protesters released maggots and crickets inside the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C., to protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit. Netanyahu is in the capital to meet with lawmakers and address Congress.

You people are scum. Through and through. ALL of you.
My party was hijacked by you criminals. Once we get rid of the ring leader we can work on the rest of you criminals. Or drive you back under the rock you came from. You see, I haven't said a single word about how good Biden or Harris are. Not one encouraging word. But I will say that even if Biden were to have not removed himself, I would have voted for him even with the Priest waiting in the background to give him last rights.
Which party is that, you are not a conservative, and will will do nothing like driving me out or blah blah blah internet tough guy. I am a conservative white christian male what else can you do to us, we are already the most marginalized people on plate earth.
This just makes you look very stupid.

I don't even have to respond. I can just let you talk.
You couldn't prove "global inflation" caused US inflation.
Its a fake straw you tried to grasp DUMBASS.
Read and learn.

Well, this does explain why Biden dropped out, Harris appears to be far more competitive:

Vice President Kamala Harris opened up a marginal two-percentage-point lead over Republican Donald Trump after President Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign and passed the torch to her, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found.
That compares with a marginal two-point deficit Biden faced against Trump in last week's poll before his Sunday exit from the race.
The new poll, conducted on Monday and Tuesday, followed both the Republican National Convention where Trump on Thursday formally accepted the nomination and Biden's announcement on Sunday he was leaving the race and endorsing Harris.

Harris, whose campaign says she has secured the Democratic nomination, led Trump 44% to 42% in the national poll, a difference within the 3-percentage-point margin of error.
Harris and Trump were tied at 44% in a July 15-16 poll, and Trump led by one percentage point in a July 1-2 poll, both within the same margin of error.
While nationwide surveys give important signals of American support for political candidates, a handful of competitive states typically tilt the balance in the U.S. Electoral College, which ultimately decides who wins a presidential election.

A pollster with Trump's campaign played down any polling showing an increase in Harris' support, arguing that she was likely to see a temporary rise in popularity because of widespread media coverage of her new candidacy.
"That bump is likely to start showing itself over the next few days and will last for a while," pollster Tony Fabrizio said in a memo circulated to reporters by Trump's campaign.
Candidates often expect a bump after formally accepting their party's nomination at stage-managed, televised conventions such as the one that Trump had last week. But the poll showed no sign of that.

Bump or not, the most recent Reuters/Ipsos poll underscored the rationale for Biden dropping out of the race and for Harris replacing him on the ticket.
That poll is under-rating Kamala's lead over trump. I'm from Nebraska , a very republican state. In 2020 at least 10 % of the republicans here voted for Biden. That figure could have only grown since then and now that Biden had the good sense to step down more of those republicans ( and everybody else ) will vote for Kamala. We might even turn several red states BLUE. Who hasn't trump attacked. Women , gays , minorities , immigrants , blacks , liberals , independents , Jews , Muslims ....the list goes on and on. Goodbye trump. Prison is the only place you belong.

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