Donald Trump Says That People Who Destroy The American Flag Should Be Prosecuted

Should People Who Destroy The American Flag Be Prosecuted?

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NOT if it’s not their flag to begin with, unless you are saying it’s OK for an American-hating leftist to remove my flag from its pole holder, and set it ablaze.

There is no evidence that this flag was stolen or that the protestors have no right to burn it.

The people who were spray painting "Hamas" on statues should be arrested, and as their punishment, they must remove the paint and repair the damage they did, as well as apologize for defacing public property.
It's a piece of cloth. It doesn't "represent your country", because it's inanimate.

If the symbol matters more than the principles it's supposed to represent, you've lost sight of those principles.

I think that desecrating a flag is a dumb thing to do. What I find truly offensive is carrying NAZI flags, or other flags representing hate groups. My older brothers fought in WWII against the NAZI's and there is NOTHING redeeming about their policies or beliefs, or anyone espousing them.

So whille you have the right to express views that are odious, at best, my right to freedom of speech gives me the right to disassociate myself from you or anyone espousing such disgusting ideals and beliefs.

Your opinion means nothing because you aren't even an American so I don't give a flying flip.
I'm on the fence with him about this one. Part of me agrees with him and part of me says well in this country there's freedom to do that. I think that better punishment would be that if you burn this nation's flag then pack your bags but that's just my opinion.


Hmmmm…… 🤔


Well, this is a tough one..because on one hand, if you desecrate a pride flag, you can be charged with a hate crime, so if you desecrate an American flag, in this also not a hate crime?

Honestly, burning an American flag is protected speech, however, those who are aligning themselves with Hamas need to be put under surveillance…I mean, they are siding with a terrorist organization…..
We both agree that burning a flag is disrespectful and hurtful. But I think we both agree that it should still be legal.

Trump believes it should be a crime. And he's wrong.
A conference about this is long overdue. Perhaps not as stringent as Trump spewed. However, he opened the door to talk about a problem. So perhaps a flag that is from the government or something on someone's property that is not obnoxious is something to discuss. This along with other flags or not with other flags. It seems when one thing is accomplished a whole bunch of parasites tag along. If the gay flag is pushed as accepted can everyone who knows their DNA background have flags made with the percentage of each culture their heritage came from. So, an easy one. You are 50% Italian and 50% German. Make a flag out of that. Then we can hang them all over the place. Memorials to the moon of millions of potential different flags.
This was decided when a half a century ago by democrats? That was when you democrats made it illegal for black people to sit in the front of the bus.

Another reasin democrars must go
Nope that was over seventy years ago a law which the D's changed sixty years ago.
I assume he is referring to what we saw at Union Station yesterday, if so then yes....they were clearly Harris Pro=Hamas supporters trying attempting an innsurrection. That's what they should be prosecuted for
The orange walking clusterfuck who tried a coup rants about the flag.

Taking and destroying government property and setting a fire in the street is not covered by the 1st Amendment. As usual Trump makes sense and the crazy anti-American left falls all over themselves making excuses for anarchy.
Taking and destroying government property and setting a fire in the street is not covered by the 1st Amendment. As usual Trump makes sense and the crazy anti-American left falls all over themselves making excuses for anarchy.

Well it's all in the matter of how the context is used to know whether or not that it's classified as free speech.
Does anybody else find amusement with the fact that Dragonlady believes that she knows what the American flag is and what it isn't more than Americans do?

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