Keith Olbermann (Who?) Says Trump Supporters Are "Maggots" Who Must Be "Prosecuted" And "Destroyed"

Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

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^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

If he was talking about any group except Trump supporters/conservatives/small l libertarians/Republicans, etc, he would have been fired for this, defriended by anyone he knows, and probably shunned by even his own family.

Yet attacking people like me like this is considered A-OK.

It's time for me to go out and get that shotgun and long rifle I've been considering buying.

Frankly, you should have bought them already—but that is beside the point, isn't it? The American Left at large froths with such hatred at Donald J. Trump that they want to skin us, the people who elected him, and tan our skins and hang them on their walls. In their eyes and minds we "deplorables" are no longer fellow human beings. Ours is a very dangerous and uncertain time. Will the deplorables rise up and defend themselves and their President? I have my doubts. In fact, I have planned and executed my own family's escape from "civilization" prior to the election. I suggest you all do the same.

I live in NYC, so getting any gun is a pain in the ass. It used to be I felt OK as long as I had the right to, but current events make me think I need a shotgun for home defense and some form of long rifle like an M1 Garand for oh shit situations.

Marty if you live in NYC then it might be a good idea for Election Night and some weeks after it if you got out of NYC and into the country, if there is a place you can go out of the city. My opinion is that ALL American cities are going to be potentially dangerous on Election Night and the weeks after, this is because it is the City areas that the majority of the Leftists aka Communists are in and so after voting in my opinion I think Trump Supporters then should get out of the city and sit things out in the country somewhere.

The situation is that REGARDLESS of the Election Result the Leftists aka Communists are going to start violence and remember that Hillary has told Joe Biden NOT to concede under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ie. even if Trump wins they are going to start all kinds of violence and shit and their Red Guard aka Antifa and all the feral Black Marxists aka BLM will certainly go on an even worse rampage than they already have been doing.

Well, if they start any here.....they'll not live to tell about it.

And yet the only actual spike in violence since Trump has been right wingers against blacks Jews gays Muslims and now Asians, brainwashed functional morons lol.

So left wing violence against police doesn't count?

You get to attempt to hide it because SJW prosecutors in those areas refuse to prosecute.

Nobody is defending violent criminals for crying out loud, brainwashed functional moron. Where are the goddamn cops when there are 40 people running wild in cities, that's what I want to know. They seem to enjoy making Democrat Mayors look bad. The police unions need to be reformed. They protect the bad apples.....
Does anyone really give a fetid dingo's kidney what comes dribbling out of Mr. Olbermann's mouth?

It's NOT just him whoever he is, it's the Leftists as a WHOLE because THEY WANT the same THING as Keith Olbermann says.
If they did anything criminal they should be investigated and indicted just like anybody else. unlike all the phony scandals and conspiracy theories you believe about Democrats.
Political opinions are NOT criminal activities.
nobody is talking about persecuting anybody for opinions except for garbage propagandists and brainwashed functional morons like you. Thanks for disrespecting every American institution for no good reason..... Except a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else while you're distracted...... The worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere is not trivia dumbass.
Your hysterical rant ignores the thread topic, which is Olbermann's insane hatred of anyone who disagrees with him politically. Perhaps you should take another look at the OP before spewing the next time. You did miss a few of your normal phrases. Not up to par tonight?
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

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^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

If he was talking about any group except Trump supporters/conservatives/small l libertarians/Republicans, etc, he would have been fired for this, defriended by anyone he knows, and probably shunned by even his own family.

Yet attacking people like me like this is considered A-OK.

It's time for me to go out and get that shotgun and long rifle I've been considering buying.

Frankly, you should have bought them already—but that is beside the point, isn't it? The American Left at large froths with such hatred at Donald J. Trump that they want to skin us, the people who elected him, and tan our skins and hang them on their walls. In their eyes and minds we "deplorables" are no longer fellow human beings. Ours is a very dangerous and uncertain time. Will the deplorables rise up and defend themselves and their President? I have my doubts. In fact, I have planned and executed my own family's escape from "civilization" prior to the election. I suggest you all do the same.

I live in NYC, so getting any gun is a pain in the ass. It used to be I felt OK as long as I had the right to, but current events make me think I need a shotgun for home defense and some form of long rifle like an M1 Garand for oh shit situations.

Marty if you live in NYC then it might be a good idea for Election Night and some weeks after it if you got out of NYC and into the country, if there is a place you can go out of the city. My opinion is that ALL American cities are going to be potentially dangerous on Election Night and the weeks after, this is because it is the City areas that the majority of the Leftists aka Communists are in and so after voting in my opinion I think Trump Supporters then should get out of the city and sit things out in the country somewhere.

The situation is that REGARDLESS of the Election Result the Leftists aka Communists are going to start violence and remember that Hillary has told Joe Biden NOT to concede under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ie. even if Trump wins they are going to start all kinds of violence and shit and their Red Guard aka Antifa and all the feral Black Marxists aka BLM will certainly go on an even worse rampage than they already have been doing.

My neighborhood is pretty Trump supporting, and has a lot of NYPD and FDNY living in it, I feel pretty secure.

If that fails we have a large Polish and Albanian population, and many of them know how to deal with Communists.

Luckily only about 20% of the people are so ignorant they'll believe in Communists in this day and age...

Communists, Democratic Socialists, Left leaning Anti-fa type anarchists, all the same thing.

More government power, less personal freedom.

Every other modern country already has what AOC and Sanders want already. And they aren't communists LOL. We are the only modern country without a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and an ID card to end illegal immigration and mainly taxing the rich their Fair share. Thanks scumbag give away to the rich GOP and brainwashed functional morons like you.

And those countries are stagnant listless boring-holes, with shitty birth rates, aging populations and moribund economies.

Bologna. And they are all a lot happier than we are, after 40 years of GOP giveaway and lies, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere period and the stupidest party in the modern world, the gop.

They are sedated, not happy.

I will go with every respected survey not brainwashed functional morons like you....

Surveys, LOL GFY.

Survey says you are a brainwashed functional moron lol. Try the real world sometime or at least get some more tin foil

This coming from one of the bigger empty skulled SJW soi boi cum buckets on the board is comical.

Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

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^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

If he was talking about any group except Trump supporters/conservatives/small l libertarians/Republicans, etc, he would have been fired for this, defriended by anyone he knows, and probably shunned by even his own family.

Yet attacking people like me like this is considered A-OK.

It's time for me to go out and get that shotgun and long rifle I've been considering buying.

For crying out loud he is talking about those criminally connected with Trump not bozos like you people.

More backtracking.

You are to try backtracking from your ridiculous propaganda like this. Brainwashed functional moron.

No, I am not. Try learning proper English you soi boi SJW poseur twat.

My phone heard are for ought.... So you are not in favor of prosecuting criminals who are supporters of trump, and you don't know the difference between supporters who are criminals and supporters in general? Brainwashed functional morons are the GOP base.....

Considering your side think they are all criminals (without any evidence) why should you morons stop there.

They should be investigated I would say. I'm sure there's plenty to prosecute. Democrats will probably let it all go if he loses... They always do. It's all about the FBI and law enforcement and the justice department as always.

You not liking them doesn't make them criminals.

At least it doesn't now, people like you get power and ThoughtCrime becomes a reality.

The only people calling people guilty without evidence are the GOP base, brainwashed by your garbage propaganda machine. Try innocent until proven guilty. I'm saying they should be investigated and prosecuted if fitting. Just like Keith olbermann. Meanwhile this thread is another ridiculous phony scandal. He said the criminal supporters should be prosecuted. D u h

Spin Spin Spin, jeebus you must be fucking dizzy.

Prosecute criminals even Trump supporters. I can see how difficult this is for brainwashed functional morons like you....

Dude, from the blank post above and you selfquoting yourself, it seems you can't figure out the quote function OR the edit function.
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

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^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

If he was talking about any group except Trump supporters/conservatives/small l libertarians/Republicans, etc, he would have been fired for this, defriended by anyone he knows, and probably shunned by even his own family.

Yet attacking people like me like this is considered A-OK.

It's time for me to go out and get that shotgun and long rifle I've been considering buying.

Frankly, you should have bought them already—but that is beside the point, isn't it? The American Left at large froths with such hatred at Donald J. Trump that they want to skin us, the people who elected him, and tan our skins and hang them on their walls. In their eyes and minds we "deplorables" are no longer fellow human beings. Ours is a very dangerous and uncertain time. Will the deplorables rise up and defend themselves and their President? I have my doubts. In fact, I have planned and executed my own family's escape from "civilization" prior to the election. I suggest you all do the same.

I live in NYC, so getting any gun is a pain in the ass. It used to be I felt OK as long as I had the right to, but current events make me think I need a shotgun for home defense and some form of long rifle like an M1 Garand for oh shit situations.

Marty if you live in NYC then it might be a good idea for Election Night and some weeks after it if you got out of NYC and into the country, if there is a place you can go out of the city. My opinion is that ALL American cities are going to be potentially dangerous on Election Night and the weeks after, this is because it is the City areas that the majority of the Leftists aka Communists are in and so after voting in my opinion I think Trump Supporters then should get out of the city and sit things out in the country somewhere.

The situation is that REGARDLESS of the Election Result the Leftists aka Communists are going to start violence and remember that Hillary has told Joe Biden NOT to concede under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ie. even if Trump wins they are going to start all kinds of violence and shit and their Red Guard aka Antifa and all the feral Black Marxists aka BLM will certainly go on an even worse rampage than they already have been doing.

Well, if they start any here.....they'll not live to tell about it.

And yet the only actual spike in violence since Trump has been right wingers against blacks Jews gays Muslims and now Asians, brainwashed functional morons lol.

So left wing violence against police doesn't count?

You get to attempt to hide it because SJW prosecutors in those areas refuse to prosecute.

Nobody is defending violent criminals for crying out loud, brainwashed functional moron. Where are the goddamn cops when there are 40 people running wild in cities, that's what I want to know. They seem to enjoy making Democrat Mayors look bad. The police unions need to be reformed. They protect the bad apples.....

LOL, it's up to the prosecutors in those cities to press charges, not the cops, and in most of those cities the prosecutors are lefty assholes, backed up by lefty asshole mayors and lefty asshole governors.

But keep lying about it, it's all SJW cocksuckers like you are good at, and it's clear for all reasonable people to see.

And just so you know how much I despise you:

Franco takes it up the ass doo dah doo dah
Franco takes it up the ass all dee doo dah day
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

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View attachment 399950

^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

100% agree with Keith.
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

View attachment 399946
View attachment 399947

^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

View attachment 399948
View attachment 399949
View attachment 399950

^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

View attachment 399953

^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

View attachment 399955

^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

If he was talking about any group except Trump supporters/conservatives/small l libertarians/Republicans, etc, he would have been fired for this, defriended by anyone he knows, and probably shunned by even his own family.

Yet attacking people like me like this is considered A-OK.

It's time for me to go out and get that shotgun and long rifle I've been considering buying.

Frankly, you should have bought them already—but that is beside the point, isn't it? The American Left at large froths with such hatred at Donald J. Trump that they want to skin us, the people who elected him, and tan our skins and hang them on their walls. In their eyes and minds we "deplorables" are no longer fellow human beings. Ours is a very dangerous and uncertain time. Will the deplorables rise up and defend themselves and their President? I have my doubts. In fact, I have planned and executed my own family's escape from "civilization" prior to the election. I suggest you all do the same.

I live in NYC, so getting any gun is a pain in the ass. It used to be I felt OK as long as I had the right to, but current events make me think I need a shotgun for home defense and some form of long rifle like an M1 Garand for oh shit situations.

Marty if you live in NYC then it might be a good idea for Election Night and some weeks after it if you got out of NYC and into the country, if there is a place you can go out of the city. My opinion is that ALL American cities are going to be potentially dangerous on Election Night and the weeks after, this is because it is the City areas that the majority of the Leftists aka Communists are in and so after voting in my opinion I think Trump Supporters then should get out of the city and sit things out in the country somewhere.

The situation is that REGARDLESS of the Election Result the Leftists aka Communists are going to start violence and remember that Hillary has told Joe Biden NOT to concede under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ie. even if Trump wins they are going to start all kinds of violence and shit and their Red Guard aka Antifa and all the feral Black Marxists aka BLM will certainly go on an even worse rampage than they already have been doing.

Well, if they start any here.....they'll not live to tell about it.

And yet the only actual spike in violence since Trump has been right wingers against blacks Jews gays Muslims and now Asians, brainwashed functional morons lol.

So left wing violence against police doesn't count?

You get to attempt to hide it because SJW prosecutors in those areas refuse to prosecute.

Nobody is defending violent criminals for crying out loud, brainwashed functional moron. Where are the goddamn cops when there are 40 people running wild in cities, that's what I want to know. They seem to enjoy making Democrat Mayors look bad. The police unions need to be reformed. They protect the bad apples.....

LOL, it's up to the prosecutors in those cities to press charges, not the cops, and in most of those cities the prosecutors are lefty assholes, backed up by lefty asshole mayors and lefty asshole governors.

But keep lying about it, it's all SJW cocksuckers like you are good at, and it's clear for all reasonable people to see.

And just so you know how much I despise you:

Franco takes it up the ass doo dah doo dah
Franco takes it up the ass all dee doo dah day

Garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. You talking about non-violent protesters dumbass.... The looters the cops let run wild for weeks... They are not assholes, they are educated people know what they're talking about. Your brainwashed disrespect for our country's great institutions is close to treasonous. Luckily you're just a dumbass ignoramus brainwashed by rich a******.... I really worry about your opinion LOL. The entire world is agast at our disgraceful GOP idiocy.... Today's the unmasking conspiracy was demolished and you probably haven't even heard.... All your GOP propaganda has been discredited but of course never retracted.
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Does anyone really give a fetid dingo's kidney what comes dribbling out of Mr. Olbermann's mouth?

It's NOT just him whoever he is, it's the Leftists as a WHOLE because THEY WANT the same THING as Keith Olbermann says.
If they did anything criminal they should be investigated and indicted just like anybody else. unlike all the phony scandals and conspiracy theories you believe about Democrats.
Political opinions are NOT criminal activities.
nobody is talking about persecuting anybody for opinions except for garbage propagandists and brainwashed functional morons like you. Thanks for disrespecting every American institution for no good reason..... Except a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else while you're distracted...... The worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere is not trivia dumbass.
Your hysterical rant ignores the thread topic, which is Olbermann's insane hatred of anyone who disagrees with him politically. Perhaps you should take another look at the OP before spewing the next time. You did miss a few of your normal phrases. Not up to par tonight?
He said criminal supporters of trump should be prosecuted and your propagandists have bent the whole thing and you out of all resemblance to reality.
Does anyone really give a fetid dingo's kidney what comes dribbling out of Mr. Olbermann's mouth?

It's NOT just him whoever he is, it's the Leftists as a WHOLE because THEY WANT the same THING as Keith Olbermann says.
If they did anything criminal they should be investigated and indicted just like anybody else. unlike all the phony scandals and conspiracy theories you believe about Democrats.
Political opinions are NOT criminal activities.
nobody is talking about persecuting anybody for opinions except for garbage propagandists and brainwashed functional morons like you. Thanks for disrespecting every American institution for no good reason..... Except a huge giveaway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else while you're distracted...... The worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere is not trivia dumbass.
Your hysterical rant ignores the thread topic, which is Olbermann's insane hatred of anyone who disagrees with him politically. Perhaps you should take another look at the OP before spewing the next time. You did miss a few of your normal phrases. Not up to par tonight?
He said criminal supporters of trump should be prosecuted and your propagandists have bent the whole thing and you out of all resemblance to reality.
Not in the quote from the OP, he didn't. YOU added the word "criminal", he did not. Go back and read it again until you realize it's not in there.
At a bench trial it would work fine. You aren't trying to play to the law in this case, but jury sympathy, which is almost 100% overturned on appeal.

When they are spending more on lawyers than metal, they'll rethink their industry.

The problem with the gun industry is that they decided their prime market was the nuts... The guy who owns lots of guns and buys lots of ammo, not the guy who bought a gun back in the 1990's and stuck it in his closet.

The problem is, you market to nuts, you get Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Nick Cruz, etc.

Keith Olbermann is a frothing at the mouth lunatic. Anybody acting like this on the right would not have a job, or a microphone OR A YOUTUBE CHANNEL OR TWITTER

Actually, you have a point. He is. So was O'Reilly. Maddow. Carlson. Glenn Beck....

There was a time when the movie "Network" was considered a parody.... Put a crazy person on the air to rant because he'll get good ratings.


Today, that's become the reality... Except nobody's shot one of them because their ratings are bad... yet.
Olberman knows maggots. They cover every rancid word that comes out of his mouth. The man is clueless.
At a bench trial it would work fine. You aren't trying to play to the law in this case, but jury sympathy, which is almost 100% overturned on appeal.

When they are spending more on lawyers than metal, they'll rethink their industry.

The problem with the gun industry is that they decided their prime market was the nuts... The guy who owns lots of guns and buys lots of ammo, not the guy who bought a gun back in the 1990's and stuck it in his closet.

The problem is, you market to nuts, you get Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Nick Cruz, etc.

Keith Olbermann is a frothing at the mouth lunatic. Anybody acting like this on the right would not have a job, or a microphone OR A YOUTUBE CHANNEL OR TWITTER

Actually, you have a point. He is. So was O'Reilly. Maddow. Carlson. Glenn Beck....

There was a time when the movie "Network" was considered a parody.... Put a crazy person on the air to rant because he'll get good ratings.

View attachment 401837

Today, that's become the reality... Except nobody's shot one of them because their ratings are bad... yet.

Talk about projection, all your bitching is just end running the constitution, worm-food.
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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No, no, no, Lucy, I was told here just last week that the Left are not the party of hate wanting to destroy others! Do you suppose that once elected, the Biden-Harris nation will want reparations from the Right for all the hurt we caused them with Trump and Covid?

After all, had they been in charge, hardly 10 people would have gotten Covid and died.

Do you imagine that given back power, rather than "unite" America and represent us all as he promises, Joe's America will call for a Jihad on all their opposition? I kinda think so.
Okay so this psychotic and homicidal maniac called Keith Olbermann has had a Grand Mal Seizure type rant where he's said that Trump Supporters are "maggots" who MUST be "prosecuted" and "destroyed" the last part there I suppose is him saying that EVERY Trump Supporter needs hunting down and murdering, I mean what else would you say "destroyed" could possibly mean?

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^^^^ This is Keith Olbermann, my IMMEDIATE thought about him is wouldn't he look GREAT cascading out of a chopper sans parachute?

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^^^^ Okay I need to put this next part in ALL CAPS to draw attention to what the above means:

WHEN LEFTISTS AKA COMMUNISTS SAY A GROUP NEED TO BE "PROSECUTED AND CONVICTED AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" THEY MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE THAT GROUP MASS MURDERED. There is NO OTHER WAY to interpret "REMOVED FROM SOCIETY" This is almost CERTAINLY why they are FANATICAL about taking the guns and ammo off law abiding American citizens, so you CAN'T DEFEND yourselves from being "Disappeared"

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^^^^ The Forefathers of Third World Shitholers did NOT die for America, I point this out because Leftists aka Communists INCLUDE ALL the Third World Shitholers they have DEMANDED are airdropped into America since about 1965 - prior to 1965 ALL the Immigrants allowed into America at LEAST had 90% of things in COMMON with the Americans they were going to join in America.

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^^^^ This psychotic and homicidal MANIAC Keith Olbermann considers Donald Trump WORSE than Osama bin Laden, this is actually ALL anyone needs to know about this waste of human skin.

Here's the homicidal RANT of a MAD MAN:

100% agree with Keith.

Two different people. Olbermann and ACB. Olbermann is death. ACB is life.

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