The WHO is warning that a painful disease is coming and that we must prepare. I guess since our borders are open, it will be coming from there.

I didn't send it out... I think the powers that be want us fearful and apprehensive about crowded spaces... like ballot centers....
Then how come they're not telling people to stay out of Malls this Xmas season? Concerts, movie theaters?

Looks like you don't need the Gubmint to scare the shit out of you.
I get that, but dengue fever is not communicable, so if that is the goal then some real incompetence is on display.
Hell, TB, measles, whooping cough.....there are plenty of diseases that are communicable that would make better "scare" materiall

“The dengue virus is primarily transmitted from person to person through the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquito.
Humans are the primary host and source of virus for female mosquitoes to acquire DENV through a blood meal from viremic humans.”

“The dengue virus is primarily transmitted from person to person through the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquito.
Humans are the primary host and source of virus for female mosquitoes to acquire DENV through a blood meal from viremic humans.”

“The dengue virus is primarily transmitted from person to person through the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquito.
Humans are the primary host and source of virus for female mosquitoes to acquire DENV through a blood meal from viremic humans.”
Thank you captain obvious. Tell me , how many mosquitoes are in your yard this evening?
You don’t think there are active mosquitos in Florida, Southern Cali, and warm weather areas of the country?
I'm in Arizona, kinda warm here. Yes we have them, and they are gone.
Gone for the season
I'm in Arizona, kinda warm here. Yes we have them, and they are gone.
Gone for the season
I live in Arizona too. As you know we have a very limited mosquito season. Honestly I don't remember mosquitoes here AT ALL until after 1980s.
I live in Arizona too. As you know we have a very limited mosquito season. Honestly I don't remember mosquitoes here AT ALL until after 1980s.
I think it depends on elevation and vegetation as well as the number of hours of sunlight. Another variable is likely temp of any standing water, which of course is related to the previously mentioned variables.
For example, I visit Alamo lake and even though there is a lake, I don't see any mosquitoes there ever. However, during the monsoon season, if we have one, the high country seems to have plenty.
I live between Holbrook and Zuni, NM, And only when the nights cool off in late summer have I seen mosquitoes. They are rare enough here my vet advised against inoculating my dogs against heartworm., Also spread by mosquitoes. Reason being is the meds are not great for dogs, admittedly better than heartworm, but since the risk is low..... Where I live erlichia is more common than heartworm, spread by deer ticks. Hell, I had that.( A month on Cipro is not fun buddy. )
My point in my first posts, was simply this:
A disease that requires mosquitoes to spread is seasonal, and as with the similar diseases(Zika, equine encephalitis, chinka sickness) is easy to control.
If WHO wants to spread fear porn, there are other diseases that are more serious and are communicable between humans(and animals).
Maybe they are coming out with a new vaccine of some sort and are trying to sell some.
You dont have a lot of mosquitos in the desert? Shocker.
You mentioned southern realize that's desert as well?
Point is, mosquitoes are seasonal, for reasons detailed in a previous post. Mostly length of daylight hours. For that reason mosquito season is passed in the northern hemisphere.....that's a fact.
MSN Or just because the diseased illegals that come across our southern border are likely carriers of the disease, along with TB, Whooping Cough, and the Plague, seen in California. So when cases start showing up around your neighborhood, you can thank Joe Biden for not finishing the wall, and removing the remain in Mexico that President Trump had in place.

View attachment 854919
You need to get bitten from an infected mosquito to get dengue fever.

You need to get bitten from an infected mosquito to get dengue fever.

No duh, Einstein. What happens when a diseased illegal get bitten by said mosquito, then comes and bites you next? Ever fucking figure that one out? Yeah, you could get the Plague also, since a confirmed case showed up in Californication, and mosquitos do travel.....along with diseases illegals thanks to Joe Biden.
No duh, Einstein. What happens when a diseased illegal get bitten by said mosquito, then comes and bites you next? Ever fucking figure that one out? Yeah, you could get the Plague also, since a confirmed case showed up in Californication, and mosquitos do travel.....along with diseases illegals thanks to Joe Biden.
Are you one of those climate alarmists where your tampon falls out over an issue thinking the sky is falling?

If only you took the time to read the link -

It's often found in tropical areas including:
  • Parts of Africa and Asia
  • Central and South America the Caribbean
  • The Pacific islands
  • Some southern areas of North America
And just like a south park episode, the information about a new vaccine hits the wires.
The vaccine is for a similar mosquito borne illness. Chikungunya. My guess is that it is deemed "effective against dengue and Zika as well.
And it still isn't mosquito season , although in the southern hemisphere it soon will be.


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