What Is Project 2025? The Conservative Plan That Taraji P. Henson Called Out At The BET Awards, Explained

I have read it, idiot have you? Wipe the orange off your mouth, fuck boy.
Hey bitch. I not only perused it, but unlike you, I grasped what it actually says.

You’re a shallow ignorant and dishonest bitch.

You keep relying on other people to tell you what and how to think. I find you endlessly pathetic. 👍
Hey bitch. I not only perused it, but unlike you, I grasped what it actually says.

You’re a shallow ignorant and dishonest bitch.

You keep relying on other people to tell you what and how to think. I find you endlessly pathetic. 👍
So, tell us fuck boy where I misrepresented your lying ass document.

I don't need to rely on nobody, it's posted for EVERYONE to read fool. That is why you won't tell us what is in it, because if will expose you for the lying POS you are.

“The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!”​

Henson appeared in a recorded segment with Harris. The vice president warned against Republicans launching a “full-on attack on our fundamental freedoms,” such as voting rights, reproductive freedoms and LGBTQ+ rights. “The majority of us believe in freedom and equality,” Harris said, “but these extremists, as they say, they are not like us.”

“Did you know that it is now a crime to be homeless? Pay attention,” Henson said during a speech she delivered during the live portion of the show, referring to a recent Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to ticket or arrest homeless people for sleeping in public. Henson then referenced a Republican-backed plan for the next presidential administration. “The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!” she urged the audience, leaving many people wondering what exactly Project 2025 is and why we should be worried about it.

Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is an extensive proposal of policies put forth by the Heritage Foundation, a top conservative think tank with input from dozens of conservative groups. Project 2025, which the Heritage Foundation has put forward in the form of a 920-page document published online, is a plan for a right-wing agenda to be put in place during a second Trump term. Critics argue that the plan would create an authoritarian presidency, taking power away from the other branches of government and empowering Trump to enforce an ultraconservative agenda throughout the country. Many conservatives, meanwhile, have embraced the plan.

Folks better wake up, the right is working to take us back to the 1950s.

Why do you think McConnell used Trump to stack the courts in this country.
Here is one thing it calls for:

One proposal in a "Project 2025" plan developed by allies of former President Donald Trump is to make a private-sector alternative to Medicare the default option when older Americans enroll in the federal health insurance program.

What does this mean to senior's? Well, to start the senior's who would never ever picked a Medicare Advantage plan but rather chose straight Medicare and a supplement would have no choice and be placed in one of those Medicare Advantage plans or something the govt dreamed up, but you would have no choice.
Why won't we?

Trump is leading by a wide margin. Also, I don't know if you're keeping up with current events, but your side just took one of the worst ass kicking in the history of presidential politics.

Trump will be the president, and he will fully and successfully impliment every aspect of Project 2025.

We will have 50's level crime rates, 50's level unemployment, 50's level respect around the world, and 50's level stability of our currency.
Are you that fucking stupid? Bad teacher. You'll never have those things again, if you did you would be making maybe 50 cents an hour. Get real.
So, tell us fuck boy where I misrepresented your lying ass document.
Listen twat rash. First tell me where I said you misrepresented anything about Project 2025. Then we can talk.

I did note that you’re dishonest. For instance, there’s no doubt that you either didn’t read it or you failed to understand it. That’s different than a claim that you misrepresented it. Stop relying on others to do your thinking for you.
I don't need to rely on nobody, it's posted for EVERYONE to read fool.

I know, you retard. As I said, I perused it. And unlike you, I understood it.
That is why you won't tell us what is in it,
Another lie by you. You twat rash. I have merely pointed out that it is already available so you shouldn’t have to demand that others interpret it for you.
because if will expose you for the lying POS you are.
Nah. Your every post establishes what a steaming pile of shit you always are.

Now, share with the class what it says that you consider dire. Don’t tell us about what Taraj claims to think. The question is what you think. If you can think.

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