Trump Is Lying About Project 2025

There's nothing fictional about what the text of P-2025 says. Part of which is dedicated to a plan to install lawyers in positions where lawyers from his first admin objected to radical, illegal desires expressed by Don.

If Trump Wins, His Allies Want Lawyers Who Will Bless a More Radical Agenda

Politically appointed lawyers sometimes frustrated Donald J. Trump’s ambitions. His allies are planning to install more aggressive legal gatekeepers if he regains the White House.

Close allies of Donald J. Trump are preparing to populate a new administration with a more aggressive breed of right-wing lawyer, dispensing with traditional conservatives who they believe stymied his agenda in his first term.
Why don't you violent lying Democrats shoot Trump? Oh , wait.
First show me where I admitted I didn't read it. Show me the words I wrote that said so. Or admit yourself that you made that up.
Hey, maybe you did read it. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt because the only other alternative is that you did read it and are too fucking stupid to know what you read.

Which is it?
Hey, maybe you did read it. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt because the only other alternative is that you did read it and are too fucking stupid to know what you read.

Which is it?
Option 3. You’re too fucking stupid to know what you read.
Option 3. You’re too fucking stupid to know what you read.
Sorry, wrong again. I know what I read, Simp. I quoted directly from your link.

But hey, you have convinced me that you did read it, and are just too fucking stupid to know what you read.

see ya!
No MAGA cares that Trump is a liar about his agenda. They love his lies. Deception and dishonesty are core conservative values.

But for those who don't want far right wing Christian Nationalist ideology shoved down their throats, Trump's open advocacy of the Heritage Foundation and their plan is of serious concern.
Joe Biden lies every day and violates the law 10,000 times a day.

Do libtards care?


So fuck your trolling bullshit. No one cares.
You don't have to convince me, I know that.
I told my friend the other day, before trump came out and LIED that he knew NOTHING about Project 2025, that the (D) need to lead every news story with Project 2025 and attack the (R) for this awful, toxic and very damaging 900 pages.

Just like those assholes retold their constant lies about Michelle Obama and Barak Obama.
To face unending and withering reminders that he's disavowed it, so you're building some very nice strawmen there. Have fun tearing them down.

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