Does anyone know what Trump and the Republicans stand for?

What the Dems stand for is a sight better than MAGA.

They stand for law breakers instead of law followers.

They stand for illegal aliens instead of US citizens.

They stand for the mentally ill instead of the mental well.

They stand for quotas and set asides instead of merit.

They stand for transsexuals instead of cis people.

They stand for takers instead of makers.

They for make America mediocre instead of make America great.

This is a video about the Republican conference day 3.

DJ Vance said he's going to do.... what Biden's been doing to China.

Some old dude with a ranch on the Mexican border says he's getting loads of immigrants turning up on his ranch, even though the ranch has the border wall alongside it.

Trump was so pro-China for two years. Went anti-China for two years because he thought that's what his supporters wanted, now he's pro-TikTok when most of the US politicians are anti-TikTok.

Biden sent senators and others to Taiwan, has backed Taiwan the whole time. Trump doesn't even talk about Taiwan. He's pro-China when he feels like it, anti-China when he feels like it. Biden put a 100% tariff on Chinese electrical cars.... the sort of thing Vance seems to want....

They stand for a unitary executive.
Actions speak louder than words.

"A Return to Common Sense"

The Republicans are not "common sense"

"Generations of American Patriots"

But they will call themselves "patriots" for supporting their own policies. Anyone who doesn't support their policies will be a "traitor", of course.

"But now we are a Nation in SERIOUS DECLINE"

4 years of Trump... didn't stop the decline. the House being controlled by the Republicans in the last 2 years, and the Senate and the House being controlled by the Republicans for at least half the time hasn't stopped the decline.

So.... what are they telling us?

"For decades, our politicians sold our jobs and livelihoods to the highest bidders"

Yep, and many are Republicans. So what are they telling us?

"In 2016, President Donald J. Trump was elected as an unapologetic Champion of the American People. "

Except the soldiers, one of which is his VP candidate, and many, many other people, including his own supporters "I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and my supporters would still support me" because they're that fucking stupid, kind of thing.

Then he had the "I don't care about you, just vote for me" remark.....

Should I go on?
Which political party do you support in the country where you can vote?
Religion has taught you well. You can see everything however you feel like seeing it, rather than for what it actually is.
You've got it backwards. It is unbelievers that bury their heads in the sand. Christianity insists that you deal with the truth of things.
Christian rule: No rewriting the rules.
Is that all the Democrats have? If I were a democrat supporter, I'd be more concerned with your party, which is currently imploding and getting ready to introduce a lot of frustration, angst, and confusion less than 3 1/2 months before a presidential election.
I’m sure many Dems are concerned about their party. But that doesn’t mean they can’t also express concerns about the Trump party. Kind of silly to dismiss those concerns to point at the others

This is a video about the Republican conference day 3.

DJ Vance said he's going to do.... what Biden's been doing to China.

Some old dude with a ranch on the Mexican border says he's getting loads of immigrants turning up on his ranch, even though the ranch has the border wall alongside it.

Trump was so pro-China for two years. Went anti-China for two years because he thought that's what his supporters wanted, now he's pro-TikTok when most of the US politicians are anti-TikTok.

Biden sent senators and others to Taiwan, has backed Taiwan the whole time. Trump doesn't even talk about Taiwan. He's pro-China when he feels like it, anti-China when he feels like it. Biden put a 100% tariff on Chinese electrical cars.... the sort of thing Vance seems to want....

Make believe.
The Republican Party has many perfectly reasonable concerns and many perfectly rational (if debatable) issue positions. I can find some agreement with them on damn near any issue.

The problem is that the rank & file has been so manipulated by mal-information, so consumed by paranoia and rage, so programmed to see the world in binary, hyperbolic, apocalyptic terms, that it turns its issue advocacy into a fucking crazed, ignorant circus.

And that's my main issue with them in a political context. The sociological context is worse.
I’m sure many Dems are concerned about their party. But that doesn’t mean they can’t also express concerns about the Trump party. Kind of silly to dismiss those concerns to point at the others

There are no legitimate concerns with the Trump party.

It could be more conservative in general, but I'm not going to quibble.
I’m sure many Dems are concerned about their party. But that doesn’t mean they can’t also express concerns about the Trump party. Kind of silly to dismiss those concerns to point at the others
They are concerned and know that Biden is unelectable, and they don't want to release that power and control. Why do you think they are having their own Civil War now and essentially telling Biden to leave? Their gloves have come off .. and it's already getting nasty internally within the democrat party.

The supposed party of unity is anything but.
They are concerned and know that Biden is unelectable, and they don't want to release that power and control. Why do you think they are having their own Civil War now and essentially telling Biden to leave? Their gloves have come off .. and it's already getting nasty internally within the democrat party.

The supposed party of unity is anything but.
So when they are unified they are mindless drone falling in line with dear leader but when they voice consent and diversity in opinions that’s then a bad thing?

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