Does Donald Trump want to win the climate debate, or trust Jeff Sessions again?

97% of the ice is over land bubba…..because that’s where snow accumulates and compresses into snow ice

Actually we call it GLACIER, but you are actually correct, GLACIER ICE forms ON LAND. Land moves. 97% of Earth ice on the two land masses closest to the poles...
Are you arguing that increasing temperature does not increases surface air pressure?

Are you arguing that adding gas to the atmosphere does not increase surface air pressure?

If you suck all air out of the atmosphere, does that increase or decrease surface air pressure....

Are you arguing that increasing temperature does not increases surface air pressure?

I told you already. Did you forget? Is it dementia? TBI? Is it the Jewish mind control beam?
Actually we call it GLACIER, but you are actually correct, GLACIER ICE forms ON LAND. Land moves. 97% of Earth ice on the two land masses closest to the poles...
No bubba,” glacial” is an adjective for the type of ice that forms glaciers, which is a noun. Glacial ice is correct. It doesn’t matter where the land masses are, more Snow from fresh water will accumulate on them and form Snow ice than in the open ocean. It’s harder for ice to form as sea ice because of the salt content of ocean water. That’s why there is much more SNOW ICE.
As far as the Arctic circle and land masses there are concerned, it’s warming faster in the Arctic than anywhere else in earth and why there is LESS snow ice forming in the Artic circle land masses.
This is basic shit and all your questions are from ignorance of Jr High science…Geesus.
No, actually, you have repeatedly chickened out from a specific answer on temperature regarding SAP....

One more try...

Does increasing atmospheric temperature increase SAP?
You’re making a totally bogus discussion. Atmospheric temps are NOT taken because they are so variable .
We take temperatures at or near the surface where HUMANS RESIDE. We measure CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, not temperature. Stop conflating the two.
No, actually, you have repeatedly chickened out from a specific answer on temperature regarding SAP....

One more try...

Does increasing atmospheric temperature increase SAP?
Ha ha…
You deniers never discuss what AGW is doing to our fresh water supply. Only 3% of the total water us fresh water. More than two thirds are frozen glacial snow ice and THE REST in underground water. The glacial ice is melting and running into the oceans to be mixed with the brine in sea water. The ocean rise also contaminates
Ground water supplies. The decreasing fresh water supplies makes irrigation more problematic for farming forcing more and more massive immigration problems ….all over the world, not just here.

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