Trump Magic Bullet?

They showed a close-up of his ear with the bandage removed. No bullet hole there.
Look closer.
Didn't I read that Crooks fired off 9 shots in 6 seconds? They said that the teleprompter screen was intact, so that wasn't it. It could've been pieces of anything, like a fiberglass seat. I'm not sure that they'll be able to determine where the shrapnel came from, but it damn sure wasn't a bullet that hit his ear.
A bullet hit a seat behind Trump and a piece of fiber glass was propelled 180° in the opposite direction with enough velocity to cut Trump's ear. Um...LMAO!
The reality is, he shot at Trump and Trump defied it according to the optics despite your side’s efforts to minimize it to the point whether or not all or part of the bullet hit him.
I didnt miminomze anything. Facts are facts. Your error is not realizing that you have a prescribed narrative. And when the facts don't align with it, you blame the world. That's your problem to work through, not mine.
So Cory was killed and two others seriously injured and you try to play propaganda,
Like kissing the helmet of a dead firefighter,, on stage, in front of cameras, to make up for the public shame of not calling his family for several days?

GTFO here with that nonsense, ya phony.
I didnt miminomze anything. Facts are facts. Your error is not realizing that you have a prescribed narrative. And when the facts don't align with it, you blame the world. That's your problem to work through, not mine.
Facts are facts - Trump got shot by a hater.
I didnt miminomze anything. Facts are facts. Your error is not realizing that you have a prescribed narrative. And when the facts don't align with it, you blame the world. That's your problem to work through, not mine.
Facts are facts - Trump got shot by a hater.
Who also hated Biden and who would have shot someone else, if their campaign stop came to his own.

I will correct your half truths, if I must.
that is speculation on your part so don’t lecture me about half truths. I can point to a factual event to back my claim. The fact you require the word “if” says it all.
I’m not going to read twenty pages of TDS denying the obvious. But can someone just tell me what “shrapnel” he was supposed to be hit by?
Trump will not allow anyone to actually examine his ear or see the medical report from the hospital

What is he hiding?

A Fake assassination

Deep stated loving maggots, from today**********

“The would-be assassin fired multiple rounds from a relatively close distance using a high-powered rifle, with one bullet striking the former President, and now the Republican Nominee for President, in his right ear,” Dr. Jackson wrote on Friday.

Dr. Jackson continued, “I have reviewed President Trump’s medical records from Butler Memorial Hospital, where he was initially evaluated and treated for a “Gunshot Wound to the Right Ear.” Having served as an Emergency Medicine physician for over 20 years in the United States Navy, including as a combat physician on the battlefield in Iraq. I have treated many gunshot wounds in my career. Based on my direct observations of the injury, my relevant clinical background, and my significant experience evaluating and treating patients with similar wounds, I completely concur with the initial assessment and treatment provided by the doctors and nurses at Butler Memorial Hospital on the day of the shooting.”

Dr. Jackson blasted FBI Director Wray.
Zoom in on your first pic, I never saw this before....but never zoomed in before either... But if you zoom in, it looks like you can see a shard of glass shimmering....?

I really have no dog in this fight, I don't care if it was a bullet or shards of glass hit by the bullet that continued to hit his ear.... The assassination attempt and bullets fired cause his injury....the assassination attempt was too close for comfort and a dismal failure on his security team imo!
Zoom in on your first pic, I never saw this before....but never zoomed in before either... But if you zoom in, it looks like you can see a shard of glass shimmering....?

I really have no dog in this fight, I don't care if it was a bullet or shards of glass hit by the bullet that continued to hit his ear.... The assassination attempt and bullets fired cause his injury....the assassination attempt was too close for comfort and a dismal failure on his security team imo!

Stupid OX. I will trust the doctor letter from today you deep state communist dumb POS.

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