Kamala's Extramarital Affair Turns Trump Liability into a Trump Advantage

You highlight your complete lack of morals when you downplay prostitution. Kamala trashed a man's family simply because she wanted to get ahead. That you do not understand this speaks volumes about you.
Willy is 90 years old now. I wonder if he still needs a "payback" from Kamala the whore?
The reverse can be said. For years you have been defending or dismissing Trump's infidelities. But now that it is Kamala, a politician should be chaste?
A prostitute is far worse than a horny man. He's reacting to his impulses; she's cold and calculating, doing it for money and power.
The reverse can be said. For years you have been defending or dismissing Trump's infidelities. But now that it is Kamala, a politician should be chaste?
A candidate for president should at least not be a prostitute. I don't think that's too much to ask. Kamala was a prostitute.
It's worse because it's transactional. Premeditated. Cold. It's the difference between a prostitute and someone who just want sex because he's horny.

Cheating on a spouse is exponentially worse. You take vows, before God and your community, swearing that you will remain faithful. Breaking those vows is the lowest.
I never dismissed Trump's infidelities. He was just more moral than the alternative who in addition to having an affair with a still-married woman, took showers and did inappropriate things to his pre-teen daughter.

you dismissed them as just a dude that was horny...too late to walk it back now
A prostitute is far worse than a horny man. He's reacting to his impulses; she's cold and calculating, doing it for money and power.

Why is the latter worse?

I would say that being a person unable to control their impulses is far worse than someone that is calculating. Most of us are calculating, that is how we survive and thrive in this world
Why is the latter worse?

I would say that being a person unable to control their impulses is far worse than someone that is calculating. Most of us are calculating, that is how we survive and thrive in this world

He claims the latter is worse because Trump is guilty of the former. And he won't admit anything negative about Trump.
Cheating on a spouse is exponentially worse. You take vows, before God and your community, swearing that you will remain faithful. Breaking those vows is the lowest.
Kamala caused men to break those vows. And she did it for money/power. That's exponentially worse.
Why is the latter worse?

I would say that being a person unable to control their impulses is far worse than someone that is calculating. Most of us are calculating, that is how we survive and thrive in this world
One is just fucking.

The other is fucking essentially for pay.

Which is worse a slut or a prostitute? Not great choice either way but I think most people would view the prostitute as worse.
Kamala --

One is just fucking.

One is not just fucking, one is also breaking their marriage vows.

Some of us take those seriously.

The other is fucking essentially for pay.

Which is worse a slut or a prostitute? Not great choice either way but I think most people would view the prostitute as worse.

They might, but I am not sure why.
The ONLY person responsible for the broken vows is the men who broke them.

Did your vows say "...forsaking all others, unless they come on to you"?

Thank you. He puts ZERO responsibility on the men for any of their actions.

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