JD Vance needs to answer a few questions about 7/13

This thread is about JD Vance and your loony tunes conspiracies, not about giving us a science lesson. Get back to your crazy conspiracies.

Toddster's "credibility" and (complete lack of) "science expertise" is fair game given the discussion...

Reports are emerging of a "second shooter." Indeed, an AR-15 is not a "sniper rifle."

Perhaps the first shot that hit the ear was from the real assassin, and then the stooge fired his AR-15 after the "expert marksman" hit the ear...

If there was a "second shooter" then JD Vance has even more explaining to do....

He’s a Marine Corps veteran. I mean, a combat correspondent. He didn’t do much fighting and he doesn’t exactly uphold Marine values,” Moulton said. “In fact, not even close to it.”

“I consider him one of the biggest hypocrites in Congress, someone who wrote a book, completely contradicted by his candidacy, someone who assailed Trump, before he became a sycophant,” he continued.

Moulton said Vance is someone who does Trump’s bidding and said he thinks that’s the “sole reason” he was picked as a running mate, “or at least the most important reason.”
There is another really obvious video of WTC 7. The official version is that this is not "controlled demolition," so if it was controlled demolition, that would again prove 911 was a Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist False Flag Hate Hoax just like 10/7.

Wow. It only took you a 7 pages to go full Truther this time.

That's restraint.

And controlled demolition....but no sound? So explosions so powerful they can severe structural steel beams. But somehow not powerful enough to move air molecules and make a sound.

Yeah, that's not physics works.
Wow. It only took you a 7 pages to go full Truther this time.

That's restraint.

And controlled demolition....but no sound? So explosions so powerful they can severe structural steel beams. But somehow not powerful enough to move air molecules and make a sound.

Yeah, that's not physics works.

This is the credibility of the Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist, claiming that is not CLEARLY controlled demolition, which it clearly is...
Wow. It only took you a 7 pages to go full Truther this time.

That's restraint.

And controlled demolition....but no sound? So explosions so powerful they can severe structural steel beams. But somehow not powerful enough to move air molecules and make a sound.

Yeah, that's not physics works.

Evaporating demo rigs.

He's a loon.
This is the credibility of the Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist, claiming that is not CLEARLY controlled demolition, which it clearly is...

SILENT controlled demolition? How does that work?

Any explosion sufficiently powerful to sever a massive structural steel beam is sufficient to make a sound. Here's ACTUAL controlled demolition. Its so goddamn loud.

Yet WTC 7 fell in silence. There is no such thing as silence controlled demolition.

There were explosions and they were not silent...

Here's your own video.

The folks watching were completely startled, screaming Woah, WOAH! as it started to fall....as there was no sound indicating any collapse. No explosions. No kicker charges.

Nothing. It just started falling in silence, startling onlookers.

There's no such thing as silent controlled demolition. You've fantasized it. Any explosion sufficient to sever a massive steel beam is sufficient to make a sound.
YOU? Positively.

Trump screwed up. Vance is antiwoman.. he will alienate all suburban women.

Could Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance turn out to be the entirely wrong pick as Donald Trump’s running mate?

U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the White House race may well turn 2024 into the Year of the Woman — namely, that of Vice President Kamala Harris who, armed with the outgoing president’s endorsement, can now be considered the front-runner to replace him atop the Democratic ticket.

Could Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance turn out to be the entirely wrong pick as Donald Trump’s running mate?

Vance’s strict anti-abortion positions of the past, and a string of highly contentious statements he’s made about divorce, implying that women trapped in abusive marriages should remain married for the sake of the kids, aren’t likely to be forgotten. In 2021, he suggested ending marriages that were “maybe even violent” as selfish. “This is one of the great tricks that the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace,” he said. “Making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear.”

He’s also a strict pro-natalist, characterizing those who don’t have kids as “childless cat ladies,” and suggesting that people with children should be given additional votes. He has taken aim at childcare subsidies as “class war against normal people,” despite — or maybe because — such subsidies provide women with young kids more opportunities to work or go to school and be independent.
Trump screwed up. Vance is antiwoman.. he will alienate all suburban women.

Could Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance turn out to be the entirely wrong pick as Donald Trump’s running mate?

U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the White House race may well turn 2024 into the Year of the Woman — namely, that of Vice President Kamala Harris who, armed with the outgoing president’s endorsement, can now be considered the front-runner to replace him atop the Democratic ticket.

Could Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance turn out to be the entirely wrong pick as Donald Trump’s running mate?

Vance’s strict anti-abortion positions of the past, and a string of highly contentious statements he’s made about divorce, implying that women trapped in abusive marriages should remain married for the sake of the kids, aren’t likely to be forgotten. In 2021, he suggested ending marriages that were “maybe even violent” as selfish. “This is one of the great tricks that the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace,” he said. “Making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear.”

He’s also a strict pro-natalist, characterizing those who don’t have kids as “childless cat ladies,” and suggesting that people with children should be given additional votes. He has taken aim at childcare subsidies as “class war against normal people,” despite — or maybe because — such subsidies provide women with young kids more opportunities to work or go to school and be independent.
Gaslight alert. Just because you pull it out of your ample ass does not make it true. Please do run Kameltoe, I welcome the comedy unburdened by the past burdens that became the burdens that she will be unburdened by. LMAO.

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