Will Trump Replace JD Vance?

Will Vance Remain Trump's VP?

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I'm serious. Trump fired so many people when he was President, and JD's not helping him in the polls, and he's going to get killed if he debates Kamala's VP. And with Republicans seeing how much replacing Biden energized our base, I can see Trump picking someone else. Of course he will not be honest about why he is replacing him. But it will throw us for a loop.

Now I know how Republicans feel when they were so laser focused on Biden and for us Democrats to pull this on them. Boy it was great. Now Mike Johnson is telling Republicans to stop being racist and Nikki is telling them to stop being misogynist.

I predict JD gets booted from the ticket before the DNC.
Vance has Simpyboob scared. :auiqs.jpg:
Translated "I'd rather do nothing about the border crisis while American citizens are raped an murdered as long as a democrat is in charge".

I want to look into JD Vance and point some things out.
1. He went to a public school. Does he give them any credit for the man he became?

2. He had to go to the Marines after he graduated. I'm sure that helped him pay for college and I respect him for a combat correspondent but that sucks that poor people have to do all that to get themselves out of poverty or pay for college.

3. How did he get a FULL RIDE scholarship to Yale? Generally, scholarships are awarded based on a set of criteria such as academic merit, diversity and inclusion, athletic skill, and financial need, research experience or specific professional experience.

4. After graduating from law school, Vance worked for Republican Senator John Cornyn. He spent a year as a law clerk then entered private practice at the law firm. Having practiced law for slightly under two years, Vance moved to San Francisco CALIFORNIA? to work in the technology industry as a venture capitalist and only made it 1 year.

5. Only thing else he could do was move to Ohio (where he/they/Republicans knew a guy like him (marine or cop white man) could win an open seat and would consider starting a nonprofit or running for office.

So he had to live there for a bit before he could run. Right?

I have a friend who won his county seat this exact way. He was a retiring cop. If he won he would retire as a cop and do county clerk full time. Why not it pays more than a cop.
Vance is a Yale graduate who ran a successful business. He isn't going to lose the debate.

The issue should be that Trump didn't know who he was running against. Trump could find a pivot, it wouldn't even be that messy due to what the Dems did.

He won't choose Haley, I don't think, but would pick Rubio.

I said from the beginning that to win without question, Gabbard would be the pick. It would be a layup at that point and Trumps enemies knew this. It wouldn't matter his opponent, even Michelle Obama.

Second choice to win for certain would be a toss up between Scott and Rubio.

The reasons for this is that it damages the Dem media talking points. Further, all of the above names are competent, seasoned politicians.

It is what it is. If Trump wins, it will be a more powerful team, more in the mold of a Reagan/GHWB. However, I am highly supportive of Rubio. When he speaks about intelligence issues I listen. One of the few politicians I do listen to. Pompeo would be another.

Not sure why people don't understand that the media will attack whoever TRUMP were to pick for any position.
Rubio was complicit in the Russia Russia Russia hoax through his appointment on the select committee on Intelligence. Rubio had the same access to information as Devin Nunes, yet he remained silent.
Vance has Simpyboob scared. :auiqs.jpg:
I love picking guys like this apart.

I want to know more about his family. He was poor? How poor? Ben Carson poor?

Did you guys vet this guy?

During Vance's 2022 campaign for U.S. Senate, Tim Ryan, the Democratic nominee, said the charity was a front for Vance's political ambitions. Ryan pointed to reports that the organization paid a Vance political adviser and conducted public opinion polling, while its efforts to address addiction failed. Vance denied the characterization. A 2021 report by Business Insider revealed that Our Ohio Renewal's tax filings showed that in its first year, it spent more on "management services" provided by its executive director Jai Chabria, who also served as Vance's top political adviser, than it did on programs to fight opioid abuse.

Of course Ohio voters there don't give a fuck. He was just the least scummy Republican to choose from. Like I said in a previous post. He moved to Ohio where Republicans sent him because they knew he would win.

Whenever I drive up north I wish my Republican buddy could find me a nice community up north where they need a candidate. Any candidate will do so long as they are Republican. Then live in luxury the rest of your days because if you serve 2 terms you get a pension. Cha ching!
I'm serious. Trump fired so many people when he was President, and JD's not helping him in the polls, and he's going to get killed if he debates Kamala's VP. And with Republicans seeing how much replacing Biden energized our base, I can see Trump picking someone else. Of course he will not be honest about why he is replacing him. But it will throw us for a loop.

Now I know how Republicans feel when they were so laser focused on Biden and for us Democrats to pull this on them. Boy it was great. Now Mike Johnson is telling Republicans to stop being racist and Nikki is telling them to stop being misogynist.

I predict JD gets booted from the ticket before the DNC.
Better question would be "When will the GOP replace Trump with Vance?" The old man stuff has been put into people's minds. The chickens are coming home to roost.

Trump sometimes looks like he's gonna check out after a few steps walking. HE usually gets into a go cart and drives around aimlessly in circles. Walking is dangerous for an old man in his physical shape.

1 Trump splotch.png
I love picking guys like this apart.

I want to know more about his family. He was poor? How poor? Ben Carson poor?

Did you guys vet this guy?

During Vance's 2022 campaign for U.S. Senate, Tim Ryan, the Democratic nominee, said the charity was a front for Vance's political ambitions. Ryan pointed to reports that the organization paid a Vance political adviser and conducted public opinion polling, while its efforts to address addiction failed. Vance denied the characterization. A 2021 report by Business Insider revealed that Our Ohio Renewal's tax filings showed that in its first year, it spent more on "management services" provided by its executive director Jai Chabria, who also served as Vance's top political adviser, than it did on programs to fight opioid abuse.

Of course Ohio voters there don't give a fuck. He was just the least scummy Republican to choose from. Like I said in a previous post. He moved to Ohio where Republicans sent him because they knew he would win.

Whenever I drive up north I wish my Republican buddy could find me a nice community up north where they need a candidate. Any candidate will do so long as they are Republican. Then live in luxury the rest of your days because if you serve 2 terms you get a pension. Cha ching!
Cry more. :auiqs.jpg:
Not sure why people don't understand that the media will attack whoever TRUMP were to pick for any position.
Rubio was complicit in the Russia Russia Russia hoax through his appointment on the select committee on Intelligence. Rubio had the same access to information as Devin Nunes, yet he remained silent.
There was no Russia hoax. Mueller special counsel investigation - Wikipedia

Senate Intel Releases Election Security Findings in First Volume of Bipartisan Russia Report

Senate report outlines ‘grave’ Russian threat in 2016 election interference probe​

The report details ties between the Trump campaign and Russia but doesn’t find evidence of coordinated scheme​

Better question would be "When will the GOP replace Trump with Vance?" The old man stuff has been put into people's minds. The chickens are coming home to roost.

Trump sometimes looks like he's gonna check out after a few steps walking. HE usually gets into a go cart and drives around aimlessly in circles. Walking is dangerous for an old man in his physical shape.

View attachment 984528
And he is definitely on something when he's at the podium

"You know, they go crazy when I say, ‘The late great Hannibal Lecter,’ OK? They say, ‘Why would he mention Hannibal Lecter? He must be cognitively in trouble.’ No no no, these are real stories. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lamb. He’s a lovely man. He’d love to have you for dinner.”
There was no Russia hoax. Mueller special counsel investigation - Wikipedia

Senate Intel Releases Election Security Findings in First Volume of Bipartisan Russia Report

Senate report outlines ‘grave’ Russian threat in 2016 election interference probe​

The report details ties between the Trump campaign and Russia but doesn’t find evidence of coordinated scheme​

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
Cry more. :auiqs.jpg:

And you don't think Trump is in mental decline?

"You know, they go crazy when I say, ‘The late great Hannibal Lecter,’ OK? They say, ‘Why would he mention Hannibal Lecter? He must be cognitively in trouble.’ No no no, these are real stories. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lamb. He’s a lovely man. He’d love to have you for dinner.”
I don’t think Vance was necessarily a bad veep pick.

But it wasn’t a very bold choice.

Given the changing landscape of the race, I’m sure he wishes he had picked a woman or a person of color. Someone who would’ve have shaken things up and make people take notice

If trumps good at anything, it’s showmanship. And Vance seems like a pretty bland choice in retrospect
I don’t think Vance was necessarily a bad veep pick.

But it wasn’t a very bold choice.

Given the changing landscape of the race, I’m sure he wishes he had picked a woman or a person of color. Someone who would’ve have shaken things up and make people take notice

If trumps good at anything, it’s showmanship. And Vance seems like a pretty bland choice in retrospect
He picked vance because of vance's fealty to him.

He thinks vance will succeed where mike pence failEd. And by that I mean, he thinks vance will break the law for him to try to steal an election.

We have to keep in mind that the only reason trump is running is to stay out of prison.
He picked vance because of vance's fealty to him.

He thinks vance will succeed where mike pence failEd. And by that I mean, he thinks vance will break the law for him to try to steal an election.

We have to keep in mind that the only reason trump is running is to stay out of prison.
I wonder if he even realizes that the current veep is the one who will officially declare the 2024 election results in her capacity as the president of the senate.

Vance isn’t in the position to certify jack shit
Of course I can. Not sure why you have to lie.

What I don't like about MAGA is:

a. It is formed around the most blatant, embarrassing, emotionally damaged con man this country has ever seen.
b. It has professional politicians, media pundits and religious organizations selling their soul for it.
c. It celebrates caveman politics, i.e., aggressive, ignorant and juvenile behavior that is an insult to this country.
d. It demonstrates the Dunning-Kruger Effect to an absolutely alarming degree.
e. It has isolated a large portion of the country within an entirely separate informational ecosystem.
f. It is often animated by mal-information, paranoia and rage.
g. It has conditioned its rank & file to avoid communicating and/or collaborating with anyone who dares to disagree with them.
h. It is purely binary in nature, and its constituents are willing to bring down the country if they can't get their way.
i. It is strongman-based, and now appears to be both authoritarian and theocratic.
j. It clearly considers important human characteristics such as empathy, decency, curiosity and collaboration as some kind of weaknesses.
k. It is electing people who reflect all of the above.

You'll notice that this isn't about the individual issues for me.

I know you'll deny and dismiss all of the above, and that's okay. I told you why I don't care for MAGA, and I've said all of the above any number of times. So you're just lying.
Yes it is dismissed because of hypocrisy

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