Musk: "Woke Virus Killed My Son"

How is society "hurt"? Because the bigots can't have their way? That's like saying society was hurt when they let the darkies drink out of the same water fountains. It upset the social order, dammit!!!

It sounds like the other mental issues were the problem, not the transgender part. 18% of people suffer from some kind of mental health challenge.

I looked up where Jazz Jennings is today. Other than struggling with weight issues successfully, she seems to be fine.

By locking people into sexual purgatory? By encouraging people to drug and mutilate themselves? Sorry, but race and this aren't even remotely the same.


Insanity Wrap: The Sad Truth About Jazz Jennings
Except most are fine with their decision. only 3% of transgender go back, and most of them because of social pressure.

So if 97% of the time a procedure is a success, that sounds pretty good. Most therapies don't have that kind of success rate.

They have no choice but to be fine. Once the cuts are done there is no going back. And the studies that consider them "fine" ignore the ones that kill themselves anyway even after getting what they supposedly want.

That number is a lie.
By locking people into sexual purgatory? By encouraging people to drug and mutilate themselves? Sorry, but race and this aren't even remotely the same.


Insanity Wrap: The Sad Truth About Jazz Jennings

You consider PJ Media a reliable source?

Discrimination is discrimination. We have too much of it in this country, and I say that as a white, straight, cis-gendered male with all the privileges that entails.
You consider PJ Media a reliable source?

Discrimination is discrimination. We have too much of it in this country, and I say that as a white, straight, cis-gendered male with all the privileges that entails.

I consider it an opinion. Unlike you I can tell between opinion and fact.

And it's just as reliable as any lefty source you can come up with saying Jazz is hunky dory with everything.

This isn't discrimination, it's trying to protect people from predators and themselves when they are minors.
I consider it an opinion. Unlike you I can tell between opinion and fact.

And it's just as reliable as any lefty source you can come up with saying Jazz is hunky dory with everything.

This isn't discrimination, it's trying to protect people from predators and themselves when they are minors.

Your opinions are all based on your bigotries, usually against people who aren't doing you any harm.

I'll take Jazz's own word over some right wing bigots, thanks.

Medical professionals are predators now?
Your opinions are all based on your bigotries, usually against people who aren't doing you any harm.

I'll take Jazz's own word over some right wing bigots, thanks.

Medical professionals are predators now?

Delusion is Delusion. Also you dismiss the detransitioners.

Some are. Some put ideology over reality.

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