Withheld satellite internet service to Kyiv to thwart attack on Russia navy fleet: Elon Musk

Not if nuclear armed powers in the west don't meddle in the conflict. . . they won't use them. You know this, I know this.

That is now what their leaders are saying.

“The loss of a nuclear power in a conventional war can provoke the outbreak of a nuclear war,” Medvedev wrote on Telegram in January. “Nuclear powers do not lose major conflicts on which their fate depends.

“This should be obvious to anyone. Even to a Western politician who has retained at least some trace of intelligence.”

I have said and written many times that if we correctly build a strategy of intimidation and deterrence and even use of nuclear weapons, the risk of a “retaliatory” nuclear or any other strike on our territory can be reduced to an absolute minimum.

Ramzan Kadyrov, head of Russia’s region of Chechnya, said on Saturday that Moscow should consider using a low-yield nuclear weapon in Ukraine amid new reversals on the battlefield.

In a message on Telegram criticizing Russian commanders for abandoning the east Ukrainian town of Lyman on Saturday, Kadyrov wrote: “In my personal opinion, more drastic measures should be taken, right up to the declaration of martial law in the border areas and the use of low-yield nuclear weapons.”

"Fake News" indeed.
That is now what their leaders are saying.

"Fake News" indeed.
A) None of those are primary sources, but I will grant you, there are probably hawks, neo-cons, & imperialists in Russia, that suggest things like this. . .


B) We have psychopaths in the west that dream up scenarios to first use and false flag events, where our own side could conceivably use them first, to move the needle on this conflict.

The dates on your articles?

Mon July 31, 2023
Updated: 01 October ,2022

All you are doing, is pushing the propaganda, and inflaming tensions on this. It is nothing but garbage. We have folks on our side doing this too.

October 27, 2022

Biden Policy Allows First Use of Nuclear Weapons
April 2022

"President Joe Biden has signed off on a months-long, Pentagon-led review of U.S. defense strategy and nuclear weapons policy. On March 28, the White House announced that it had transmitted to Congress the classified version of the National Defense Strategy (NDS). Senior administration officials told Arms Control Today that this document includes the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) and the Missile Defense Review (MDR)
as annexes.

President Joe Biden has reversed his predecessor’s policy and cancelled plans for a nuclear version of the sea-launched cruise missile. (U.S. Navy photo by LTJG Sean Ianno)
Senior U.S. officials said that Biden has decided not to follow through on his 2020 pledge to declare that the sole purpose of nuclear weapons is to deter a nuclear attack against the United States or its allies. Instead, he approved a version of a policy from the Obama administration that leaves open the option to use nuclear weapons not only in retaliation to a nuclear attack, but also to respond to non-nuclear threats.

Biden’s policy declares that the “fundamental role” of the U.S. nuclear arsenal is to deter a nuclear attack, but will still leave open the option that nuclear weapons could be used in “extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners,” officials told ACT. According to a March 25 report by The Wall Street Journal, this might include nuclear use to deter enemy conventional, biological, chemical, and possibly cyberattacks. . . . "

It would appear, that the US & NATO have decided to ditch the first use policy on tactical nukes, first. 🙄

Just stahp already.

Everyone knows, the Ukraine war, is a war of attrition. Ukraine has less artillery, and less man power, it is losing.

Stop the denial, drop the propaganda, and roll with some compromise and negotiation already. . .

. . . or else it will be the doom of us all.
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i'm ready to let our leaders just take the Black Sea..
and for Ukraine to get included in NATO and the EU on a fast track.
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Yeah, and you can imagine for Putin, that isn't really in his game plan.

He bluffs all the time, thinks he's real smart. But one look and you can see the bluffing from a mile away. Musk must not be looking.
Musk played it safe. i can't blame him.
he has limited military and geopolitical knowhow.

and preventing nuclear war is a huge responsibility that should always err on the side of caution, especially when done by a civilian.

once again, just include Ukraine in NATO and the EU already.
or arm them to the teeth with non-nuke IRBMs (to take out the Sebastopol naval base and thus take away Putin's reason to stay in the war), but stop supplying advanced arms if they attack Russian civilian targets..
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Musk played it safe. i can't blame him.
he has limited military and geopolitical knowhow.

and preventing nuclear war is a huge responsibility that should always err on the side of caution, especially when done by a civilian.

once again, just include Ukraine in NATO and the EU already.
or arm them to the teeth with non-nuke IRBMs (to take out the Sebastopol naval base and thus take away Putin's reason to stay in the war), but stop supplying advanced arms if they attack Russian civilian targets..

Musk should perhaps look to appeasement before WW2 if he wants to look at whether he's saving lives or not.
Musk should perhaps look to appeasement before WW2 if he wants to look at whether he's saving lives or not.
did the Ukranians get White House and Brussel's and the UK's approval to take out that naval fleet?
i don't think they did. but i could be mistaken. and i bet it's hard to find in the news.

anyways, Musk is a civilian. a western oligarch, if you will.
only government officials should be able to determine whether a civilian's infrastructure can be used in acts of war.
did the Ukranians get White House and Brussel's and the UK's approval to take out that naval fleet?
i don't think they did. but i could be mistaken. and i bet it's hard to find in the news.

anyways, Musk is a civilian. a western oligarch, if you will.
only government officials should be able to determine whether a civilian's infrastructure can be used in acts of war.

Why should the Ukraine get approval to defend their country?

They're not a child.
Why should the Ukraine get approval to defend their country?

They're not a child.
news-flash : that Russian naval base in Crimea? has been there for > 100 years now.
the Ukranians TOOK "their" land from the USSR after that fell.
i really can't blame the Russians for making a fuss over that.

control of the Black Sea, that is channeled to in Turkey from the Meditteranean Sea, is at stake.
hell, i'd get very nervous and angry if they try to take control of our territorial waters in the North Sea from my country (Netherlands).
control the sea to put the shores and inlands at your mercy.

but at the same time, the other side of the coin, is the right to self-determination.
we here in NATO managed to sell our worldviews to the East-Europeans en-masse, they elected pro-western leaders over there, and those leaders then played a solid game of territorial greed.
but not always in the favor of the locals, to say the least.
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Rich. . . some foreigner, telling a real American what his history is? :eusa_think:






I am talking about the current events, sport. 'Real American'. Considering my experience on this forum, someone boasting about being a real American is usually an asshole.
I am talking about the current events, sport. 'Real American'. Considering my experience on this forum, someone boasting about being a real American is usually an asshole.
conservatives and even traditionatlists and religiously minded people can be perfectly sane and law abiding citizens to, and therefore got just as much right as you do to indicate where their boundaries are (and much more, if they so choose).
Withheld satellite internet service to Kyiv to thwart attack on Russia navy fleet: Elon Musk
Elon Musk has acknowledged that he denied satellite internet service in order to prevent a Ukrainian drone attack on a Russian naval fleet last year. The Starlink satellite internet service has been a digital lifeline in Ukraine since the early days of the war.

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was this a bad call? i think so.
it could have shortened the war in NATO and Ukraine's favor.

Why do you use the name Peace Fan when you seem to support Ukraine, the vassal of NATO?

For peace, Musk did the right thing. Considering the proverbial "Big Picture", going back in the history of that region, including interactions between Reagan, Baker, Bush and the rest in promises to Russia, Russia has had the high moral ground in this conflict since the beginning.
Why do you use the name Peace Fan when you seem to support Ukraine, the vassal of NATO?

For peace, Musk did the right thing. Considering the proverbial "Big Picture", going back in the history of that region, including interactions between Reagan, Baker, Bush and the rest in promises to Russia, Russia has had the high moral ground in this conflict since the beginning.
i'm merely following the trend set by the White House.
imo, Zelensky should have called up the White House, the White House should have authorized the hits on the Sebastopol naval fleet, and mr Musk should've received a call by the White House to keep starlink available for those ops.
A) None of those are primary sources, but I will grant you, there are probably hawks, neo-cons, & imperialists in Russia, that suggest things like this. . .

Oh dear me, this is so funny. A direct quote, and you say it is "not primary". Well, I guess if I looked I could find the original in Russian, not sure how much good that would actually do.

And sweetie, did you actually read your reference? I doubt it, as they are just blurbs from articles behind a paywall. Nobody can read them unless they are paying subscribers, so using such a link to validate your claim is a failure. You can claim it says anything you want, and I know I am not willing to pay them just to see if it actually says what you say it does.

And stop with the garbage coprolite politibabble. All that does is confirm even more you are simply another political animal and are only coming from a political standpoint. And that means absolutely nothing to me as I do not give a fig about politics. I only deal in reality.
Musk played it safe. i can't blame him.
he has limited military and geopolitical knowhow.

L. Ron Musk is a populist who sticks his finger into the air to see where the winds are blowing at any given time. Most of his claims are nonsense and most of his projects are failures.

It was not all that long ago he was screaming how awesome Starlink was, and how he was increasing launches in order to provide services to Ukraine. Of course, he was charging them a premium for the service, but he did do that. And now he admits he was making decisions to cut it off because he wanted to.

Guess what that is going to mean to anybody else that is using his service, or has considered using it? A hard and fast backpedal, as no nation wants a megalomaniacal businessman making decisions that can affect their country. If I was any government or business that had been using Starlink, at this time I would be trying to find almost anybody else to provide those services.

In the military we have a phrase, and that is "stay in your lane". As a service provider, it is not your job to try and control how that service is used. Especially based on your own beliefs. L. Ron needs to realize he set himself up as a service provider, and it is not his role or right to dictate how those services are used so long as it is done legally and is not in violation of the EULA.

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