Elon Musk: I Vowed to "Kill the Woke Mind Virus" After I Was Tricked Into Approving Transgender Surgery for My Son

Ah bigotry, the call of the person who doesn't actually want to argue something.

If I don't want to have sex with a fake woman, does that make me a bigot?
I'd love to argue something but first you'd have to be brave enough to describe this reality you speak of.
What is a man? What's a woman? Where do they come from? What's the actual purpose of gender reassignment surgery?

What's the deal with Ovaltine? The jar is round, the O is round, it should be called roundtine.

What we know is that for some reason society has gone off the rails thinking this is somehow beneficial to it and to those it is subjecting this to.

History will not look kindly back on this period. We are seeing the retreat on hard trans ideology in Europe already.
What's the deal with Ovaltine? The jar is round, the O is round, it should be called roundtine.

What we know is that for some reason society has gone off the rails thinking this is somehow beneficial to it and to those it is subjecting this to.

History will not look kindly back on this period. We are seeing the retreat on hard trans ideology in Europe already.
Why can't you answer what a woman is? :dunno: :laugh:
Why can't you answer what a woman is? :dunno: :laugh:

Because any answer I give your reality denial will refuse to understand it.

We can go with XX chromosomes, we can go with being born with the genitalia of a woman.

But then you go and run from biology and go into gender constructs that are nothing more than cop outs to muddy the waters and equate gender with sex and biology.
Because any answer I give your reality denial will refuse to understand it.
That's sounds really insecure. You should have enough confidence in yourself Marty. :itsok:
We can go with XX chromosomes, we can go with being born with the genitalia of a woman.
What if you were born with xxy chromosomes? Or mix matched genitalia? Or 46,XX chromosomes?
But then you go and run from biology and go into gender constructs that are nothing more than cop outs to muddy the waters and equate gender with sex and biology.
I'm here whenever you want to answer those questions above little guy.
Because any answer I give your reality denial will refuse to understand it.

We can go with XX chromosomes, we can go with being born with the genitalia of a woman.

But then you go and run from biology and go into gender constructs that are nothing more than cop outs to muddy the waters and equate gender with sex and biology.
The problem is we almost never know what the genitals and chromosomes of the person we are interacting with are.

So from a practical standpoint, gender really is something different.
That's sounds really insecure. You should have enough confidence in yourself Marty. :itsok:

What if you were born with xxy chromosomes? Or mix matched genitalia?

I'm here whenever you want to answer those questions above little guy.

No, it's understanding the vapidness of my opponent.

That small subset is in no way related to the current disaster of mutilation and cosplaying while demanding people ignore reality. Those are physical and genetic defects, not healthy people deciding to drug or mutilate themselves.

There are the answers, now do your usual thing of asking more questions or quoting pseudo-scientific tripe.
The problem is we almost never know what the genitals and chromosomes of the person we are interacting with are.

So from a practical standpoint, gender really is something different.

Only in the minds of those who want it to be so and want to force that view on everyone else.

It's all part of the denial of reality by people who seem to trend left, that them thinking something makes it true for not only themselves, but for everyone else.
Only in the minds of those who want it to be so and want to force that view on everyone else.

It's all part of the denial of reality by people who seem to trend left, that them thinking something makes it true for not only themselves, but for everyone else.
I just gave you reality. You focus on chromosomes and genitals, when clearly that’s not actually what you’re experiencing with people.
I just gave you reality. You focus on chromosomes and genitals, when clearly that’s not actually what you’re experiencing with people.

Once again your side tries to muddy the waters by bringing up gender constructs and yet demanding they pass through to sex. So if some dude dressed up as a woman, or mutilates himself to pretend he is a woman, I am forced to treat them as a woman OR ELSE.

Sorry, but no.
No, it's understanding the vapidness of my opponent.
You could argue that while also expressing confidence in your argument. The fact that you can't do the latter suggests you're failing at the former.
That small subset is in no way related to the current disaster of mutilation and cosplaying while demanding people ignore reality. Those are physical and genetic defects, not healthy people deciding to drug or mutilate themselves.
This has to do with your description of what a female is. You said XX chromosomes were female. Some XX people present as men though with male sex organs. How does that square?
There are the answers, now do your usual thing of asking more questions or quoting pseudo-scientific tripe.
You didn't answer you dodged. Do you accept that people with XX chromosomes can present male with male genitalia or not?
You could argue that while also expressing confidence in your argument. The fact that you can't do the latter suggests you're failing at the former.

This has to do with your description of what a female is. You said XX chromosomes were female. Some XX people present as men though with male sex organs. How does that square?

You didn't answer you dodged. Do you accept that people with XX chromosomes can present male with male genitalia or not?

I have plenty of confidence in my argument, your attempt at showing otherwise is just chicanery.

Again, genetic or developmental defaults that are not organic to the trans issue.

See the answer above.
I have plenty of confidence in my argument, your attempt at showing otherwise is just chicanery.

Again, genetic or developmental defaults that are not organic to the trans issue.

See the answer above.
Curried Goats is a homosexual who supports drag fag library hour and taxpayers footing the bill for frankensurgery.
Once again your side tries to muddy the waters by bringing up gender constructs and yet demanding they pass through to sex. So if some dude dressed up as a woman, or mutilates himself to pretend he is a woman, I am forced to treat them as a woman OR ELSE.

Sorry, but no.
Of course gender is a construct.

We gender all kinds of shit. There’s gendered clothes. Gendered toys. Fuck, you can buy gendered tooth brushes.

You think any of that has to do with genitals?
I have plenty of confidence in my argument, your attempt at showing otherwise is just chicanery.

Again, genetic or developmental defaults that are not organic to the trans issue.

See the answer above.
We're not specifically talking about trans issues here Marty. We're re trying to see if you can offer up a consistent definition of what a woman is and so far you're failing. Hard. If XX chromosomes is what it takes to be a woman then these people with XX chromosomes and male genitalia are women according to you. Now do you want to amend that argument or are you instead arguing that women can have all types of bodies, including ones with male sex organs? :dunno:

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